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Not Smoking.....Again

I can hear you all sigh, but yes, have given up smoking again. Last one was at 17.00 on Friday 05th Jan. Actually wasnt too bad over the weekend, but now, i'm stuck working at home. So, being bored (not that i'm not busy), the cravings are kicking in. I've nearly gone to get some about 5 times this morning, but have resisted.

I've got a patch on again, but eating seems to be my main distraction. The only problem being, I also joined Weight Watchers on Wednesday last week :yahoo: So I have to watch everything that goes in my muggins.

Ah well, maybe I could substitute food with :yahoo: :blush:

Well, apparantly, i;ve gone through this so far:

20 minutes

Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.

8 hours

Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.

24 hours

Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body.

Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

48 hours

There is no nicotine left in the body.

Ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.

72 hours

Breathing becomes easier.

Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.

Thats the only thing with the patches, is you still have a nicotine intake :drinks:


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snow raven


Keep it up Chris. Im a non smoker, and as some know, smoking is my biggest pet hate! However, I can also imagine how difficult it is to give up the habit, but as long as you have will power, your'll succeed. You have to want to give up in the first place...... so get munching those celery and carrot sticks, and good luck with both no smoking and WW :):good:



Keep it up Chris. Im a non smoker, and as some know, smoking is my biggest pet hate! However, I can also imagine how difficult it is to give up the habit, but as long as you have will power, your'll succeed. You have to want to give up in the first place...... so get munching those celery and carrot sticks, and good luck with both no smoking and WW :):good:

Thanks SR :)

Didnt have one yesterday, so quite chuffed considering the major cravings. Feels a bit better today, so here hoping its only going to get easier :drinks:

Somehow, even though i'm on WW, I managed to stay within my points, even though I munched throughout the day. Although that is probably due to me eating things like sprouts, then a bowl of olives :bad:

Still, its a new day. Shame its wet and windy.

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