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Scary day....



Tuesday morning, Nellie was lying on the sofa with a bit of a temperature, but nothing serious. Me and her daddy went in to do the regular check, and we noticed she was lying funny. We then realised she had her eyes rolled back, having a seizure, and her temp was sky high.

This is the most frightening thing I have ever witnessed in my life: she was shaking and utterly limp and everytime she looked at me, she just looked straight through me as if I wasn't there. At points we could hardly hear her breathing, and at others it was like she was wheezing.

After what seemed like an hour on the phone to the 999 people (but which was actually only 2 minutes) paramedic in car arrives with ambulance following. By this point, Nellie is back with us, but really doesn't know where or who she is. She then starts throwing up.

We get put into the ambulance and taken to the hospital, where they triage us and decide she's not in immediate danger, but that they need to get her temp down (by this point it's at 39.5 and feels cooler: goodness knows what it must have been whilst we were at home.), so give her some ibuprofen and bung her in the a&e waiting room, where we sit in boiling heat for three hours while they try to find a bed for her: the staff were marvellous, but my goodness they really didn't have the facilities and yet again, just proved our experience that, despite some great staff, Watford hospital really is crap.

Luckily I'd brought some water with me, so we kept giving her little sips, and from time to time Andrew took her out into the corridor to cool her down.

Eventually we get seen, but they still can't find a source of the infection which is keeping her temp so high (the 90 degree waiting room might have something to do with it, no?). They then see three small spots (real pin pricks) which Andrew and I can't be sure we've seen before, and which don't pass the glass test [for anyone not in the know, if your child gets a rash, roll a glass across it, and if the spots don't disappear get them to an a&e asap, as it could be meningitis].

So with that, they decide that they want her to see a consultant, as her temp is still up, and now with the spots and with no other obvious sign of flu/cold, etc they're thinking big infections....

But thank goodness, at this point, Miss Nellie decides she's going to drop her temp, and starts whinging that she's hungry: after 2 bits of bread and butter and some squash (all fetched by a lovely kind nurse) she's really perked up and by the time the consultant arrives is clearly on the mend.

Consultant decides that it's probably (probably?????!!!!!!) nothing nasty and we get to go home and get told to keep an eye on her. After a restless night (daddy checks until 1am, then we all sleep, and I get up at 3am when she wakes and we both come downstairs to sit on the sofa) she seems much better, although she is still running a temp I would normally not be happy with, but which seems positively freezing after yesterday: this is inspite of huge doses of calpol and ibuprofen (doctor sanctioned). She's also on hefty antibiotics.

Today, she has been almost back to normal, although her temp is still a little bit up. So nice to have my little girl back again :drunk: , fighting fit.....I hate it when she's sick and I hope never to have to go through that again.

I must say at this point a great BIG huge thanks to the ambulance control crew and the paramedics who kept us talking on the phone, and then who so patiently and calmly sorted her out while I just sat there terrified. The nurses and doctors were great too, and were very thorough. To Watford hospital I say, sort out your facilities as it's causing your poor staff endless amounts of trouble in an already stressful job.


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I can't begin to imagine how worried you and Mr Roo must have been - Glad to hear things are significantly better now. :)

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Just a quick update: Miss Nellie is virtually back to normal: has been eating and sleeping loads, but is back to her normal cheerful, if a bit impatient, self!!!!

Now we just have to try to wean her off all the chocolate, DVDs and limitless supply of telly that she's had today..... :doh: :lol: :lol:

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