I Really Shouldn't....
I really shouldn't give up smoking, twice this year I have given up and yes I feel much better for it but I have become a touchy grouchy old cow who bites at the slightest provocation. I am constantly saying things and instantly apologising, mostly to Joe and the kids. I find I am so less tolerant of people I don't like and instead of just thinking 't&*t' I say it. Things are no longer water off a ducks back to me, and I don't like it.
On a different note....
My Frog turns 16 next week trouble is now is when the true worrying starts! eeeek! feel extra old too but once Frog's birthday is out of the way then you will all be glad *snigger* to know I will be on my normal Xmas high (I hope) the Xmas countdown will begin
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