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    Making money amd watching the weather !

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  1. Me to !! Looks hot and sunny to me, not sure what the fuss is about t
  2. That's good then because in that case there looks a fair few hours of snow left for me then
  3. Anyone worried that the fronts aren't occluding fast enough and that warm sector is fast approaching ?
  4. Is the fact that it started so early in Hereford in fact a bad sign ? Eg that the block was not as strong or that the front is moving faster than we thought ?
  5. Funny how we all come alive for a bit of snow - me very much included. Tremendously cold uppers at the mo. let's just hope that warm sector stays as south as pos. still lots of mixing up there so we never will really know where that snow line is. The good thing is that we're no longer in FI !
  6. Of course ! Thanks. Just heavy rain here in Hereford. Hope thats not it !
  7. Hi, can anyone recommend a good lightning detector ? the only one Ive seen is the Isle of White one which seems a little wrong at the mo ?
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