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Everything posted by rixxxgolf

  1. Decently dark, raining and odd rumble of the Thunder in Grimsby... 21.3c too and inching up! :/
  2. Seen 3 mini cloud funnels above Grimsby today alone, very short lived and solidly out the way... but it's all gone quiet again now - dark though.
  3. Here comes the rain again, rumbles of thumber aint a memory... Grimsby getting a little lightning
  4. Cleethorpes, Grimsby and South towards Licoln, just had under 2 hours of storms! At one point a flash every 3-4 seconds. Dying down now.
  5. Anyone use the weatheronline one and have a comparison? Might change to this if genuinely better...
  6. Was on top of us, Flash, 0.5 second BOOOM!!!! Loads of snow to come!
  7. Jurgen - What camera and settings are you using for such crisp pictures?!
  8. Lots on snow in Grimsby, Almost 0'c too! Still an hour of it or so to go!
  9. Watching a replay right now.... HOW FRIGGIN GOOD IS THAT!!!!!
  10. I can hear a storm approaching, eastbound along the M180 towards Grimsby - look at the radar and Lightning charts!
  11. Monster storm and in that part of the world, a fatal one
  12. Bit windy, Bit wet. Where's my suntan at?!?!??!
  13. This rain area is looking dangerous, It's hooking round too. Flooding on a severe scale is going to happen!
  14. Hmmm, great pictures, not 100% on them being Tornadoes, maybe severe dust devils. Oh to hell with it, TORNADOES LOL
  15. Grimsby... 16:14 Outsdie Temp @ 24.1'c!!! 42% Humidity Very breezy with alot of Cumulus clouds floatin' by. Sunny spells.
  16. Grimsby, Bloody sticky @ 23.1'c although 41% Humidity. Light winds, high pollen AGAIN and a rudolf red nose! Cloudyish. a few darker clouds but nothing menacing
  17. Twas just about to post that lol. great video aint it.
  18. Can I just add, For me, i'm now holding back, simply as my equipment does'nt have a hope in hell against high-end equipment being used. So maybe a Digital compact section and a dSLR section with an ANALOG section too?
  19. Grimsby, 2:26 PM... 43% Humidity, 20.1c and sunny with thickening cloud. Very pleasant, But I still got a friggin puncture on my first day out on a new bike!!!! Grrrrrrrr.
  20. Grab a sack, quickly put it in the sack, tie-wrap the sack shut and then place it in a deep freeze for 3 days. All wasps dead and it'll freak you out hearing the buzzes in the sack lol.
  21. OK, here's 2 i'm happy with for March.... I'm sure i'll find another somewhere.
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