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kentish maid

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  1. mine are: canadiancoops 2 cloudburst 3 essan 1 louby 2 louby 1
  2. Here are my choices: canadian coops 2 val 24 tuggy 3 ozzy 2 louby 3
  3. 12.3oC, nothing scientific behind it, just women's intuition
  4. well how about airplanes being fitted with a giant parachute so if engines fail etc and it cant fly, the parachute will save it (imagine the size of that parachute!!)
  5. Oon, would you like to sponsor me? i am becoming an inventor and obviously need a hand to get the inventing business going. i will call it 'Oon's Spoon...feeding ideas to the nation'...what do u think?
  6. Snowing in Maidstone near the north downs, woo hoo
  7. dry i think thats the theme of it. have you ever seen the radar that empty? its like its august
  8. chavs in shorts, flip flops and burberry t-shirts. lets hope we get a cold spell to kill em off, bl**dy pests lol :lol:
  9. Hi BF Thanks for those links, very informative I guess it is to do with currents and circulations at different levels as to why they do not intefert with each other. Thanks for your help
  10. Did my question make no sense at all? Apologies of it did. Does anyone know where I am coming from though?
  11. Ok so we know that the oceans are dominated by the global conveyor belt thermohaline circulation. And from my understanding this circulation comes up from the bay of biscay direction (I know it circulates the world) and then veers round to the south west and off to the caribbean and onwards for the rest of its journey. My question is the Gulf stream effectively runs through this circulation and carries on in our direction from the SW and then on and up over Scandanavia. So here comes the million dollar question - Why doesn't the circulation of the global conveyor belt shift this movement and take the gulf stream with it on its travel south westwards instead of allowing it to pass right through and onwards to northern Scandanavia? Is it simply because these two forces are working at different depths in the ocean and therefore do not affect one another?
  12. No thats great. It has been on my mind for a while (sad i know) but that explains it really well, especially the footprints. Thanks
  13. How come snow melts on the ground at different rates? I have witnessed snow melting at different rates on a flat, equal patch of grass with no underground heating influences, yet areas of snow melt before others. why is this? Its also been the same on concrete and other material like shed roofs. I would have thought that as it lays level, it would melt at the same time??? Anyone know why this would be?
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