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  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge
  • Weather Preferences: anything of interest
  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge
Posted (edited)

Can place photographs of sections of these, here, in due course. (Subject to mods approving there is no copyright infringement.)

I was privileged to have worked in Edinburgh in the late 1970s on the averages and the Scotland section of the chart.

Clearly, with climate change since this standard 30-year period, the isohyets (lines of equal rainfall) will not be exactly like this now.  However, the general shape and relativity of the amounts will still be similar. 



Edited by IslaArklayblend
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  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge
  • Weather Preferences: anything of interest
  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge

More sections of the 1941-70 AAR map covering Scotland.

Let me know if you want a section showing your own area of interest.

Yes - these our old maps - my intention is to update some key Scottish 30-year annual averages for later periods up to 1991-2020 in tabular form (no maps).

I do not know if good quality 30-year average maps are on the web for the latest one, i.e. 1991-2020.

If any one is happy to provide a source/link that would, indeed, be helpful.



  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge
  • Weather Preferences: anything of interest
  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge

Below is a graph of the three Linlithgow Rainfall Stations with officially approved raingauge which I have been familiar with since 1978.

I was the observer at (ii) and have been/am the observer at (iii).  I was familiar, too, with the older official co-operating Met. Office station at "Linlithgow, Craigenroan"operated by the late                           John Flett 1956-1984.

The data have been homogenised to the best of my ability for altitude and location.  The Windows graph provides statistical trend lines on request.

I have used the linear one to try and show the trend climate change may have caused over the decades.

Mod can copy to main part of site (in addition to this regional section), if they see fit.


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  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge
  • Weather Preferences: anything of interest
  • Location: Linlithgow Bridge

Here from my own collection of rainfall data, are annual rainfall averages for four consecutive standard 30-year periods for the Linlithgow area.

I hope to acquire similar types of 30-year averages for reliable long-running stations used by the Met. Office (e.g.  Paisley [Coats Observatory)], Eskdalemuir, Lerwick, Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden, etc.) if I can trace them on the internet.


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