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  • Location: Islington, C. London.
  • Location: Islington, C. London.

There are many Memories of xxxx threads but I'm surprised 1995 doesn't have one. 30 years ago now... this ended up being an incredibly memorable year for UK weather with big snowfalls, big heatwaves and big thunderstorms. What are your memories of this year and what stands out?

(I hope the mods don't mind me doing these threads. I had started doing these recaps in the autumn but took a break after 1996.)

Stats against the 1961-1990 averages:

JANUARY 1995: Mild and sunny, but extremely wet.

Max: 8.9C (+1.8) Min: 2.2C (+0.8) Rainfall: 113.7mm (219%) Sunshine: 59.6hrs (116%) Highest Max: 12.9C (31st) Lowest Min: -4.4C (4th)

FEBRUARY 1995: Extremely mild and extremely wet, but with average sunshine.

Max: 10.7C (+3.1) Min: 4.4C (+2.9) Rainfall: 71.9mm (208%) Sunshine: 70.9hrs (105%) Highest Max: 13.2C (4th & 12th) Lowest Min: -1.8C (28th)

MARCH 1995: Average temperatures and sunshine, but extremely sunny.

Max: 11.2C (+0.9) Min: 2.0C (-0.7) Rainfall: 49.5mm (105%) Sunshine: 194.5hrs (177%) Highest Max: 16.6C (31st) Lowest Min: -3.8C (5th)

APRIL 1995: Very warm, exceptionally dry and very sunny.

Max: 15.0C (+1.9) Min: 6.1C (+1.4) Rainfall: 16.9mm (38%) Sunshine: 199.5hrs (136%) Highest Max: 20.7C (25th) Lowest Min: -1.0C (20th)

MAY 1995: Warm, very dry and very sunny.

Max: 19.0C (+2.0) Min: 8.2C (+0.2) Rainfall: 30.0mm (59%) Sunshine: 234.4hrs (120%) Highest Max: 27.1C (7th) Lowest Min: 2.8C (16th)

JUNE 1995: Average temperatures and sunshine, but extremely dry.

Max: 20.7C (+0.3) Min: 10.8C (-0.2) Rainfall: 11.1mm (22%) Sunshine: 187.7hrs (95%) Highest Max: 32.3C (30th) Lowest Min: 6.9C (10th)

JULY 1995: Exceptionally hot, exceptionally dry and very sunny.

Max: 26.3C (+3.8) Min: 15.2C (+2.1) Rainfall: 20.3mm (45%) Sunshine: 247.1hrs (127%) Highest Max: 32.6C (31st) Lowest Min: 11.2C (24th)

AUGUST 1995: Extremely hot, extremely dry and extremely sunny.

Max: 27.0C (+4.9) Min: 15.6C (+2.8) Rainfall: 0.3mm (1%) Sunshine: 295.3hrs (158%) Highest Max: 34.3C (1st) Lowest Min: 10.6C (31st)

SEPTEMBER 1995: Average temperatures and sunshine but exceptionally wet. 

Max: 19.2C (-0.1) Min: 10.7C (-0.1) Rainfall: 95.0mm (188%) Sunshine: 142.4hrs (99%) Highest Max: 22.4C (9th) Lowest Min: 4.5C (30th)

OCTOBER 1995: Exceptionally warm, exceptionally dry and very sunny.

Max: 18.3C (+2.9) Min: 10.2C (+2.2) Rainfall: 19.2mm (33%) Sunshine: 129.9hrs (121%) Highest Max: 24.6C (8th) Lowest Min: 3.5C (29th)

NOVEMBER 1995: Mild, sunny and very dry.

Max: 12.0C (+1.6) Min: 5.1C (+1.1) Rainfall: 28.5mm (52%) Sunshine: 76.2hrs (112%) Highest Max: 15.4C (13th) Lowest Min: -2.3C (19th)

DECEMBER 1995: Very cold and very wet with average sunshine.

Max: 5.8C (-2.2) Min: 1.0C (-1.3) Rainfall: 82.8mm (146%) Sunshine: 44.7hrs (97%) Highest Max: 13.6C (22nd) Lowest Min: -5.0C (27th)

  • Like 3
  • Location: Bentley Heath
  • Location: Bentley Heath

A very hot Summer. I worked in Sumner car valeting. It was unbearably hot in the workshops. It was the time in August of a destructive heatwave that led to many deaths across Europe. 

I recall that in mid December , there was snow. I was in London and it was rare for snow to fall, so they was a key event.

  • Location: Hampshire
  • Weather Preferences: Warm-by-day sunny thundery summers , short cold snowy winters.
  • Location: Hampshire
Posted (edited)

A rubbish January and February, despite a promising start for the first 3 days. Constantly mild, dull and wet for around 6 weeks with little in the way of breaks.

Most of the rest of the year was good though.

March was much better being dry and bright with notable temp swings, and produced the first lying March snow I'd experienced since 1987 (though I was in the Bristol/Bath area at the time).

April consisted of a dry, warm and sunny first half, followed by a sudden N-ly plunge just after mid-month. There was then a westwards-moving warm front and a humid SE-ly type took over for a few days, eventually becoming quite warm. The month ended cloudy with unremarkable temps.

May had a heatwave in the first week which reminded me of the similar event 5 years earlier, and at the time was only the second occasion I'd experienced 25C+ temps that early in the year. It was then followed by a rather cool spell for perhaps a couple of weeks, mostly dry and bright except a couple of very wet days due to southerly tracking lows. The month ended with rather drab Atlantic conditions.

June followed quite a common pattern for the 80s and 90s as it started cool, dry and rather cloudy but the second half was notably warm and sunny, certainly from around the 18th. The last week was hot.

July was warm and sunny but I think we got very lucky with sunshine in the first 19 days as the synoptic charts do show rather changeable conditions, either westerly or weakly cyclonic much of the time except for a two-day heatwave 8th/9th. I do remember the weekend of the 15th/16th featuring a slack low with W-ly winds but it was surprisingly sunny, and I think there were a number of other similar days. After the 19th the really hot weather kicked in: an initial heatwave on the 20th and 21st produced temps around 30C, then there was a dry cold front and following a sunny weekend with close-to-average temps it became hotter again. A minor thundery breakdown on the 26th was then followed by a drizzly warm front on the 28th and very hot and humid weather for the final three days. It triggered some showers on the 31st some of which were slow-moving and produced quite prolonged rainfall.

August was of course famously hot and sunny, the hottest and most humid weather being in the first two days before it became drier and somewhat less hot (up to 30 rather than about 32-34). The first 22 days featured a sequence of dry cold fronts and rebuilds of the Azores high, before a more active front produced rain on the 23rd. The end of the month was cooler and cloudier but still mostly dry.

September saw an unusual end to the dry spell on the 2nd with a NE-to-SW cold front producing thunder and followed by a N-ly to NW-ly cool, showery airstream for the rest of the weekend. This became more cyclonic with heavier showers on the 4th and 5th before a deep low followed on the 6th, and another on the 10th. The 11th-17th produced slack conditions with intense showers at times, and the wind gradually veering from W-ly to NE-ly. A short settled interlude followed, with the month ending on zonality. A wet, changeable month, the first since Feb.

October was famously warm and sunny though the first week produced more typically autumnal conditions. Sunny conditions alternated with cloudier periods but it was unusually sunny for Oct on the whole. A strong cold front towards the end of the month (26th?) was followed by a rebuild of pressure and the month ended fine.

November also started fine and colder, with a frosty Bonfire Night but broke down rather rapidly around the 6th and was unsettled until around the 16th. A further short spell of cold sunny weather followed from the 17th-19th but the rest of the month was mostly cyclonic and very wet with slow-moving lows to the west.

December was cold though the low track was a little north of the ideal. An initial cold spell with an E-ly produced snow showers if I remember right and some more general snow in parts of the south, this was followed by an anticyclonic coldish spell but a rather infuriating spell with a sequence of lows crossing the south the week before Christmas followed. This produced very dull, very wet and rather mild conditions down here. Thankfully Christmas Day saw the cold and sunny weather return, and cold weather remained until the 29th before the famous freezing rain on the 30th. Finally New Year's Eve was dull and foggy with average temps.

Edited by Summer8906
  • Like 1
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Posted (edited)

1995 still stands as my favourite year for weather. I grew up at Cleadon in Tyne & Wear and in that part of the country it really stuck out. I'll try to keep it as brief as I can but it won't be easy.

January - alternating spells of mild westerlies and cold northerly blasts. There was a bit of snow from a trough on New Year's Day, but just a thin covering which didn't last long, with plenty of snow showers running tantalisingly just off the coast. Also wintry at times towards the end of the month, snow on 26th and 27th but again not a lasting snow cover (inland parts of the region had substantial accumulations of snow on the 25th and 27th though). East coast snow showers gave a covering early on the 30th. Otherwise memorable for a lot of wet and windy weather between the 17th and 24th, sometimes with squally showers mixed with sunny intervals.

February - mild, dull in the first half but very sunny second half. Brief cold snap around the 8th with some snow showers that didn't settle where I was, but they did lie briefly at nearby Sunderland. More days of sunshine and squally showers around midmonth. Very sunny with a few wintry showers between the 23rd and 26th.

March - Alternating spells of cold bright weather with wintry showers and mild dry sunny weather. At the time it was a big surprise to me to keep seeing snow showers from westerly winds in the first week. I remember a GMTV forecast on the 2nd exclaiming, "And tonight, we will see more snow, not from the west, but from the south-west!". A memorable gale on the 17th with squally sleet showers in the evening. Another northerly brought snow showers on the 27th and frontal snow on 28th. Warm and sunny around the 13th and 22nd-24th. A high frequency of hail. Snow and hail sometimes accumulated during showers but melted in the sun afterwards. Overall a very sunny month, slightly cooler than average.

April - Warm and dry first half with variable amounts of cloud, but very sunny from the 11th to 14th, coinciding with Good Friday. Another dramatic switch-around followed over the Easter weekend and on the Tuesday 18th there were snow showers in the morning. Sunshine and showers daily from the 18th-21st, with frequent hail on the 20th, one particularly heavy shower gave a centimetre or two of lying hail. The last week returned to being dry with variable cloud. Overall a warm dry sunny month but not as remarkable sunshine wise as March had been.

May - Dry and sunny and unseasonably warm first week. It got up to 24 or 25C on the 4th even at coastal sites at Tynemouth and Sunderland, which I don't think has been managed before or since this side of mid-May. Another big switch-around over the Bank Holiday with frequent showers on the 8th, the VE day Bank Holiday Monday, and a spectacular sunset on the back of one of the showers. Showers turned wintry between the 11th and 13th, and merged into a longer spell of rain on the afternoon of the 14th. It stayed cool and showery till the 20th with a dull wet day on 17th. Warmer end to the month, southerly winds, then sunshine and showers and westerlies from the 28th onwards. Overall dry and sunny, but again not as exceptionally sunny as March had been.

Spring 1995, especially March and May, had such a high frequency of sunshine-and-showers days where I was that I had got into a routine of going onto my garden swing in the sunshine and reading books in the patio and listening to the rain or hail during the showers. It also remains unparalleled in my experience for the frequency of switch-arounds from warm dry sunny weather to wintry showers.

June - Cloudy and showery north-westerlies until the 9th with just limited sunny intervals in between, some particularly sharp showers on the afternoon/evening of the 1st. Grey and drizzly on the 10th to 12th when the wind veered north-easterly, then dry with variable cloud amounts until the 20th, then generally dry, sunny and increasingly warm although sea fog dominated on the 24th and 25th. I note that, like 1995, the summers of 1976 and 2018 also saw an abrupt switch from variable cloud to very sunny conditions around the 21st June which then persisted for most or all of the rest of June.

July - Dry and sunny, despite changeable looking synoptics as Summer8906 mentioned. In Cleadon I had a thunderstorm overnight 11th/12th and another one on the evening of the 15th. The cyclonic weather of the 12th-17th produced sunshine and scattered sharp showers with no persistent rain of note during the daytime. There was no more thunder at Cleadon but I went on holiday to near Scarborough in the last week and picked up another thunderstorm there on the evening of the 26th. It became very hot from the 29th onwards. I remember a sultry day on the 28th when a weak frontal system brought a bit of rain and high humidity, with hazy sunshine early and late in the day.

August - A famously hot, dry and sunny month. Apart from the first few days, sea fret was surprisingly infrequent considering that there was often an easterly breeze, as was reflected by Tynemouth's 267 hours of sunshine and Sunderland's 263 hours. I recall having quite a few trips to the beach. At Cleadon the hottest weather was in the third week when it regularly got into the high 20s Celsius. Further inland, Durham exceeded 30C. It turned more changeable, cooler and cloudier from the 24th on, but with no substantial rain except on the 27th, which had sunshine and heavy showers with hail and thunder - quite a dramatic hail/thunderstorm at around 3pm.

September - Dull and wet till the 10th, a big switch from the very dry August. Some showers and thunder over the following few days, then quite a dry second half with variable cloud. Cool north-westerly on the 27th which produced snow to relatively modest elevations in Scotland and northern England, and an early frost on the night of the 27th/28th. Sunshine and showers at the end.

October - Warm changeable first week with sunshine and showers, then dry and mainly sunny with frequent southerly winds. Sunday 8th stuck out when it got to 24C with clear skies and unbroken sunshine, making it an Indian summer by any definition (given that we'd had our first frost on 27/28 September). The 9th was almost as warm. For a while it looked set to be the warmest October on record at the time, but some cooler nights around the 21st and 29th prevented it from being quite as warm as October 1969. 

November - Cold with hazy sunshine around Bonfire Night. Otherwise often mild, cloudy and dry, but with an exceptional rain event on the 15th/16th which gave close to 100mm of rain. Northerlies followed on the 17th with lying snow that morning and hail and sleet showers accompanied by thunder in the afternoon. Although the 18th fell just short of having 50% snow cover at 0900, there was still a bit of snow lying on the grass at the end of the 18th. It was gone by the 19th when less cold air moved in.

December - Started grey, followed by a cold easterly. Hail, sleet and snow showers on 5th. Surprisingly mild on the 6th, when showers fell mostly as rain near the coast, but back to snow on the 7th, with a dusting on the ground. Frequent anticyclonic and easterly types followed with some brighter days but generally a lot of cloud. A northerly on the 20th didn't amount to much, but then after a wet 22nd, a polar low gave a centimetre of snow on Christmas Eve. Frequent snow showers on Christmas Day morning, with quite a gusty northerly wind, took the depth locally to about 5cm. I still rate this as my favourite white Christmas because of substantial snowfall on Christmas Day itself, even though Christmas Day 2010 had a deeper snow cover. Fewer snow showers Boxing Day, cold and sunny 27th/28th with minimum temperatures close to -10C, then persistent freezing fog on 29th when it never got above -4C. The frontal breakdown on 30th/31st produced only rain, but those sort of frontal setups tend not to deliver much to Tyneside. 

At the end of 1995 I remember saying to my parents that I was sad that it was over because I had had such a good year. Personal circumstances contributed to that, but the weather was certainly a big contributory factor as well.

Edited by Thundery wintry showers
  • Like 2
  • Location: Home: Chingford, London (NE). Work: London (C)
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: cold and snowy. Summer: hot and sunny
  • Location: Home: Chingford, London (NE). Work: London (C)
Posted (edited)

I was 9 years old in 1995. I remember snow on New Year’s Day. The Summer was exceptional, one of the very best. December 1995 also had some cold and snow. The 1995/96 winter was a good one, but I do remember that snow forecasting fail at the end of December that ended up being a freezing rain event.

Edited by danm
  • Like 2
  • Location: Irlam
  • Location: Irlam

1995 is my favourite year of weather.

I can recall coming back from a New Year's party and seeing Orion standing out in the crystal clear skies. Very frosty start to that year. Snow showers moved in from the Irish Sea during New Year's Day (Sunday) morning but these cleared away during the afternoon and it was then cold and frosty until the following Tuesday.  There were some big snowflakes falling during the night as the transition to more unsettled weather started.   The evening of the 16th January was interesting as unexpectedly large flakes of snow started to fall at the back of a front that had passed through. They were some of the largest snowflakes that I can recall falling.  25th January was frustrating as the rain turned to snow and started stick in the evening but then it turned back to heavy rain. This gave a big snowfall over parts of West Yorkshire.  27th January had an icy start then a period of snow occurred late morning until early afternoon leaving a covering. there was no transition to rain, it just stopped and the thaw set in.

February was for me, was one of the poorest months of 1995. The period 6th-9th was frustrating, forecasts suggested a clear  cold frosty spell coming up but each forecast seem to downgrade it. There were snow flurries on the Wednesday and the forecast suggested a snowfall on the Friday. There were snow flurries during Thursday evening but the predicted snowfall failed and it turned wet the rest of that night.

March was a fantastic month. The transition on the 1st March was amazing. About mid morning, it was raining then suddenly a blast of fine hail fell followed by falling snow which started to stick. Caught the northern edge of the low that brought snow to Wales and Midlands which left a snow cover.  There were heavy snow showers for a time that Friday (3rd) then it turn into a cold clear frosty night. Had sleet and wet snow from the system that passed through Saturday (4th) evening.  Had an intense snow/hail shower on the Monday evening of the 5th March. Following morning, wet snow from the system that passed through and that signalled the end of that cold period.  There were wintry showers of hail and snow on the 17th.  Snow showers developed on the 27th March in the northerly flow and the next morning we had snow with a covering.  This thawed during the afternoon.

 Standout for me during April was the lovely Good Friday and the snow that fell the Tuesday after Easter.  Largely missed out on the showers in that northerly flow.

May was a right dolly mixture. Very warm and sunny start then the weather changed for the VE Day bank holiday.  Missed out on the snow showers on the 12th. I could see the showers forming just to the south of my area. Really chilly mid month then it warmed up again.  Had a thunderstorm on the 24th May.

June was a dry month and better on this side of the Pennines compared to the other side as a whole. The last day (30th) was a scorcher, brilliantly sunny then during the evening it was "freezing" with a chilly breeze and yet it was still clear. No obvious sign of a front.

July 11th stands out  as we had two cracking thunderstorms that day. One during the morning and another during the late afternoon.  The end of the month signalled the start of the height of that summer.

August was magnificent, on the night of the 2nd there was a small thunderstorm around midnight to the south of my area. Hot and sunny summed it up for a large part, however on the 12th, a BBQ was planned for that Saturday evening and it rained!!! The only time it rained within about a 4 week period lol!   Another BBQ was reorganised for another day and that day was very warm and sunny.

September was the other month from 1995 that was for me poor along with February. Had an absolute drenching overnight of the 2nd September. 27th September was really chilly in that NWly wind and showers.

October was a great month. The 8th was a magnificent day, clear blue skies, a balmy breeze and pleasant warmth. On the 24th, two squall lines passed through that evening with thunder.  

November, recall the chilly Bonfire weekend and the chilly blast around the 17th but we had no snow here from that.

December.  I recall being excited when Peter Cockcroft showing that an easterly was on the way for the following week. We did get some snow during that spell but interestingly it turned sleety/wet during Wednesday but it turned back to snow that night.  It snowed on the morning of Thursday of the 21st with Ian McCaskill mentioning that it will turn colder in time for Christmas. It had turned milder on the 22nd.  Christmas Eve night was clear and frosty and woke up to seeing snow on the ground. Not a lot but enough to leave a thin white layer. Stunning Christmas Day with clear skies and the slight white mantle. Just missed the snow showers that passed to my east that afternoon.  The run up to the New Year was frigid, coldest I could recall   (1984 onwards surpassed by early January 2010).  The breakdown was hugely disappointing.  I was expecting a good snow event but it was pathetic and little snow fell. Thankfully missed out on the freezing rain that badly hit further south. 

That was a letdown that breakdown considering how great 1995 was, if that cold spell ended with a bang would have been been the cherry on the cake. 

However despite that, 1995 was a fantastic year.  

Why was it a fantastic year?  Can't be just solely down to the weather?  Was it the music? Mood of the time?  I was of a certain age? 

  • Like 2
  • Location: Cheshire
  • Location: Cheshire
3 hours ago, Weather-history said:

June was a dry month and better on this side of the Pennines compared to the other side as a whole.

Agreed, I was persuaded to switch my week on the North Yorkshire coast from mid-June to the start of June and missed out big time, with cold Easterly winds and cloud throughout the week. By mid-June, the weather had changed to sun and warmth and I was not a happy person in the office!

  • Location: Wildwood, Stafford 104m asl
  • Weather Preferences: obviously snow!
  • Location: Wildwood, Stafford 104m asl

2001 was mine, voted as my favourite music year! do you really like it, is it is it wicked

  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire

 Weather-history There was a moderate fall of snow in the south/south east New Years Day 1995.  Of course, I didn't get any!

Do you have any newspaper reports from that day at all?

12 hours ago, Weather-history said:

Why was it a fantastic year?  Can't be just solely down to the weather?  Was it the music? Mood of the time?  I was of a certain age?

1995 was one of the better years of my life, too.  I think this was largely due to your suggestions!

  • Like 1
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
Posted (edited)

A great year in lots of ways. March onwards was exceptionally dry, with northerlies, easterlies and anticyclonic conditions holding sway right through to months end - a theme that continued in 1996.

Jan was quite mixed, just missed the heavy snow on the 25th, we had a few inches on the 27th but it quickly thawed.

Feb was rather mild and snowless from memory, disappointing.

March was variable, with a long potent NW flow 1-8th many snowfalls that temporarily thawed in the day, unusual. Further snow from northerlies late on.

April was also very mixed, cold and warm spells.

May was also very mixed, very warm early on, cold and wet middle, warmer end.

June brought a cold dull first half, then a lengthy very warm spell sunny.

July was consistently very warm/hot, some thunder at times.

Aug exceptional, driest, warmest and sunniest on record here. Hosepipe bans, arid cracked earth, reservoirs depleted.

Sept was quite wet and cool, but we escaped the heavy rains further east.

Oct very mild, even warm, dry and sunny.

Nov quite mild and wet, brief snowy northerly mid month

Dec started mild, easterly by the 5th then mostly cold and dull, snow before christmas, brief thaw, then a freeze 24th onwards, deep frosts, ice days, but only a brief snowfall christmas eve. New Years Eve was meant to be very snowy, but we saw nothing, just a slow thaw. 

Edited by damianslaw
  • Like 1
  • Location: Leeds
  • Weather Preferences: snow, heat, thunderstorms
  • Location: Leeds
Posted (edited)

I turned 8 in 1995 so my memories of that year aren't quite as vivid as some of you. Nevertheless, I remember the long, hot summer. I remember the heatwave breaking a day after my birthday in late August. I remember the big snowfall we had in Leeds in January, and the utter carnage it caused. I remember the cold spell around Christmas.

Edited by cheese
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

I was 10-11 years old in 1995. I reckon that my memories would have been much fainter had I been just one year younger. I first started taking notice of the day to day weather in 1993 at age 8-9, and then took it up another few notches in 1995, and I recall very little of the weather prior to 1993. Thus in many ways the timing was perfect.

The one regret I have about 1995 weather is that I didn't have a camera until Christmas Day so I don't have a visual archive of most of that year's weather, though I do have a couple of photos of the snow on Christmas Day. Also I could have got into trouble with my parents if I'd had a camera that year as I'd have wanted to take numerous weather photos but we only really had film cameras then and it cost money to develop photos which usually got optimised for photographing people with the skies whited out. Still, it would have been nice to have some sort of visual record. I have a scattering of vague visual memories of 1995 skyscapes, especially from some of the cold bright showery days that spring, but inevitably they are fading with time.

It's been great comparing with the detailed hourly weather records from nearby Newcastle Weather Centre which the Met Office made freely available on CEDA. Often memories of good years can get exaggerated or biased over time. But when I look back at those records they confirm that, yes, 1995's weather was pretty much how I remembered it. The BBC forecasts that Kevin uploaded a while ago are also great for nostalgia. I still remember having watched some of them at the time, such as Rob McElwee's forecast on 20 April 1995 and a few of the forecasts leading up to the 17 November 1995 northerly. One from around 27 January with John Kettley mentioning "the magic 50 degrees Fahrenheit" also stuck with me.

  • Like 2
  • Location: Merseyside/ West Lancs Border; North West England
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: Cool & dry, with regular cold, snowy periods.
  • Location: Merseyside/ West Lancs Border; North West England

A year which had a bit of everything;

While the winter of 1994/95 was mild, there was a brief cold interlude one Friday in late January, when the snow started around lunchtime, and fell most of the afternoon. I was working in Wigan - it usually took about 7-10 mins to get to the M58 on the way home; this time it took 2 hours - people had just abandoned their cars.

I remember the early May spell of heat over the B/H weekend, which coincided with 50 years of VE celebrations.

Early June was a bit disappointing, but the latter part made up for it. The came July & August which was fabulous.........

Autumn had cool, wet, mild, even warm weather - I remember November being wet, and have a memory of attending the RAC Rally and my car was covered in mud/gravel from the forest car parks.

December went cold from about mid month, and was cold over Christmas, but not much snow. 


If only there was a time machine.

  • Location: Edmonton Alberta(via Chelmsford, Exeter & Calgary)
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine and 15-25c
  • Location: Edmonton Alberta(via Chelmsford, Exeter & Calgary)

 Weather-history agreed the best year for weather i ever experienced in the uk ..it was also personally one of the best years in my life ..i had just moved in with my gf who would become my wife in Oct 1994..we spent all year doing up a falling down cottage in the country ..we had no money and lived in two rooms with no carpets or curtains and no real heating..we just goofed around all year like you do when your young..the fact we had no money didn't seem to matter because all you need is love right and it is.

now i live in country where the weather is like 1995 on steroids' every year i have a big house and lots of money..but man do i miss that cottage.. good times

  • Like 1
  • Location: Islington, C. London.
  • Location: Islington, C. London.
Posted (edited)

A visual trip back in time, via Geograph.

A crisp but very cold New Years Day.


Wintry showers appear to have given a covering of snow on the 2nd in eastern counties. Both these images are taken in East Anglia, the first near Outon Broad and the second near Rainham.


The effects of the Leeds snowstorm on January 25th.


Extreme rainfall throughout January and the preceding December brought forth flooding, these images both taken in Hampshire in January 1995.


Further flooding misery, this time in York. This pictured on February 2nd, 1995.


Villages covered in snow, March 3rd, 1995.


A sunny and warm spring day, April 25th, 1995.


Hazy skies during the first sizzle of the year, May 3rd, 1995.


Brilliant blue skies by the Kent seaside on a sizzling hot day, June 27th, 1995


The increasingly parched landscape throughout July 1995


The endless blue skies throughout August 1995


Much gloomier skies... September 18th, 1995


Summer returns... A gloriously warm autumn day, October 8th, 1995


Stormy skies contrast behind a rainbow, November 8th, 1995


A snow and frost covered landscape, December 9th/10th, 1995


A severely cold and snowy Xmas period. First image taken December 27th, 1995, the latter frozen over flood plains on December 31st.



Edited by LetItSnow
  • Like 6
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

 HafrenLMP1 That Friday in late January would have been the 27th. The 27th probably brought the most widespread snow of that spell, following a northerly blast on the 26th and fronts pushing into the Arctic air mass, although it was not as intense as the one over much of Yorkshire on Wednesday 25th.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Location: Home: Chingford, London (NE). Work: London (C)
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: cold and snowy. Summer: hot and sunny
  • Location: Home: Chingford, London (NE). Work: London (C)



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  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
Posted (edited)

 Thundery wintry showers Yes I mentioned the Fri 27th Jan snowfall, it was shortlived about 5 inches but quickly turned to rain and thawed. Jan and Feb were mostly mild and snowless. March though brought a very snowy 8 day spell here, lost count how many snowfalls we had. Had it arrived a month or so earlier limited thaw would have occured, alas there were daily thaws making for very icy conditions. 1995 is now 30 years ago! I remember the weather of 1995 better than most recent years. 

Edited by damianslaw
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