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Saturday 29th January 2005

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  • Location: Crowborough, East Sussex 180mASL
  • Location: Crowborough, East Sussex 180mASL

Crowborough, East Sussex 220mASL

1030hrs Saturday 29/1/05

Overcast, dull, light breeze.

4.1C (min 3.4C @07:14) windchill 2.2C

4kts N (10 minute average); gusting 10kts (1 minute average over last hour); max gust 12kts @ 06:37

0.0mm/hr last hour; max 0.0mm/min over last 12hrs; total 0.0mm/12hrs

47.6mm total rainfall this month

1023.9hPa msl corrected, trend rising, +0.6hPa/hr

84% humidity

1.6C dewpoint (3.1C wetbulb)

  • Location: Grimsby uk
  • Location: Grimsby uk

:) Grimsby wx

Wind ............ NNW 6 mph ........... Pressure 1025 mb steady .............. Temp 6c

Cloud 7octas ............. Rain none ............... R/H 35%

  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire
  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire

Mainly cloudy overcast fairly bright with some light drizzle.

Current Weather Conditions

As of:29/01/05 11:00

Temperature: 5.7 °C Wind Chill: 5.7 °C

Humidity: 90 % Heat Index: 5.7 °C

Wind: NW at 0.0 mph Dewpoint: 4.2 °C

Barometer: 1026.4 mb Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr

Todays Rain: 0.8 mm Monthly Rain: 24.4 mm

Storm Total: 2.0 mm Yearly Rain: 24.4 mm

High Temperature: 6.1°C 9:32 Low Temperature: 4.3°C 5:39

High Humidity: 92% 2:06 Low Humidity: 80% 8:42

High Dewpoint: 4.4°C 10:11 Low Dewpoint: 2.2°C 5:36

High Wind: 10.0mph 1:44 Low Wind Chill: 3.9°C 6:18

High Barometer: 1026.4mb 10:59 Low Barometer: 1021.6mb 0:44

High Rain Rate: 0.3mm/hr 2:00 High Heat Index: 6.1°C 9:17

  • Location: Canterbury, Kent
  • Location: Canterbury, Kent

Weather Overcast. Some quite intersting clouds forming. Very dark ones as well

Temprature 7c (45f). Very average for this time of year.

Wind North 9mph.


  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)
  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)

Grey skies with drizzle on and off.

Temp: 6.7 °C

Wind: N at 9 mph

Pressure: 1027 mb, rising

  • Location: Canterbury, Kent
  • Location: Canterbury, Kent

6.1C, grey and overcast, wind from the North.

30 seconds of sunshine today. :)

  • Location: Preston lancashire
  • Location: Preston lancashire


Last night was quite cloudy with light winds, this morning was overcast until around dinner sun came out with blue sky and winds light again, it satarted to go dark around 5-30pm.

Temps 9.4C

Humidity 58%

Pressure 1028mb

Dew Point 2.9C

Windchill 3.5

Wind W 8mph

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

I've been a jammy devil today- bagsied more sunshine than all of the people who have posted reports put together!

After a cloudy start, Lancaster had an extremely sunny day, with a little haze and some high cloud. Oh yes, and there was a nice sunset too.

  • Location: Sandhurst, Berkshire
  • Location: Sandhurst, Berkshire

Today was mainly grey and overcast with the odd burst sometimes heavy drizzle. There were odd brighter spells too.

Milder though with a high of 6.6C and a light Nly wind.

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

A little drizzle before 0930, then dry and cloudy. Cloud dispersed after 1630.

Temp' at 1800 4.5c

Max' today 5.7c

Min' overnight 3.2c

Grass min' 2.4c

Rainfall from 0900, trace

Sunshine today nil

Mean wind speed at 1800 6 mph W, gusting to 9

Highest gust today 33 mph at 0329

Vis' 50 miles

1 okta cirrus fibratus, altocumulus lenticularis and altocumulus


Barometer, 1030.2mb, rising slowly.


  • Location: Up North like
  • Location: Up North like

Started a very grey miserable day (haven't I said that for the last week :) )

Did get a bit sunny around 3.30pm

Now dry and 1.9c

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

Woke up 0730 - cloudy

Drove to Minehead for footy - cloudy all the way

Footy match played in - cloudy conditions (2 small holes of blue sky)

Drove home - no stars visible

Home now - cloudy

Max temp has been 6c.

  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Report for Saturday 29th January 2004: Pollards Hill, Surrey

Current Conditions: (Recordings taken at 12.0 Midnight)


Temp: 7.5c

Humidity: 84%

Barometer Reading: 1033 Rising

Past 24 Hours Recordings

Max Temp: 7.9c

Min Temp: 5.1c

Rainfall: 1mm

The Month So Far....

Max Temp Avg: 9.62c

Min Temp Avg: 4.44c

Mean Temp Avg: 7.03c

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 13.8c on the 7th

Lowest Night Min Temp: 0.1c on the 22nd

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 6mm on the 10th

Total January Rainfall: 27mm

The Year So Far.....

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 13.8c on 7th January

Lowest Night Min Temp: 0.1c on 22nd January

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 6mm on 10th January

Total Year Rainfall: 27mm


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