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Wednesday 16th Novmber

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  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny , cold and snowy, thunderstorms
  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset

Dry/partly cloudy

Temp 9.1c :angry:

Pressure 1007

Humidity 66%

Wind direction W

Wind speed 10mph

  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)
  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)

LAST READING AT TIME: 07:15 am DATE: 16 November 2005 ,Time of next update: 07:20 am

Current Weather Stopped raining

Current Temperature 5.3 °C (41.5°F),

Apparent temp 3.1 °C

Maximum Temperature (since 0 hour ) 5.3 °C at: 07:08 AM

Minimum Temperature (since 0 hour ) 2.3 °C at: 01:03 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 6.6 mph

Wind Direction (ten minute) WNW (293º)

Windchill Temperature 3.8 °C

Maximum Gust (last hour) 23.9 mph at: 07:03 AM

Maximum Gust (since 0 hour ) 32.2 mph at: 05:51 AM

Maximum 1 minute average (since 0 hour ) 28.2 mph at: 04:13 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 1.0 mm

Rainfall (since 0 hour ) 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) at 07:04:27

Rainfall This month 76.2 mm (3.00 in.)

Rainfall To date this year 548.6 mm (21.60 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.5 mm/min

Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 1.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 8.7 mm

DewPoint 1.0 °C (Wet Bulb :3.6 °C )

Humidity 74 %,

Humidex 3.4 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1004.7 mb

Pressure change +0.1 mb (last hour)


Pressure change (last 12 hours) +5.8 mb

Pressure change (last 6 hours) +1.2 mb

  • Location: Oldham, Gtr Manchester
  • Location: Oldham, Gtr Manchester

Clear skies, chilly.

  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire
  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire

Partially cloudy sun just starting to rise showers early this morning

Current Weather Conditions

As of:16/11/05 7:30

Temperature: 4.9 °C Wind Chill: 4.9 °C

Humidity: 80 % Heat Index: 4.8 °C

Wind: NW at 0.0 mph Dewpoint: 1.8 °C

Barometer: 1005.0 mb Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr

Todays Rain: 0.5 mm Monthly Rain: 32.8 mm

Storm Total: 0.8 mm Yearly Rain: 416.1 mm

High Temperature: 6.7°C 2:32 Low Temperature: 4.9°C 7:26

High Humidity: 95% 0:56 Low Humidity: 77% 7:08

High Dewpoint: 5.6°C 0:14 Low Dewpoint: 1.7°C 7:05

High Wind: 25.0mph 2:48 Low Wind Chill: 3.9°C 2:57

High Barometer: 1005.0mb 7:29 Low Barometer: 1003.4mb 5:14

High Rain Rate: 0.3mm/hr 1:00 High Heat Index: 6.7°C 1:34

  • Location: Merseyside
  • Location: Merseyside


Temperature 3.6C

Humidity 79%

Pressure 1008 hPa

Wind N 10-29mph (gusting).

  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)
  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)

Mostly blue skies, some TCu on the horizon towards coast, cool breeze.

Temp: 5.7 °C

Wind: NW at 9 mph

Pressure: 1006 hPa, falling

  • Location: Loftus, East Cleveland
  • Location: Loftus, East Cleveland
Please post your weather reports for Wednesday 16th November here

weather station: Loftus Samos

longitude: -0.87°

latitude: 54.57°

elevation: 58 m

Actual weather Loftus Samos

16.11.2005 07:00 o'clock

weather temperature (°C) 5.1

cloud coverage (1/ 8) dewpoint (°C) -0.2

wind (°) rel. humidity (%) 69

wind speed (kts) 18 air pressure (hPa) 1006.7

wind gusts (kts) 29 air pressure tendency (hPa) +1.8

SQ :angry:

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Cloudy and breezy, 2C...There's PPN in the wind but it's too dark to know what kind!

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

lovely clear sky with the sun up, min temp 2.9C, no sure if there has been a ground frost, temp now up to 3.3C with a light nly breeze.

  • Location: Thurleigh, Bedfordshire. 81m. ASL. Lat: 52º 12' 53" N Long: 0º 27' 14" W
  • Location: Thurleigh, Bedfordshire. 81m. ASL. Lat: 52º 12' 53" N Long: 0º 27' 14" W

Conditions at 0900 in Thurleigh, Bedfordshire.

Good morning everyone, bright and sunny but feeling quite cold with a wind chill of 1.2ºc

Over Night Min. Air Temp. 4.6ºc (0840)

Grass Minimum Temp. 2.1ºc

30cm Soil Temp. 9.1ºc

Air Temp. 4.7

Wind Speed. N 10 mph Average 10 mph Max. 22 mph (1000)

Wind Chill. 1.2ºc

Dew Point. 0.2ºc

Humidity. 73 %

Barometer. 1006.8mb Rising Slowly

Rainfall Today 0.3mm

Solar Radiation. 28 W/m² Max. Solar radiation.32 W/m²

  • Location: Portlethen - Aberdeenshire
  • Location: Portlethen - Aberdeenshire

Not so much a current weather observation from Stonehaven but a current observation from Nr. Banchory...Blizzards and car speed down to 30mph. Here in stonehaven its partly cloudy with a brisk northely, ice all over the cars.....bbrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Please post your weather reports for Wednesday 16th November here

It's flipping freezing but lovely and clear, blue sky and hardly any wind at all in Peterborough. As for the temperature, I would guess it's about 4 degrees no more.

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Cold here too - 3C...had sleet in past hour too!

  • Location: Stewartstown (51m asl) , N.Ireland. (In Dazzling Dazza Land)
  • Location: Stewartstown (51m asl) , N.Ireland. (In Dazzling Dazza Land)

Cloud starting to thicken after a lurvly clear morning. No frost to report on, current conditions below.

Air Temperature:- 3.2 degrees Celsius

Ground Temperature:- 10.4 degrees Celsius

Barometric Pressure:- 1013 milliBars

Wind Speed:- 0.8 knots

Wind Direction:- 212 degrees East from North

  • Location: Newcastle upon tyne
  • Location: Newcastle upon tyne

Morning all....very light snow covering early this morning 7am

bid flakes which froze as they hit the ground..all melted away now temp 3c :angry:

  • Location: Kingdom of Fife: 56.2º N, 3.2º W
  • Location: Kingdom of Fife: 56.2º N, 3.2º W

Beautifull November morning!

Bright and sunny. Very thin light high haze, making a blindingly bright otherwise cloudess sky. No wind to speak of, temp 4C.

  • Location: Grimsby uk
  • Location: Grimsby uk

Fine and sunny here in Grimsby.

Wind ---------------- NWly 22 mph

Pressure ------------ 1009 mb

Temp ---------------- 4c

Cloud ---------------- 3/8

Rain ------------------ none

Humidity ------------- 86% :angry:

  • Location: NH7256
  • Weather Preferences: where's my vote?
  • Location: NH7256

Overnight minimum 2 degrees, currently 4 degrees. Early rain showers now cleared. Very light winds. Feels like first day of winter!


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