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Lacrosse Ws2300 Weather Station - Anemomter Problems


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Recently, I have been having problems with the anemometer that came with my LaCRosse WS2300 weather station.

The anemometer has worked fine (albeit with a few minor problems) since January 2004, when I installed it outside. However, last month, it stopped responding, but rather than coming back on after a few hours like it has done in the past, it hasn't come back on, and all I get for wind speed is "---".

Upon testing the cable with a multimeter, I found that the red and black wires had 0 resistance, so were shorting somewhere, and also that the connections for some of the wires between the anemomter and transmitter had infinite ressitance, i.e. there was no connection!

I checked the connections in the anemomter, and they were fine. I decided to renew the cable by cutting the cable, leaving a few inches remaining at the anemometer end and at the transmitter end. I connected between the two, a 7-core cable (which I have on a reel, I got it from a car boot sale!), obviously only using the 4 cores needed, and obviously making sure that all the correct wires matched up with each other. The cable is now making a perfect connection between the anemometer and transmitter, with no shorts, yet I still get a "---" reading on the weather station.

Obviously, I have also tried replacing all the batteries, etc.

Has anyone got any ideas as to what could be wrong?



  • Replies 7
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  • Location: Worcestershire
  • Location: Worcestershire

Hi, the --- means that the reciever has not recieved data from the sensor since the last update. Now if it is not doing anything i would suggest first of all unplug the reciever from the mains and remove the batteries. This should reset the unit and it will look for the sensors in a sync mode (i have the ws2500 wireless so it should use same princible). Also check that the sensor channel is set correctly within the unit. Are your other readings O.K as it may be an error in the temp reciever, or you may be picking up static from a surafce touching the cable. Have you tired using it wirelessly and is it connected to your pc?



Thanks for replying. All the other readings are OK, it's just the wind speed / direction one which isn't. I've been using the station wirelessly since I got it just over two years ago, and I connect it to my PC every evening to download the day's data, using the HeavyWeather software, which also isn't displaying the wind information. When I fitted the new cable, I had to get the anemomter down from where it was (on top of a tall pole!), and even in a new position, with a new cable, it still isn't working. How would I "check that the sensor channel is set correctly within the unit"?



Hi, the --- means that the reciever has not recieved data from the sensor since the last update. Now if it is not doing anything i would suggest first of all unplug the reciever from the mains and remove the batteries. This should reset the unit and it will look for the sensors in a sync mode (i have the ws2500 wireless so it should use same princible). Also check that the sensor channel is set correctly within the unit. Are your other readings O.K as it may be an error in the temp reciever, or you may be picking up static from a surafce touching the cable. Have you tired using it wirelessly and is it connected to your pc?
  • Location: Worcestershire
  • Location: Worcestershire

Thanks for replying. All the other readings are OK, it's just the wind speed / direction one which isn't. I've been using the station wirelessly since I got it just over two years ago, and I connect it to my PC every evening to download the day's data, using the HeavyWeather software, which also isn't displaying the wind information. When I fitted the new cable, I had to get the anemomter down from where it was (on top of a tall pole!), and even in a new position, with a new cable, it still isn't working. How would I "check that the sensor channel is set correctly within the unit"?



Have you tried manually spinning the wind sensor to see if anything responds, as for resetting the display unit, take the batteries out and unplug from mains, and then after about 10 seocnds replace the batteries and plug back into mains, you may loose the baromic pressure for a couple of hrs when it re-adjusts, but its worth a try. :doh:

  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)
  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)

Hi David,

ok when you re wired, did you cross over the wires that connect the windy thing to the thermo-hygro unit? see here

Also i would suggest (if you don't do it already) a once yearly strip down of the windy thing it is easy to do as long as you are careful with the tiny screws and clean out the main boady section with a fine brush from cruddy dust and stuff (i had this problem after first setting up so have done it a couple of times now).

I am planning on rewiring mine when it comes down during summer for it's maintenance hence i have that link above ready :D but a 22ft climb in winter is not my idea of fun lol.


Thanks for all your replies.

But, I've tried just about everything - I've taken the anemomter and transmitter apart, checked all the connections between that and the transmitter using a multimeter, and they're all fine. I've also tried connecting the transmitter to the base station using a wire connection, but that still doesn't work. The base station briefly displayed "0 mph" and a direction of North, but then it quickly reverted to "---". I assume it can be either one of two things now, a faulty annemometer, or a faulty part of the transmitter.

Thanks again, B)


Hi David,

ok when you re wired, did you cross over the wires that connect the windy thing to the thermo-hygro unit? see here

Also i would suggest (if you don't do it already) a once yearly strip down of the windy thing it is easy to do as long as you are careful with the tiny screws and clean out the main boady section with a fine brush from cruddy dust and stuff (i had this problem after first setting up so have done it a couple of times now).

I am planning on rewiring mine when it comes down during summer for it's maintenance hence i have that link above ready ;) but a 22ft climb in winter is not my idea of fun lol.


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