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February 2006 Monthly Reports

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  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

for my station it is

avge max 7.5C(6.5)

avge min=2.0C(0.9)


days of rain=9

with 1mm or more=5

wettest day=24th with 5.8mm

Highest max temp=11.8C on 17th

Lowest max=1.0C on 2nd

Coldest night=-1.6C on 2nd

Warmest night=8.0C on 13th

days with air frost=6(12)

days with ground frost=17(16) fog=0(3)


days with snow=1(7) and none lying(5)

overall a bit above average but with a cold start and a cold end.

My winter shows a mean of 4.8C so coldest since 2003 when 4.4C and joint with 2001 at 4.8C. I have no data for the 95-96 winter but prior to that it is





Winters not mentioned were warmer than this one.

This I suppose shows it as fairly cold compared with the last 8-10 years.

Looking at the data for 71-2000 the average for this area is 4.75C


  • Replies 10
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  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland
  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland


Here are the weather statistics for the Great Asby jury.

Average daily maximum = 5.5º

Highest daily maximum = 9.0º (12th)

Lowest daily maximum = 0.9º (1st)

Average daily minimum = 1.0º

Highest daily minimum = 6.9º (13th)

Lowest daily minimum = -4.1º (19th)

No. of air frosts = eight

Mean temperature = 3.2º

Precipitation = 48.2mm

No. wet days = fifteen

Wettest day = 11.8mm (25th)

Highest wind speed = 46mph (25th)

Ireland = nil points

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Hedon, East Yorkshire.

February 2006

Warmest Max: 12.1°C (on 13/02/06)

Coldest Max: 2.1°C (on 01/02/06)

Warmest Min: 6.6°C (on 14/02/06)

Coldest Min: -1.8°C (on 01/02/06)

Average Max: 7.20°C (-0.10°C Below 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 2.05°C (+0.45°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 4.63°C (+0.13°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 44.9mm (117% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 15th (8.2mm)

Air Frosts: 4 (Below 1971-2000 Average of 7.1)

Snow showers: 3

Snow lying at 0900: 1 day

Dry Days: 7

Wet Days: 21

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 11

Thunderstorms: 0

Year 2006 So Far (Jan - Feb)

Warmest Max: 12.1°C (on 13/02/06)

Coldest Max: 2.1°C (on 01/02/06)

Warmest Min: 7.9°C (on 19/01/06)

Coldest Min: -1.9°C (on 24/01/06)

Average Max: 7.03°C (-0.07°C Below 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 2.14°C (+0.59°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 4.59°C (+0.24°C Above Running 1971-2000 Average)

Air Frosts: 7

Snow showers: 0

Snow lying at 0900: 1 day

Dry Days: 25

Wet Days: 34

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 18

Thunderstorms: 0

Rain: 69.8mm (78% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 15/02/06 (8.2mm)

The month had a cold anticylonic start and easterly end, with a mild and suprisingly sunny interlude in the middle which saw 6 consecutive days reach over 10°C, the mildest of which was the 13th with 12.1°C.

An average month temperature-wise but very wet, with only 7 days that didnt have some sort of precipitation. It was an almost completely snowless month, aside from a slight dusting on the 28th. There was also very few frosts due to cloudy nights.

To summarise, another near-snowless winter month to cap off a disappointing winter.

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

Well with sub-zero ice days at the start of the month and consistent maxxes of 4-6c (apart from a brief milder spell mid-month) along with some severe frosts it has been a very cold month here. The coldest February of the 3 I've recorded, continuing a trend of the whole winter this year.

Average max = 5.53c (highest = 9c on 3 days)

Average min = 0.07c (lowest = -7c on 10th Feb)

Mean = 2.8c

Dry days = 14

Precipitation days = 14 (of which snow/sleet/hail = 7)

Rainfall = 71.5mm

  • Location: Tonbridge, Kent
  • Location: Tonbridge, Kent

Tonbridge, Kent

February became the 14th out of 16 consecutive months to deliver below average rainfall. However, following a wet second half the month was not particularly dry with 87% of the norm. It was also a cool month - though not especially so, only the coolest since 1996 - with only one brief milder spell in mid month although there were few air frosts and no lying snow. Sunshine was a little below average.


Highest max: 11.2 ºC on 15th

Lowest max: 0.8 ºC on 1st

Lowest min: -1.7 ºC on 25th

Highest min: 7.8 ºC on 13th


Average max: 6.3 ºC (1.1 ºC below average*)

Average min: 2.3 ºC (0.1 ºC below average*)

Monthly mean: 4.1 ºC

Air frosts: 6


Rain: 43.5mm (87% of average*)

Wettest day: 15th (11.9mm)

Snow: Snowfall observed on 1 day, no lying snow cover


Wind Speed: high gust 27mph, 15th

Wind Direction: SSW Dominant then N then NNW


Sunshine: 25.8 hours measured with limited sensor exposure, estimate 55 - 60 hrs monthly total ( a little below average)

Sunniest Day: was 9th with 4.2 hrs recorded, >7.5 hrs actual.

* average at this site 1984 - 2005

Full monthly stats here: http://www.tonbridge-weather.org.uk/2006/feb2006.htm

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

After another several hours slogging at the keyboard the weather data is posted on my web site. Click on the link in the sig to have a look if interested. If you see any errors let me know.


February 2006

Summary: Relatively cold and dry. Loads of frost, about average sunshine and 2 coverings of snow.

Highest max: 10.3c (15th)

Lowest max: 0.5c (1st)

Highest min: 7.3c (12th)

Lowest min: -5.4 (9th)

Average max: 6.15c (-0.55c below local 1971-2000 average)

Average min: 1.24c (+0.24c above local 1971-2000 average)

Overall average: 3.69c (-0.16 below local 1971-2000 average)

Number of air frosts: 10

Snow: 2 coverings (2cm and 5cm)

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

February 2006 Report.

February began with some unexpectedly low temperatures; a warm cloudy anticyclone became well established over the British Isles. At 8am on the 1st it was overcast with a temperature of 3c here in Burton, however as the day wore on still under cloudy skies and light southerly winds the temperature started to fall steadily, so by lunch time it had become very cold at –1c, with snow grains, strangely the weather models showed no such cold air, this phenomenon was widespread throughout most of England. These conditions persisted for two days. B)

Obviously an inversion of stagnant cold air had become established, but what was unusual was the very cold conditions it produced, 2 to 3 ice days were recorded over wide areas of the Country.

On the morning of the 3rd, freezing drizzle was observed, making for some very dangerous conditions underfoot and for driving.

From the 4th to the 7th the temperatures started to lift again as the cold inversion of air broke down, while our now resident high-pressure shifted south a little, but the weather remained very gloomy with no sunshine recorded here in Burton.

On the 8th the high over the British Isles began to slip away southwest as low pressure moved in to NW Germany, an associated cold fronts brought much cooler brighter weather right across the country, but this unfortunately brought precious little rain.

By the 9th pressure rose sharply again over the British Isles, this brought with it bright weather with plenty of sunshine here in Burton, although I recorded a couple of sharp frosts during the overnight periods.

Pressure began to fall away on the 12th as the high slowly moved east and deep low pressure from the Atlantic moved in, this low stalled just off NW Scotland and brought initially mild south westerly winds, but cooler showery conditions followed as Polar Maritime air gradually got caught up in its circulation.

Daytime temperatures were close to the average here in Burton, during the quieter periods overnight I recorded a couple of Air frosts and Freezing fog.

On the 19th a low-pressure area over Biscay moved NE towards the British Isles as high pressure started building to the west, northwest and later over Greenland, this commenced a spell of much colder easterly and later northerly winds bring rain, sleet and a little snow at times to the area.

A brief summary.

High pressure made for a very dry rather cold start to February; the middle of the month saw pressure fall, bringing unsettled milder wetter conditions for a few days. Finally turning cold and mainly dry.

Average maximum temperature = 5.7c

Average minimum temperature = 1.8c

Mean temperature = 3.7c -0.45 below the CET average.

Warmest day on the 13th = 10c

Coldest day on the 2nd = -0.7c

Warmest night on the 13th = 7.8c

Coldest night on the 10 = -2.7c

Ground Frosts = 3

Air frost = 10

Days of snow = 2

Days of lying snow = 0.5

Rainfall total = 24 mm


  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Statistics for Cleadon, Tyne & Wear. There is no official 1971-2000 climatology for the location but I have devised an approximate set of 1971-2000 averages based on the discrepancies between my site and Durham Observatory's readings.

Mean Max: 7.1C (+0.1)

Mean Min: 2.0C (+0.5)

Mean Temp: 4.5C (+0.2)

Highest max: 10.7C (15th)

Lowest max: 2.3C (1st)

Highest min: 7.3C (7th)

Lowest min: -2.3C (11th)

Air frosts: 5 (9)

Rainfall: 22mm (46%)

Days of sleet/snow: 3

Days of hail: 1

Snow lying at 0900: 1 (28th, partial cover)

Another quite uneventful month, with a cold beginning and end, and a mild middle. The easterly towards the end of the month was laughable, with maxima of 5-7C and minima between 2 and 4C throughout. As with most other members' stations, the mean minimum was high relative to the mean maximum.

Statistically, it was the coldest and driest February at the location since 2003, and the most snowless since 1998. The average maximum, however, was the lowest since 1996.

  • Location: Exeter, Devon, England
  • Location: Exeter, Devon, England

Leavenheath AWS, South Suffolk at 60m ASL

FEBRUARY 2006: Cold start, becoming mobile, mild, windy and wet mid-month and then cold and dry again later. Overall temperatures around average, above average by night and below average by day. Rainfall approx. 75% of the average.


Average in brackets compares observed with the 1971-2000 mean at Wattisham airfield which is appoximately 10 miles NE of the station.


Mean: 3.4C (–0.2C)

Lowest in record: 3.3C, 2005; Highest in record: 6.6C, 2002

Maximum temperature : 10.4C (15)

Lowest Maxima : –0.3C (2)* Lowest in record for February. Previous lowest was +1.2C (1st, 2001)

Average Maxima : 5.9C (–0.7C)

Minimum temperature : –2.9C (3)

Highest Minima : 7.1C (13)

Average Minima : 1.3C (+0.6C)


Total rainfall : 26.2mm (75%)

Max 24h total : 7.0mm (12)

Days with >1mm : 8 (0)

Graph of temperature and rainfall for February 2006: http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/5186/fe...6762x4647kr.jpg

  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)
  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)

Averages\Extremes for the month of February to 27 2006


Average temperature 4.1 °C

Average humidity 81 %

Average dewpoint 1.1 °C

Average barometer 1014 mb

Average windspeed 9.6 mph

Average gustspeed 11.7 mph

Average direction 257 ° (WSW)

Rainfall for month 27.0 mm

Rainfall for year 50.4 mm


Maximum rain per minute 0.5 mm on day 27 at time 16:56

Maximum temperature 10.7 °C on day 14 at time 15:33

Minimum temperature -18.6 °C on day 08 at time 18:52

Maximum humidity 91 % on day 14 at time 05:00

Minimum humidity 55 % on day 08 at time 19:28

Maximum pressure 1037.1 mb on day 22 at time 22:04

Minimum pressure 969.2 mb on day 16 at time 14:43

Maximum windspeed 46.0 mph from 304° on day 08 at time 18:26

Maximum gust speed 93.2 mph from 294° on day 27 at time 22:37

Maximum heat index 10.7 °C on day 14 at time 15:33

Growing degrees days : -32.6 °C


Daily rain totals

0.5 mm on day 4

3.0 mm on day 6

7.2 mm on day 7

0.5 mm on day 11

3.6 mm on day 13

1.5 mm on day 14

4.1 mm on day 17

1.0 mm on day 18

0.5 mm on day 20

0.5 mm on day 24

0.5 mm on day 26

4.1 mm on day 27


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