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How To Improve Your Knowledge Of Weather

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  • Location: Sawbridgeworth
  • Location: Sawbridgeworth

can anyone please point me in the right direction on how to improve my knowledge of weather forcasting, im not a bright spark in either physics or maths so i cant go to uni to study but if there are anywebsites or home learning courses people know of can they please let me know. :lol: thanks

  • Replies 8
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  • Location: Llandysul, Ceredigion, Wales
  • Location: Llandysul, Ceredigion, Wales

I should get a thermometer from Lidl and make your own humidity meter with a dial and a human hair and a yoghurt pot. That's what got me started on my horizontal learning weather curve. B)

  • Location: Warwick and Hull
  • Location: Warwick and Hull

I got most of my current knowlegde from this forum. It's a wealth of information. Looking on the internet is always good. I find Wikipedia quite helpful on events across the pond, but a little skecthy on European events sometimes.

  • Location: Liphook
  • Location: Liphook

Most of my knowleadge comes from this forum as well Paranoid, I'm always learning new things from the big guns, esp from people like John, Steve, GP, Brick and many others.

The only knowleadge that comes from outside sources is prehaps a little of my more detailed ideas about hurricanes and I hope to be able to pass it on during this hurricane season.

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

that is kind KW. But we all learn from each other. Please don't take this the wrong way its a compliment. Most, if not all, have been mighty impressed at how much you have picked up in such a short time. And I have a good deal less knwoledge than you have on hurricanes. Like I said we all learn from each other.

Ref the first poster, yes read all the Net Wx Guides, please don't be afraid to ask any questions. If you feel a bit inhibitied then a pm to any of the forecasters on here or others who show knowledge and we will all be happy to help.




I agree with the above posts, I have learnt a lot from this forum about the weather and yet there is so much yet to learn.

Mattneal, If you read the model discussions I'm sure you will learn too.

  • Location: Liphook
  • Location: Liphook

Hi John, your quite right, we do all learn from each other and we never stop learning either, just when you think you know most of it someone will come along and open up a completely different area of the weather that you never even thought about.

Thats the great thing about this forum!

  • Location: Coventry,Warwickshire
  • Location: Coventry,Warwickshire

Yes read the net weather guides.

The SRH also have some information in there JETSTREAM online weather school.

Jetstream atmosphere

Jetstream JetstreamsJetstream Clouds

Jetstream Cloud Types

Jetstream air masses

There are also a few pages here at the University of illinois

University of illinois Meteorology

And of course there is the excellent Haby hints



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