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How Are Your Plums?


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  • Location: Sth Staffs/Shrops 105m/345' & NW Snowdonia 219m/719'
  • Location: Sth Staffs/Shrops 105m/345' & NW Snowdonia 219m/719'

I had a super crop of cherries earlier in the year and our greengages; victoria and dessert plums look like being very good and plentiful too. Damsons are a bit small but plenty of them.

I think the good crop is due to the blossom being so late because of the ‘extended’ winter and I don’t recall there being any major frosts around the blossom time.

We also have plenty of apples but they seen smaller than usual, especially the normally large cooker varieties. I suppose this is down to lack of moisture in the soil due to practically non-existent rainfall all summer.

I think there should still be enough fruit to brew some scrumpy and damson gin though! :(

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  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL

Sounds delicious. Unfortunately, our garden is still in development, so not much going on.

We do have a strawberry plant which, although has had very little fruit, has re-rooted itself twice in another pot through extended shoots.

  • Location: Lindum Colonia
  • Location: Lindum Colonia

Strawberries were good, as were sylvanberries and loganberries.

Raspberries were rubbish but they were ripening during the very hot spell.

Apples seem plentiful this year and the pears are growing nicely although I thinned them out.

Grapes are also growing, just hope there is long enough left in the season for them to ripen fully.

Edit - my friends garden has plum(?) trees in and they have had a bumper crop. 70 jars of plum jam made and 60 odd pounds of fruit frozen!

  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland
  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland

I've got 7 strawberry plants...all new this spring. Not a single flower on them.

I've got 7 strawberry plants...all new this spring. Not a single flower on them.

I was told to water mine with Tomato plant food at the start of the year because it encourages flower growth, whether this is true or not i've no idea, but we did get a bumper crop this year.

  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL

Forgot actually, but you will see why.

We also have a fig tree. In terms of plant growth, its almost doubled this year.

Fruit wise, however, has been poor, but strange too. We had about 5 figs before we went away for a month. Obviously, with little watering, the fruit dropped off. Strange though, as during the warm spell at the beginning of the month, we had a further 7/8 fruit develop quite rapidly. The cooler weather though has put a stop to this, so they are still about the size of a raspberry.

  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny summers, cold snowy winters
  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL

We have been out blackberry picking already and we will probably go out again in the next few days and stock up the freezer there are loads about. Looking forward to lots of crumble deserts :(

Pity i dont still live in the house we grew up in as we had apple and pear trees, strawberry plants, gooseberry plants, rhubarb and plum tree.

  • Location: Lindum Colonia
  • Location: Lindum Colonia
Forgot actually, but you will see why.

We also have a fig tree. In terms of plant growth, its almost doubled this year.

Fruit wise, however, has been poor, but strange too. We had about 5 figs before we went away for a month. Obviously, with little watering, the fruit dropped off. Strange though, as during the warm spell at the beginning of the month, we had a further 7/8 fruit develop quite rapidly. The cooler weather though has put a stop to this, so they are still about the size of a raspberry.

I think figs take two years to ripen? I have a little fig tree but it's leaves fell off in the hot weather.

Forgot about the blackberries - the 'wild' ones are ripe and the two cultivated plants are ripening nicely.

  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
Forgot about the blackberries - the 'wild' ones are ripe and the two cultivated plants are ripening nicely.

i think that people do forget about picking the wild blackberry.. or cant be bothered.. we picked 4lbs in an hour and we wernt rushing.. popular footpath too.. ahhhhhh.. blackberry jelly..

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
We have been out blackberry picking already and we will probably go out again in the next few days and stock up the freezer there are loads about. Looking forward to lots of crumble deserts ;)

There was an initial crop of blackberries by last weekend, big and juicy ones too! The 2nd and much larger crop is ripening now, hopefully helped along by some rain and warm sunshine in the last few days.

  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
I don't have plums...

What about Damsons...they're the posh plums you know ;)

  • Location: NH7256
  • Weather Preferences: where's my vote?
  • Location: NH7256

i had a good crop of blackcurrants for the first time - they've only been in 3 years. but i don't know what variety they are - ben lomond possibly. planning to plant a plum tree and a damson tree very soon - good varieties, anyone?

  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
i had a good crop of blackcurrants for the first time - they've only been in 3 years. but i don't know what variety they are - ben lomond possibly. planning to plant a plum tree and a damson tree very soon - good varieties, anyone?

best plums are victorias.. the huge black ones.. late season tho.. best for making jams with.. :)

  • Location: NH7256
  • Weather Preferences: where's my vote?
  • Location: NH7256
best plums are victorias.. the huge black ones.. late season tho.. best for making jams with.. :)

ta. off to see what they can get at the nursery later today, if they haven't been washed away overnight.

  • Location: Norfolk
  • Location: Norfolk

I have an array of wild blackberries right outside my house which is good, my strawberry planter was also very productive this year. For plums I rely on my parents who have an abundance and never really use them so I am good for jam for some time!

  • Location: Mytholmroyd, West Yorks.......
  • Weather Preferences: Hot & Sunny, Cold & Snowy
  • Location: Mytholmroyd, West Yorks.......

My nibbles run something like this, first the Wild strawberry's (alpines) ooooh so sweet,Strawberries,Raspberries,Cherries, Bilberies, Blueberries, Blackberries and then Apples. I do love our countryside!!!

  • Location: Quadring...(spalding)
  • Location: Quadring...(spalding)

i've got a super crop of plums too! One of the branches broke under the wieght of the fruit.

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

I can safely say that the Blackberry & Apple crumble we made this weekend was gorgeous with both custard and (separately :lol: ) ice cream.

Roll on picking from the 2nd crop later this week, might be worth a look tomorrow after today's warm sunshine and before Wednesday's heavy rain.

  • Location: Gravesend
  • Location: Gravesend

Anyone thinking of planting new fruit trees should look up Brogdale in Faversham. They have the national fruit collection and will supply all the trees you need.

  • Location: NH7256
  • Weather Preferences: where's my vote?
  • Location: NH7256

do dwarfed rootstocks really only let the trees grow to 3 to 4m tall?

  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL

Interesting day yesterday for fruits.

We went to one village, where all the balckberries had finished, and any that werent picked were all dried up.

However, walking where we live (about 10 miles away), there was plentiful stocks of wild blackberries still growing. Nice and sweet too.

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

Is it the combination of rain and warmth that makes the crop of plums so good because this year I've had hundreds of them - literally! Last year there about eleven.

  • Location: Sunny Scunny
  • Location: Sunny Scunny

Hi there Michael, the reason you probably had a good crop this year and a bad last year was probably more to do with the fact that plum trees seem to fruit well every other year. We found this with ours and that of a friends across the road.


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