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A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

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  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City

G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease - like scurvy or pellagra - aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.

This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle.

Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics - and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.

With billions of dollars spent each year on research, with other billions taken in on the sale of cancer-related drugs, and with fund-raising at an all-time high, there are now more people making a living from cancer than dying from it. If the solution should be found in a simple vitamin, this gigantic industry could be wiped out over night. The result is that the politics of cancer therapy is more complicated than the science.


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  • Location: Lindum Colonia
  • Location: Lindum Colonia

I knew I recognised the name! G Edward Griffin is also the guy who believes that contrails are in fact chemicals being sprayed by governments. :lol:

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
I knew I recognised the name! G Edward Griffin is also the guy who believes that contrails are in fact chemicals being sprayed by governments. :lol:

I don't think so.

Please don't create generalisations based on errors in particular parts of a person's research.

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
An article by the man himself.


feel free to apologise :lol:

1. You have no evidence that this is the same person and that his work has been taken out of context or misquoted.

and more importantly

2. This is OFF-TOPIC. The thread is about vitamin B17 and cancer, not on some other allegedly misguided view about chemtrails.

Can some admin point this out to flagpole as she seems to have a habit of doing this.

  • Location: Liphook
  • Location: Liphook

PP, the thing is the article is written by the same bloke as the chemtrail story and the evidence is in his name and I think what Flagpole is saying is if the stuff he talks about is rubbish (I'm not saying it is but some of it looks a touch suspect of his site.) then how can you believe anything that he says??

It's stories like this below that really does dis-creadit anything he says, factual or not!


Anyhow I still suspect its a very intresting idea and noe that could well be true though I don't know enough about the actual subject to comment

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
PP, the thing is the article is written by the same bloke as the chemtrail story and the evidence is in his name and I think what Flagpole is saying is if the stuff he talks about is rubbish (I'm not saying it is but some of it looks a touch suspect of his site.) then how can you believe anything that he says??

It's stories like this below that really does dis-creadit anything he says, factual or not!


There is a great deal of truth in that, and there is a conspiracy by zionist-elite who run our world. No research is perfect, but it certainly isn't disinfo.

But please talk about the topic title. Oh, and the article you linked to is NOT by the same guy.

  • Location: Liphook
  • Location: Liphook

Ah yes that is the case PP, fair enough then what I said isn't quite justified, though he did write that Chemtrails article flagpole posted up.

I've not yet see nthat video so I shall not comment on it before I even see it but it sounds pretty intresting, coupled to this i did find out that he is he is the founder of the Cancer Cure Foundation and has served on the board of directors of the National Health Federation as well as the International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends which I suppose means I did do him a mis-justice!

(ps, mind you I won't get into your first comment, because heres not the place and I want this to be kept on-topic, needless to say I once started a 4000 post thread based on a conspiracy on this forum.)

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks


re this

There is a great deal of truth in that, and there is a conspiracy by zionist-elite who run our world. No research is perfect, but it certainly isn't disinfo

cut this political twaddle out including in your signature. This is essentially a weather site and there is no place in either our avatars or signatures for political statements.

Of course in any post you are entitled to a point of view but this is too far.

If you don't reign in then I will strongly push for the admin and mods to barr you from this site until such time as you agree to abide by the rules.


  • Location: New Zealand
  • Location: New Zealand

On the other hand, I've heared another conspiracy thingy about Cancer and the FDA which I've often wondered about. Could anybody tell me about this one, involving something called "Black salve"?

  • Location: Lindum Colonia
  • Location: Lindum Colonia
2. This is OFF-TOPIC. The thread is about vitamin B17 and cancer, not on some other allegedly misguided view about chemtrails.

Can some admin point this out to flagpole as she seems to have a habit of doing this.

Cobblers. You posted an article which had been backed by a bloke who backs any crack pot theory going. It's totally relevent. Give the conspiracy theories a rest, you're starting to sound like a stuck record.

  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL

before i take a look at this video.. is this the stuff about certain fruit stones being a cure for cancer?? just wondering before i kill my downloads to watch it..

  • Location: New Zealand
  • Location: New Zealand

Thanks Flagpole ;)

I'm going to remain open minded on that one (the black salve thing). It seems that The FDA's reasoning for saying that it doesn't work is that there are "no clinical trials and no scientific evidence". Oddly though, they also say that people have said that it works for centuries. It seems odd to me that the FDA wouldn't involvce itself in a clinical trial which has a very real chance of being useful in fighting cancer (ie, the 50:50 chance that comes from never studying it). If nothing else, a failed clinical trial would prove beyond doubt that it's unlikely to work, and thus stop many people from hurting themselves in trying it. it seems to me to be a little strange all around I feel.

I'm definitely staying firmly on the fence on that one.

  • Location: Steeton, W Yorks, 270m ASL
  • Location: Steeton, W Yorks, 270m ASL

Excuse me whilst I yawn...

Cancer Research UK says of vitamin B17: "According to claims made on the Internet, this substance found in apricot pips is a highly active compound that can cure cancer.

"Unfortunately this is simply not true. The whole reason for the existence of Cancer Research UK is to find cures for cancers.

"If simply eating apricot seeds could cure cancer, no one would be more delighted than us."

I've just had a 20 minute Google and failed to find a single site that strikes me as anything other then run by a (lunatic) fringe minority. On page 6 of my search I finally started finding sites that I would consider potentially objective. All of the previous sites were variously alternative therapy sites, US based individuals citing no other reference, research or peer review beyond their own, or religious sites (and occasionally all three of these).

I also found a site suggesting that B17 is not actually a vitamin at all. I'm no expert in the area to make the call on this, but the implication was that whoever had isolated the compound sought to give it significance by calling it a vitamin.

Hang on, another yawn...

There may or may not be something in B17, that much I grant you, but there is no evidence that there is. FDA and others have banned it because of the cyanide complex in apricot kernels (one source of B17). Your man's arguments are interesting and compelling, but as an expert in communications I would expect no less. He is long on clever rhetoric and short on facts and comparative analysis. His citing eskimos and some remort Himlayan tribe is interesting, but his argument that the presence of B17 in their diet might be spurious, even if it is true. The driver of cancer may actually be the presence of something in the western diet and not the absence of something else.

Final very long yawn...

However, just like any thread opened by Daniel is going to blather on about the next ice age being just around the corner - usually according to that paragon of high science 'Ice Age Now' [the title says it all really]), I am increasingly of the view that any thread opened by PP is going to have a might rich vein of "Now that's what I call a conspiracy 437" running through it.

Sorry, I was wrong, yawn...

  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL

Thanks SF.. thought that was the one..

While i think that something is being overlooked regarding this B17 thing and i can see that the big drugs companies are in it for the money.. I cant see our charities not being bothered to look into these claims.. Its people like cancer research that most of us look to to try and find the cure.. not the drugs companies.. so i have to go with the bag of custard on this one..

  • Location: Steeton, W Yorks, 270m ASL
  • Location: Steeton, W Yorks, 270m ASL


no doubt that paper was written by some right-wing, jew loving, israel inhabiting, banker related, capitalist.

I think our man is probably related to David Icke somewhere in the not too distant past. Not surprisingly, he is of the view that 9/11 was a conspiracy. I note further back in the ramblings of a madman that apparently Hoover was behind Pearl Harbour.



Thanks SF.. thought that was the one..

While i think that something is being overlooked regarding this B17 thing and i can see that the big drugs companies are in it for the money.. I cant see our charities not being bothered to look into these claims.. Its people like cancer research that most of us look to to try and find the cure.. not the drugs companies.. so i have to go with the bag of custard on this one..

Well, yes and no. If I were a drug company and there was anything in it rest assured I'd be there by now. Mr Griffin is being slightly disingenuous when he claims that the drug companies don't like B17 because it can't be patented (and therefore protected). I think this matters not a jot; if the compound works / worked they'd be there anyway producing it, not necessarily primaries like Glaxo, but one of the many companies that just produce derivatives once 20 year patents have run out. The argument re capitalism forcing the solution out is actually the very reason why someone else would chase it hard.

I found another interesting link to a complaint to OfCom regarding an ITV programme entitle "cancer therapies; who to trust", by a family whose daughter had been sent to Mexico (I suspect the same clininc as used by Steve McQueen, to no obvious positive effect in either case I hasten to add) to undergo the alternative treatment. She died too. The families complaint was the programme portrayed them as naive and misrepresented. The OfCom panel found for the programme producers.

I suspect the sad reality, and it was ever thus, is that in cases of terminal disease desperate people will chase almost any potential cure. I wonder who is really deluding who in all of this? Is Mr Griffin not a fraud simply because he says he isn't?

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City

Watch the video, then pass judgements.

Anybody can go to a website called 'quackwatch' to get a biased opinion based on 'sceptics' who know very little about actual real-world examples of these treatments working.

Fact is, I would much rather prevent cancer through diet then be irradiated by chemotherapy machines that only exarcebate the problem.

  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL

Hi SF.. interesting post..

I do see where youre comming from regarding the drugs companies.. BUT.. if they know that it works and announce it then they wouldnt get the grants etc that they enjoy for research or the money they get from partial treatments that they claim that its the best they can do.. i suppose that the charities also have that same problem but they would be in a better position as they would probably be able to sell their info if it was genuine.. so i guess it does draw a blank..

PP.. i know a lot of people that are sceptics.. and they are sceptical of both sides on medical research.. youre only sceptical one way.. and this time you sit on the woowoo side of the fence.. very interesting!! :);)

Run your post past Randi.. (nice bloke.. in small doses..) ;)

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City

re this

There is a great deal of truth in that, and there is a conspiracy by zionist-elite who run our world. No research is perfect, but it certainly isn't disinfo

cut this political twaddle out including in your signature. This is essentially a weather site and there is no place in either our avatars or signatures for political statements.

Of course in any post you are entitled to a point of view but this is too far.

If you don't reign in then I will strongly push for the admin and mods to barr you from this site until such time as you agree to abide by the rules.


It's not just a weather forum. Oh, and i post this stuff EVERYWHERE not just here. The internet is the best place to spread information and democracy. People can call me a quack if they want (their loss), but i go with the confidence that i have convinced at least some people too.

  • Location: New Zealand
  • Location: New Zealand
People can call me a quack if they want (their loss), but i go with the confidence that i have convinced at least some people too.

You miht like to re-phrase that PP. In the given context, it doesn't read in the way I suspect you intended it to. Convincing people to call you a quack probably isn't something that particularly builds confidence in a person. lol

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
You miht like to re-phrase that PP. In the given context, it doesn't read in the way I suspect you intended it to. Convincing people to call you a quack probably isn't something that particularly builds confidence in a person. lol


  • Location: Steeton, W Yorks, 270m ASL
  • Location: Steeton, W Yorks, 270m ASL
Watch the video, then pass judgements.

Anybody can go to a website called 'quackwatch' to get a biased opinion based on 'sceptics' who know very little about actual real-world examples of these treatments working.

Fact is, I would much rather prevent cancer through diet then be irradiated by chemotherapy machines that only exarcebate the problem.


We would all much rather that. I would much rather that someone sent me £500 in the post everyday, rather than having to get out of bed and actually go and earn the money. That's not the point. The question is DOES THAT SUPPLEMENT work. What we have here is one person saying it does. I watched the video (well, listened to the monologue in the background); it presents no more science than Mystic Meg used to when forecasting the lottery numbers years ago.

You may want to check up on your medicine by the way. I wasn't aware that there were chemotherapy machines, and if they are I'm pretty sure they don't irradiate you; radiation therapy is something quite apart from chemotherapy, even if they may be used in tandem. Of course they are vigorous and hostile therapies, but then aggressive cancer is vigorous and hostile too.

You may well have convinced people of something (doubtless some conspiracy or other), but are they the sort of people any of the rest of us need to be concerned with; somehow I doubt it.

I'm more than willing to be open minded on this one, even with your history of somewhat schizophrenic conspiracy induced posting on the open fora, but at least find some reputable science for us rather than a load of rhetoric from someone who makes his living writing controversial books that pander to unfounded suspicions that are too easily dressed up to look real. It's the stuff of harmless finger shadows cast into giant ghouls on distant walls designed to scare the stupid and uniformed majority into believeing the world is out to get them. The irony is that HE quotes Orwell ("1984") in one of his interviews to make his point, little realising that he himself is even more guilty of playing the game of which he is trying to accuse the government. As if that weren't enough one of his many sites finished off with more God-bothering nonsense.

As flagpole said, anyone posting twaddle about contrails is, by direct extrapolation, hardly worthy of a hearing when it comes to the efficacy of one medical treatment or another. Thinking about it, one of his interviews rather reminded me of Ken Ring!

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City

We would all much rather that. I would much rather that someone sent me £500 in the post everyday, rather than having to get out of bed and actually go and earn the money. That's not the point. The question is DOES THAT SUPPLEMENT work. What we have here is one person saying it does. I watched the video (well, listened to the monologue in the background); it presents no more science than Mystic Meg used to when forecasting the lottery numbers years ago.

You may want to check up on your medicine by the way. I wasn't aware that there were chemotherapy machines, and if they are I'm pretty sure they don't irradiate you; radiation therapy is something quite apart from chemotherapy, even if they may be used in tandem. Of course they are vigorous and hostile therapies, but then aggressive cancer is vigorous and hostile too.

You may well have convinced people of something (doubtless some conspiracy or other), but are they the sort of people any of the rest of us need to be concerned with; somehow I doubt it.

I'm more than willing to be open minded on this one, even with your history of somewhat schizophrenic conspiracy induced posting on the open fora, but at least find some reputable science for us rather than a load of rhetoric from someone who makes his living writing controversial books that pander to unfounded suspicions that are too easily dressed up to look real. It's the stuff of harmless finger shadows cast into giant ghouls on distant walls designed to scare the stupid and uniformed majority into believeing the world is out to get them. The irony is that HE quotes Orwell ("1984") in one of his interviews to make his point, little realising that he himself is even more guilty of playing the game of which he is trying to accuse the government. As if that weren't enough one of his many sites finished off with more God-bothering nonsense.

As flagpole said, anyone posting twaddle about contrails is, by direct extrapolation, hardly worthy of a hearing when it comes to the efficacy of one medical treatment or another. Thinking about it, one of his interviews rather reminded me of Ken Ring!

I find the fact that various isolated tribes who have never had a case of cancer in their societies (apart from when they settled into western lifestyles) very convincing when it comes to diet and cancer prevention. The food of western society is the KEY factor which leaves us exposed to cancer.


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