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Monday 11th September 2006


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  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Post Your Reports For Monday 11th September 2006 Here.

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Recordings taken at 00.00:

Current Conditions: Clear

Current Temp: 16.3°C

Barometer Reading: 1020hPa (Steady)

Wind Direction/Speed: S 4mph

September Mean Temp Avg: 19.44°C (+3.82°C)

September Rainfall: Trace

  • Replies 28
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  • Location: North Kenton (Tyne-and-Wear)6miles east from newcastle airport
  • Location: North Kenton (Tyne-and-Wear)6miles east from newcastle airport

Report from the North East

recordings taken between 2100hrs 10th sept - 0530hrs 11th september

max temp.......................................17.8c

min temp.......................................13.5c

average temp...............................15.65c

pressure max...............................1019.2hpa

pressure min................................1016.8hpa

wind chill.max...............................17.8c

wind chill min................................6.2c

humidity max.................................92%

humidity min..................................53%

dew point max...............................12.2c

dew point min................................10.9c

wind speed max............................23.2mph

wind gust max................................32.4mph

genral wind direection..................between SSE and SSW

wind direction now........................S

wind speed now............................calm

Outlook for today should be clear for today with the 2M temp expected to be around 23c , Solar energy for today ranging between 3 and 5, with the strongest of the energy being around 1500hrs at 5. Rain expected to move in from the South West by the early hours of tomorrow morning around 0600hrs


  • Location: consett co durham
  • Location: consett co durham

10c dry and clear

no wind looks like a nice day ahead.

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Morning everyone,

Clear and sunny here in Burton, it's going to be another hot one.

LAST READING AT TIME: 07:30 am DATE: 11 September 2006.

Current Weather Dry Current Temperature 10.8 °C (51.4°F), Apparent temp 10.9 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 15.6 °C at: 0:00 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 10.7 °C at: 7:00 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 0.0 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) ESE (112º)

Windchill Temperature 10.8 °C Maximum Gust (last hour) 0.0 mph at: 7:00 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 5.4 mph at: 0:00 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 3.6 mph at: 0:00 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 8.0 mm (0.31 in.) Rainfall To date this year 301.0 mm (11.85 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm DewPoint 9.2 °C (Wet Bulb :10.0 °C )

Humidity 90 %, Humidex 11.7 °C Barometer corrected to msl 1019.0 hPa

Pressure change +1.0 hPa (last hour) Trend STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) +0.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) +0.0 hPa


  • Location: Brue 30m amsl, West Coast, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides
  • Location: Brue 30m amsl, West Coast, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides

Just like yesterday





as ever

  • Location: Shrewsbury
  • Location: Shrewsbury

Getting warm again, sun a bit hazier than yesterday (nicest September day for a long time, may well have had more sun than any day in August), but still not much to complain about.

  • Location: Canterbury, Kent
  • Location: Canterbury, Kent

Weather: Very warm and sunny with a hit of hazy cloud here and there...

temperature: 26.2c

temp rate: +0.7c per hour

wind: ESE 6.9mph

pressure: 1016.7hPa

humidity: 50%

dewpoint: 15.7c

sunset: 19:21

WBSH :blink:

  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland
  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland

Utterly perfect. 21.1º, sunny and a light breeze.

I love this time of year!

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

1st thunderstorm of the day has now kicked off :blink: Heavy rain followed by thunder just after 14z - cell now moving NNE

  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)
  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)

LAST READING AT TIME: 14:55 pm DATE: 11 September 2006 ,Time of next update: 15:00 PM

Current Weather Dry

Current Temperature 24.4°C (75.9°F) (Heat Index 24.4°C ),

Apparent temp 24.2 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 26.2 °C at: 2:41 PM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 13.6 °C at: 4:06 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 5.5 mph

Wind Direction (ten minute) WSW (247°)

Heat Index 25.5°C

Maximum Gust (last hour) 13.0 mph at: 2:39 PM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 14.7 mph at: 10:15 AM

Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 13.8 mph at: 10:14 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm

Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 11.7 mm (0.46 in.)

Rainfall To date this year 294.5 mm (11.59 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min

Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm

DewPoint 15.6°C (Wet Bulb :19.0°C )

Humidity 58 %, Humidex 28.8 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1011.4 mb

Pressure change -0.1 mb (last hour)


Pressure change (last 12 hours) -1.7 mb

Pressure change (last 6 hours) -0.3 mb

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

After a sunny start it has now clouded over. (I seem to have been saying that a lot lately :blink: )

Temp: 21.5C, falling (after a max of 25C)

Humidity: 49%, rising

Pressure: 1013mb, falling

Wind: light, from the south

  • Location: Ponteland
  • Location: Ponteland

Glorious and hot,sunny and humid just about describes the weather,30 minutes ago it was 25c in the semi-shade in my garden,humidity 44%,wind light SE,barometer 1015 mb and falling.

  • Location: Ware, Herts
  • Location: Ware, Herts

swelteringly hot, 31c, feels like what august should have been. clear skies and hot sunshine. southeasterly breeze.

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

Sunnny until about 2pm this afternoon where the temperature touched 25.3C. Clouded over and now very cloudy and dark with thickening altocumulus castellanus. Storms to come? Currently 22.4C

  • Location: Faverham, Kent
  • Location: Faverham, Kent

Very hot and humid up here at university in canterbury, 30c broken by 2pm, very very humid out now...... sweltering hope we get some storms

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

Considerably cooler with some heavy showers.

Temp: 17.3C, falling

Humidity: 69%, rising

Pressure: 1014mb, steady

Wind: calm

  • Location: Sheffield
  • Weather Preferences: Snow and Thunderstorms
  • Location: Sheffield

massive STORM HERE IN DRONFIELD NORTH DERBYSHIRE at the moment the rain is really coming down i have not seen rain like that in years the road was a river a minute ago its easing of a little now the rain but the fork lightning and thunder seems to be getting worse lol worst storm all season and we was not even forecast it.

If i had a camera i would be able to get some amazing shots with the lightning its like every couple of seconds or so.

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Evening everyone,

has been very hot today for September, max 27.3c at 2:50 this afternoon, this all ended in a huge thunderstorm around dusk.

LAST READING AT TIME: 20:30 pm DATE: 11 September 2006.

Current Weather Moderate rain Current Temperature 19.6 °C (67.3°F) (Heat Index 19.6 °C ), Apparent temp 20.5 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 27.3 °C at: 2:50 PM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 10.7 °C at: 7:00 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 4.1 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) SE (142º)

Heat Index 19.6 °C Maximum Gust (last hour) 17.4 mph at: 7:31 PM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 29.7 mph at: 7:20 PM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 18.8 mph at: 7:21 PM

Rainfall (last hour) 1.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight) 2.0 mm (0.08 in.) at 20:13:43

Rainfall This month 10.0 mm (0.39 in.) Rainfall To date this year 303.0 mm (11.93 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 1.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 2.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm DewPoint 16.8 °C (Wet Bulb :17.9 °C )

Humidity 84 %, Humidex 24.8 °C Barometer corrected to msl 1015.0 hPa

Pressure change -1.0 hPa (last hour) Trend STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) -3.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) -1.0 hPa


  • Location: Dublin, ireland
  • Weather Preferences: Snow , thunderstorms and wind
  • Location: Dublin, ireland

Steady heavy rain this evening here in Dublin

Current Weather Conditions at Palmerstown, Dublin, Ireland

As of: 11/09/06 22:02

Temperature: 16.4°C Dewpoint: 15.0°C

Humidity: 91% Wind Chill: 16.4°C

Wind: E at 1.0 mph THW Index: 16.7°C

Barometer: 1012.0 mb Steady Heat Index: 16.7°C

Today's Rain: 5.6 mm Monthly Rain: 21.3 mm

Storm Total: 5.6 mm Yearly Rain: 187.7 mm

  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Past 24 Hours Recordings:

Max Temp: 28.8°C (New September Record High)

Min Temp: 13.3°C

Rainfall: Nil

Note: Todays Maximum of 28.8°C broke the previous September record here which stood since the same date in 1999.

September Stats:

Max Temp Avg: 24.68C

Min Temp Avg: 14.5°C

Mean Temp Avg: 19.59°C

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 28.8°C on the 11th

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 20.5°C on the 2nd

Highest Night Min Temp: 19.0°C on the 3rd

Lowest Night Min Temp: 10.6°C on the 8th

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: Trace on the 2nd and 3rd

Total September Rainfall: Trace

2006 Stats:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 33.9°C on 19th July

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 1.4°C on 2nd February

Highest Night Min Temp: 20.4°C on 26th July

Lowest Night Min Temp: -3.9°C on 4th March

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 34mm on 13th August

Total Year Rainfall: 394mm

Driest Month: 18mm...July

Wettest Month: 114mm...August

Stats from the Station Archives:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 36.8°C on 10th August 2003

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: -4.1°C on 7th February 1991

Highest Night Min Temp: 21.2°C on 7th June 1996

Lowest Night Min Temp: -8.5°C on 7th February 1991

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest Month: 22.4°C...July 2006

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest Month: 2.81°C...February 1991

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest Year: 12.25°C...2002

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest Year: 10.73°C...1996

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 52mm on 15th September 2000

Driest Month: 1mm...August 1995

Wettest Month: 156mm...November 2002

Driest Year: 433mm...1996

Wettest Year: 875mm...2000


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