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Wednesday 4th October 2006


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  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Please post your weather reports here.

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  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Recordings taken at 00.00:

Current Conditions: Mostly Cloudy

Current Temp: 12.5°C

Barometer Reading: 1008hPa (Rising)

Wind Direction/Speed: W 9mph

October Mean Temp Avg: 15.08°C (+3.14°C)

October Rainfall: 23mm

  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)
  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)

LAST READING AT TIME: 07:05 am DATE: 04 October 2006 ,Time of next update: 07:10 AM

Current Weather Dry

Current Temperature 7.9°C (46.2°F),

Apparent temp 4.8 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 9.9 °C at: 1:04 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 7.9 °C at: 4:05 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 8.7 mph

Wind Direction (ten minute) NW (315°)

Windchill Temperature 5.6°C

Maximum Gust (last hour) 14.7 mph at: 6:06 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 33.7 mph at: 2:53 AM

Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 30.1 mph at: 2:58 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm

Rainfall (since midnight) 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) at 3:12 AM

Rainfall This month 20.5 mm (0.81 in.)

Rainfall To date this year 369.8 mm (14.56 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min

Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.5 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.5 mm

DewPoint 6.4°C (Wet Bulb :7.2°C )

Humidity 90 %, Humidex 7.7 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1004.5 mb

Pressure change +0.4 mb (last hour)


Pressure change (last 12 hours) +1.4 mb

Pressure change (last 6 hours) +0.5 mb

  • Location: Merseyside
  • Location: Merseyside

Cloudy and windy.

Temperature 12.8c

Humidity 78%

Pressure 1006mB

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Morning everyone,

Some cumulostratus moving in after clear periods overnight.

LAST READING AT TIME: 07:00 am DATE: 04 October 2006.

Current Weather Dry Current Temperature 5.9 °C (42.6°F), Apparent temp 5.1 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 11.4 °C at: 0:20 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 5.9 °C at: 6:59 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 0.0 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) SW (225º)

Windchill Temperature 5.9 °C Maximum Gust (last hour) 0.0 mph at: 7:00 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 8.3 mph at: 1:39 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 6.3 mph at: 1:38 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 9.0 mm (0.35 in.) Rainfall To date this year 358.0 mm (14.09 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm

DewPoint 4.4 °C

Wet Bulb :5.2 °C

Humidity 90 %

Humidex 5.0 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1009.0 hPa

Pressure change 0.0 hPa (last hour) Trend STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) +4.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) +1.0 hPa


Guest Viking141

Morning all. Chilly night!

Current obs:

Temp: 8C

Wind chill: 6C

Wind: NW @ 13 kts (Force 4)

Pressure: 1002mb (steady)

RH; 84%

Dewpoint: 5.8C

Last nights low: 6.5C


  • Location: Cheltenham,Glos
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms :D
  • Location: Cheltenham,Glos

Morning :D

Cold this morning

Temp 6.9c

Pressure 1011.9 Hpa and rising

Dew point 9c

  • Location: Fort William - Scotland
  • Location: Fort William - Scotland

Fort William


Current temp 4.7C

Humidity 97%

Dewpoint 4C

Pressure 1005.5mb rising

Wind - calm

  • Location: Sunny Southsea
  • Location: Sunny Southsea

Good morning.


A continuation of the 'cooling' reports so far today.

Sunny, mostly clear sky, negligeable breeze.



1011 mB, rising rapidly

24 Hours; max. 19.7C, min. 10.9C

Expecting a fine, warm day.


  • Location: South of Glasgow 55.778, -4.086, 86m
  • Location: South of Glasgow 55.778, -4.086, 86m




4/8 cloud, high & thin


zero wind

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Fine, partly cloudy, 8.8 °C.

Current weather conditions at Inverurie, Aberdeenshire: 04/10/06 8:18.

Temperature: 8.8 °C. Feels like: 8.5 °C.

Humidity: 81 % . Dewpoint: 5.7 °C .

Wind (10 min. avg. high): W at 5.0 mph. Today's rain: 0.3 mm .

Barometer: 1003.7 mb and Rising Slowly .

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk

Good morning,

We had an overnight low of 6.2c

Currently sunny with a little cirrus

Temp ~ 11.8c

Humidity ~ 78%

Dewpoint ~ 8.1c

  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire
  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire

Lowest overnight temperature of 6.5dc for the start of this Autumn period. Looks like things are starting to get around to being normal for once. The day has been mostly cloudy with sunny spells. A few spots of rain fell around lunch time but you could have sat and counted them falling. All in all quite a pleasant day.

Current Weather Conditions

As of:04/10/06 16:06

Temperature: 14.1 °C Wind Chill: 13.8 °C

Humidity: 67 % Heat Index: 13.6 °C

Wind: W at 2.0 mph Dewpoint: 8.1 °C

Barometer: 1008.4 mb Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr

Todays Rain: 0.3 mm Monthly Rain: 8.4 mm

Storm Total: 0.0 mm Yearly Rain: 368.8 mm

High Temperature: 14.1°C 11:51 Low Temperature: 6.5°C 6:56

High Humidity: 85% 4:04 Low Humidity: 64% 11:14

High Dewpoint: 8.3°C 0:13 Low Dewpoint: 3.9°C 6:49

High Wind: 19.0mph 10:21 Low Wind Chill: 6.7°C 6:27

High Barometer: 1008.4mb 15:59 Low Barometer: 1004.1mb 0:14

High Rain Rate: 0.3mm/hr 6:00 High Heat Index: 13.9°C 11:13

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk

Hi currently sunny with almost clear skies.

Temp ~ 13.7c

Humidity ~ 63%

Dewpoint ~ 6.7c

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

Min of 5c last night followed by a lovely day with plenty of sunshine.

Max 15c.

Clear at dusk with cloud to the NW, temp 13c.

  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny summers, cold snowy winters
  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL

mostly sunny spells today but a couple of late showers this evening.

currently 11.4C, 80%RH, 1007 mb

Guest Viking141

Chilly again this evening:

Current obs:

Temp: 8C

Wind chill: 6.5C

Wind: W @ 10 kts (Force 3)

Pressure: 1004mb (rising)

RH: 83%

Dewpoint: 6.5C


  • Location: Barnehurst nr Bexleyheath, Kent
  • Location: Barnehurst nr Bexleyheath, Kent

Mainly clear, 12c

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Report for Wednesday 4th October 2006, Readings taken at 23:55.

A mostly cloudy day with a single very heavy shower during the early afternoon. The evening then had clear spells, which became more prolonged after nightfall. Temperatures were much lower than recently, though still above average for the time of year. This evening has also seen the first single figure temperature reading since 9th September.

Current Temp: 9.8°C

Max Temp: 16.5°C (at 14:32)

Min Temp: 9.8°C (Current)

Humidity: 84%

Min Humidity: 68% (at 14:44)

Pressure: 1011.5hPa (Rising)

Dewpoint: 7.1°C

Wind: W (3mph)

Rain Today: 0.5mm

My October average currently stands at 14.4°C (+3.8°C Above the 1971-2000 average).


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