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Sunday 8th October 2006


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  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Please post your weather reports here.

  • Replies 25
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  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Recordings taken at 00.00:

Current Conditions: Clear

Current Temp: 11.7°C

Barometer Reading: 1019hPa (Falling)

Wind Direction/Speed: SW 104mph

October Mean Temp Avg: 14.16°C (+2.22°C)

October Rainfall: 40mm

  • Location: Canterbury, Kent
  • Location: Canterbury, Kent

Weather: Clear and cool

Temperature: 10.4c

Wind: calm

Pressure: 1019.4hPa

Humidity: 82%

Dew-point: 7.8c

Temp rate per hour: -0.9c

Sunset: 18:22


  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Morning everyone,

The day has dawned partly cloudy (fragmenting stratocumulus) still fairly breezy from the southwest.

LAST READING AT TIME: 07:00 am DATE: 08 October 2006.

Current Weather Dry Current Temperature 11.1 °C (52.0°F), Apparent temp 11.4 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 11.8 °C at: 0:23 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 9.5 °C at: 3:32 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 1.1 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) SSE (167º)

Windchill Temperature 11.1 °C Maximum Gust (last hour) 7.6 mph at: 6:45 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 10.5 mph at: 0:17 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 8.0 mph at: 0:29 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 17.0 mm (0.67 in.) Rainfall To date this year 366.0 mm (14.41 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm

DewPoint 10.6 °C

Wet Bulb :10.9 °C

Humidity 97 %

Humidex 12.7 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1017.0 hPa

Pressure change 0.0 hPa (last hour) Trend STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) +0.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) +0.0 hPa


  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

clear 10°C

SW (5 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 95,

Pressure (mB): 1019, Falling,

Visibility: Very good

  • Location: Merseyside
  • Location: Merseyside

Cloudy and dull.

Temperature 13.5c

Humidity 79%

Pressure 1014mB.

  • Location: Sunny Southsea
  • Location: Sunny Southsea

Good morning.

Sun forcing through high cirrostratus cloud on a clear and still morning.

Temperature; 14.5C

Humidity; 74%

Pressure; 1018 mB, rising

24 hours; max. 17.3C, min. 11.7C. Rain yesterday 0.00.

A lovely start to the day.


  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Mostly cloudy, dry, 12.4 °C.

Current weather conditions at Inverurie, Aberdeenshire: 08/10/06 9:03.

Temperature: 12.4 °C. Feels like: 12.4 °C.

Humidity: 84 % . Dewpoint: 9.8 °C .

Wind (10 min. avg. high): NW at 2.0 mph. Today's rain: 0.0 mm .

Barometer: 1005.9 mb and Steady .

  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)
  • Location: Scrabster Caithness (the far north of Scotland)

LAST READING AT TIME: 10:20 am DATE: 08 October 2006 ,Time of next update: 10:25 AM

Current Weather Dry

Current Temperature 11.3°C (52.3°F),

Apparent temp 6.7 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 11.3 °C at: 10:17 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 8.2 °C at: 2:05 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 16.3 mph

Wind Direction (ten minute) S (180°)

Windchill Temperature 11.3°C

Maximum Gust (last hour) 23.7 mph at: 10:11 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 23.7 mph at: 10:11 AM

Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 20.0 mph at: 10:12 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm

Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 42.5 mm (1.67 in.)

Rainfall To date this year 391.8 mm (15.43 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min

Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.5 mm

DewPoint 10.5°C (Wet Bulb :10.9°C )

Humidity 95 %, Humidex 12.8 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1005.2 mb

Pressure change 0.0 mb (last hour)


Pressure change (last 12 hours) +4.5 mb

Pressure change (last 6 hours) +1.1 mb

  • Location: Hastings, East Sussex
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme.....
  • Location: Hastings, East Sussex

Good Morning !

Another beautiful day - blue skies, sun shining, no breeze, currently 16.2 degrees.

  • Location: Fort William - Scotland
  • Location: Fort William - Scotland

Fort William

2,3mms rain overnight. Currently dry, breezy but overcast.

Current temp 13.2C

Humidity 81%

Dewpoint 10C

Pressure 1006.1mb steady

Wind WSW 8mph (gusting 15-20mph)

  • Location: Bognor Regis West Sussex
  • Location: Bognor Regis West Sussex

Sunshine and cloud, light breeze.

Overnight minimum temp 10.5C Current temp 17.2C

  • Location: Newcastle upon tyne
  • Location: Newcastle upon tyne

A better day now on Tyneside the sun is out and the breeze

has gone!! Temp 14c :lol: :)

Guest Viking141

Overcast but dry at the moment:

Temp: 12C

Wind: S @ 12kts (force 4)

Pressure: 1007mb (rising)

RH: 81%

Last nights low: 9C


  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire
  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire

A nice day again so much for the weather forcast for a wet and yucky day. Still a balmy 15.5c

Current Weather Conditions

As of:08/10/06 17:16

Temperature: 15.5 °C Wind Chill: 15.3 °C

Humidity: 58 % Heat Index: 14.7 °C

Wind: SSE at 2.0 mph Dewpoint: 7.3 °C

Barometer: 1009.4 mb Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr

Todays Rain: 0.0 mm Monthly Rain: 14.7 mm

Storm Total: 0.0 mm Yearly Rain: 375.2 mm

High Temperature: 16.9°C 14:35 Low Temperature: 9.9°C 3:51

High Humidity: 82% 5:35 Low Humidity: 55% 16:33

High Dewpoint: 9.4°C 13:51 Low Dewpoint: 6.1°C 2:59

High Wind: 19.0mph 16:01 Low Wind Chill: 9.4°C 2:54

High Barometer: 1014.1mb 0:59 Low Barometer: 1009.4mb 16:59

High Rain Rate: 0.0mm/hr ---- High Heat Index: 15.6°C 14:35


A mostly cloudy but this afternoon there was a little more sunshine than expected,though it's cloudy again now.Top temperature was 16.8C and warm when out of those strong southerly winds!

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Evening everyone,

A very pleasant autumn day, some warm sunny spells and winds much lighter than yesterday.

Currently in Burton, partly cloudy and dry.

Current Weather Dry Current Temperature 14.3 °C (57.7°F), Apparent temp 12.3 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 16.5 °C at: 3:30 PM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 9.5 °C at: 3:32 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 6.0 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) SSE (154º)

Windchill Temperature 14.3 °C Maximum Gust (last hour) 11.4 mph at: 5:29 PM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 13.2 mph at: 12:47 PM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 8.7 mph at: 3:45 PM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 17.0 mm (0.67 in.) Rainfall To date this year 366.0 mm (14.41 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm

DewPoint 6.9 °C

Wet Bulb :10.7 °C

Humidity 61 %

Humidex 14.3 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1012.0 hPa

Pressure change -1.0 hPa (last hour) Trend STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) -5.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) -5.0 hPa

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

A day of sunny spells and long cloudy periods. Breezy and a max of 15c.

Raining steadily now, 14c.

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

Wet and windy. Mild.

Temp: 13.6C, steady

Humidity: 79%, rising

Pressure: 1009mb, falling

Wind: fresh to strong, from the south

  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight

Just started raining here moderately.


  • Location: sherborne, dorset
  • Location: sherborne, dorset

a very pleasant day, until about 2pm when it rained, its still raining now windy too, the tide was high with very big waves crashing onto the rocks at the beach at around 6.30pm.


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