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Monday 16th October


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  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Recordings taken at 00.00:

Current Conditions: Cloudy

Current Temp: 13.7°C

Barometer Reading: 1023hPa (Falling)

Wind Direction/Speed: NE 9mph

October Mean Temp Avg: 14.93C (+2.99°C)

October Rainfall: 53mm

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Mostly cloudy, dry, 12.1 °C.

Current weather conditions at Inverurie, Aberdeenshire: 16/10/06 7:03.

Temperature: 12.1 °C. Feels like: 11.7 °C.

Humidity: 77 % . Dewpoint: 8.1 °C .

Wind (10 min. avg. high): SSE at 10.0 mph. Today's rain: 0.0 mm .

Barometer: 1021.6 mb and Falling Slowly .

Guest Viking141

Very chilly this morning , just 8C at the moment.

Temp: 8C

Wind: SW @ 6kts (Force 2)

Pressure: 1025mb (falling)

RH: 87%

Dewpoint: 6C

Overnight low: 8C

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

cloudy and dry with no wind; min=11.1C

  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny summers, cold snowy winters
  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL

grey start, 12.5C, 82%RH, 1012mb

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

Gloomy, occasionally dark with drizzle at times.

Temp: 14.7C, steady

Humidity: 93%, rising

Pressure: 1017mb, falling

Wind: light, from the east

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk

Currently overcast

Temp ~ 15.2c

Humidity ~ 77%

Dewpoint ~ 11.2c

  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)
  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)

Blue skies, a little cirrocumulus, warm, gentle breeze.

Temp: 18.7°C

Wind: E at 9 mph

Pressure: 1015 hPa, falling

  • Location: Ponteland
  • Location: Ponteland

It has been cloudy and dry all day,cuttent temperature 13c,humidity 77%,wind light ESE,barometer 1019 mb and falling.

  • Location: Aston le Walls, Northants
  • Location: Aston le Walls, Northants

What a beautiful autumn day! Currently 18 degrees in my back garden - have just cut the lawn - can't remember ever having to do that in mid October - it usually heralds the first hard frost - it's my birthday today so I can usually remember the weather for the 16th.

  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire
  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire

Mainly cloudy overcast start turning mainly cloudy sunny.

Current Weather Conditions

As of:16/10/06 16:21

Temperature: 15.7 °C Wind Chill: 15.6 °C

Humidity: 70 % Heat Index: 15.4 °C

Wind: ENE at 5.0 mph Dewpoint: 10.3 °C

Barometer: 1013.9 mb Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr

Todays Rain: 0.0 mm Monthly Rain: 26.4 mm

Storm Total: 0.0 mm Yearly Rain: 386.8 mm

High Temperature: 15.7°C 16:14 Low Temperature: 10.5°C 6:30

High Humidity: 72% 3:00 Low Humidity: 63% 10:42

High Dewpoint: 10.6°C 15:11 Low Dewpoint: 5.0°C 6:30

High Wind: 14.0mph 1:16 Low Wind Chill: 8.9°C 6:45

High Barometer: 1022.6mb 0:14 Low Barometer: 1013.9mb 16:14

High Rain Rate: 0.0mm/hr ---- High Heat Index: 14.4°C 13:38

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

A very starnge day weather wise. It's been gloomy all day with outbreaks of drizzle on and off and not to mention that cracking thunderstorm that lasted from 11.40 to 13.20 today with torrential rain and hail and strange lightning through the mist. Top temperature was 16.3C after a low of 10.1C

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk

Finally got some sunshine from about 2pm though it's now mostly cloudy again, with quite a bit of ac cas

Temp ~ 15.1c

Humidity ~ 80%

Dewpoint ~ 11.7c

  • Location: Brue 30m amsl, West Coast, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides
  • Location: Brue 30m amsl, West Coast, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides

Misty , Calm, and quite unreal for mid October up here.

Looking forward to some action towards the end of the week, we may even have snow on our hills!!

  • Location: Cockermouth, Cumbria - 47m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Winter - snow
  • Location: Cockermouth, Cumbria - 47m ASL

Coldest night of the season so far for me.

0.6 at 8 this morning

current temp is 14.6

pressure 1015.4 falling rapidly

humidity 67%


  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

I have not seen a forecast all day, but logged onto NW to discover that thunderstorms happened very nearby to Westbury B) .

All we had here was the slightest drizzle, lots of mist/low cloud and sunshine from about 13-16.00. Thinking back my guess is that the storms created outflowing low cloud and then as they cleared past Bristol the sky was able to brighten.

Max was 15c, 12c now.

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Report for Monday 16th October 2006, Readings taken at 23:55.

Another overcast, dull and misty day from start to finish. As is typically the case with such weather, the maximum temperature was close to average but the minima well above, making it a mild day overall.

Current Temp: 13.2°C

Max Temp: 15.6°C (at 14:33)

Min Temp: 11.8°C (at 07:06)

Humidity: 88%

Min Humidity: 79% (at 01:30)

Pressure: 1013.8hPa (Falling)

Dewpoint: 11.2°C

Wind: SE (Calm)

Rain Today: 0.0mm

My October average currently stands at 13.8°C (+0.0°C Above the 1971-2000 average).

  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Past 24 Hours Recordings:

Max Temp: 19.4°C

Min Temp: 9.9°C

Rainfall: Nil

October Stats:

Max Temp Avg: 18.53°C

Min Temp Avg: 11.3°C

Mean Temp Avg: 14.91°C

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 22.2°C on the 9th

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 15.8°C on the 5th

Highest Night Min Temp: 15.2°C on the 10th

Lowest Night Min Temp: 7.8°C on the 5th

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 22mm on the 1st

Total October Rainfall: 53mm

2006 Stats:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 33.9°C on 19th July

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 1.4°C on 2nd February

Highest Night Min Temp: 20.4°C on 26th July

Lowest Night Min Temp: -3.9°C on 4th March

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 34mm on 13th August

Total Year Rainfall: 519mm

Driest Month: 18mm...July

Wettest Month: 114mm...August

1990-2006 Stats:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 36.8°C on 10th August 2003

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: -4.1°C on 7th February 1991

Highest Night Min Temp: 21.2°C on 7th June 1996

Lowest Night Min Temp: -8.5°C on 7th February 1991

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest Month: 22.4°C...July 2006

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest Month: 2.81°C...February 1991

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest Year: 12.25°C...2002

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest Year: 10.73°C...1996

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 52mm on 15th September 2000

Driest Month: 1mm...August 1995

Wettest Month: 156mm...November 2002

Driest Year: 433mm...1996

Wettest Year: 875mm...2000


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