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Weather Action Blizzard Forecast...

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  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley
  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley

Imagine my Surprise when coming home from Work today and looking on Page 6 of one of those free paper thingies

Quoted Word For Word From the London Paper " Tuesday 2nd January 2007"

" -12C Forecast - Big Freeze Is On Its Way "

ARCTIC Conditions with temperatures as low as -12c are forecast for next week. Meteorologists gave warnings that sub zero temperatures and blizzards would hit the country and that a band of freezing snow storms would bring misery to millions. Six Inches of snow could fall in Britain :) with East Anglia and the East Midlands the worst affected. The cold snap will strike from next Wednesday. Here comes the funny bit from that man again

Piers Corbyn, a long range forecaster (Hopecaster) with WeatherAction said, From the 10th January blizzards will sweep across the country from the North East, getting worse from the 14th. It could be very bad in eastern parts of England. Temperatures will drop to about -12c (10.4f)

:) :lol:

Paul Sherman

  • Replies 84
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  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

I find this quite annoying actually.

Some buffoon, who clearly lives on the negativity of his name, is at it again.

To most people on here, it'll have been dismissed. 14 Jan is T+300 on the GFS, and looking at it, there's no danger of any of the above happening. Even if there were a slim chance, a break-down would be occuring rather soonish.

To think someone like Mr Corbyn makes his dosh from "selling" crap like this to equally gullible newspapers makes me jealous ----we could all do it if we wanted to!

Balls :)

  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL

I think Piers may be picking on to 'something' *, although I suspect he may be getting a little over excited:

Derbyshire Ensembles


850hpa's looking possible to drop a little further around the 11th-12th

Derbyshire Temps


Possible low single figures, maybe even just below freezing around the 11th-12th

Derbyshire Rainfall


Now you see, thats where it all goes wrong.

I think, for Derbyshire, I would say cold (certainly below average) and dry. -12oC and Blizzards would be somewhat of a blessing in those synoptics (I'll look silly now if the models do an illegal u-turn :lol: )

I have to admit though, there has been a few runs with a similar scenario (my explanation, not the -12oC), so heres to the cold and sleety weather :)

* Something being x^y (x=reailty, y=over-exageration factor)

  • Location: Stewartstown (51m asl) , N.Ireland. (In Dazzling Dazza Land)
  • Location: Stewartstown (51m asl) , N.Ireland. (In Dazzling Dazza Land)

Oh blimey, that's twice in 1 day via 2 seperate papers :)

  • Location: Haverhill Suffolk UK
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms, Squall Lines, Storm Force Winds & Extreme Weather!
  • Location: Haverhill Suffolk UK

:) :lol:

Some typing errors in there for sure. This is what they really meant to write............

" -1C Forecast - SLIGHT FROST Is On Its Way "

ATLANTIC Conditions with temperatures as low as -1C are forecast for next week. Meteorologists gave warnings that sub zero temperatures and sleet would hit the country (especially Telford) and that a band of Hail showers would bring misery to millions. No snow would fall in Britain whistling.gif with East Anglia and the East Midlands the worst affected by mild and rain. The cool snap will strike from next Winter.

Piers Corbyn, a long range forecaster (Hopecaster) with WeatherDreams said, From the 10th January 2008 rain and hill sleet will sweep across from the North West, getting milder from the 14th. It could be very bad in eastern parts of England with no sleet at all. Temperatures will drop to about -1C in the Scottish Mountains!


  • Location: West Totton, Southampton
  • Location: West Totton, Southampton
Piers Corbyn, a long range forecaster (Hopecaster) with WeatherDreams said, From the 10th January 2008 rain and hill sleet will sweep across from the North West, getting milder from the 14th. It could be very bad in eastern parts of England with no sleet at all. Temperatures will drop to about -1C in the Scottish Mountains!


Damn, I have been found out. You have been looking at my site again haven't you :lol: http://www.weatherdreams.co.uk

Even with my hope casting, I couldn't come up with anything like that. :)

(Piers Corbyn has no connection with my site! - for those who don't understand sarcasm.) :)

  • Location: essex/suffolk/cambs border
  • Location: essex/suffolk/cambs border


  • Location: Haverhill Suffolk UK
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms, Squall Lines, Storm Force Winds & Extreme Weather!
  • Location: Haverhill Suffolk UK
Damn, I have been found out. You have been looking at my site again haven't you :Dhttp://www.weatherdreams.co.uk

Even with my hope casting, I couldn't come up with anything like that. :)

(Piers Corbyn has no connection with my site! - for those who don't understand sarcasm.) :D

:lol: :):) :lol: :lol:

What an evening on NW. We all need some snow.. 8P :)


  • Location: Birmingham U.K.
  • Location: Birmingham U.K.

Piers Corbyn - the 21st century answer to Nostradamus!

I wouldn't ask him to forecast my gas bill! :)

(Wouldn't it be nice if he was right, though?)

Good night, all, and Happy New Year.


  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)
  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)

Well he forecast the same sort of outrageous stuff in the Daily Express for sometime in November - did it happen? :)

He can't be doing his credibility any good with such forecasts - particularly as he seems to be turning a blind eye to what the the synoptic patterns ahead suggests, I wish the tabloid press would cotton-on to the fact that his forecasts are a joke in meterological circles.

  • Location: Bognor Regis West Sussex
  • Location: Bognor Regis West Sussex
:lol: :):D:):D

What an evening on NW. We all need some snow.. 8P :)


The only sub zero I will get will be in my freezer :lol: and the only snow I will see will be scraping off the frost from the freezer which will promptly melt before it gets out of the kitchen. :) Still, look out for February.

Well if he can come up with a forecast so can I and probably have more success, well it could hardly have less. :lol:

  • Location: Sedgley/Dudley, West Midlands. 672ft/205m
  • Location: Sedgley/Dudley, West Midlands. 672ft/205m

what an idiotic fool :)

WHAT paper was this

  • Location: Rochester, Kent
  • Location: Rochester, Kent

Global Cooling Strikes Again

Peter Bourbon, a metrologist, today warned that the UK was facing weeks of temperatures below 18C.

"This is quite cold" he said, in no uncertain terms. "It's rare for the UK to see such unprecedented events, especially in January. I thought it best to issue an advanced warning so those in a position of authority can be best prepared"

Mr Bourbon is a renowed long-range forecaster with many years of hopecasting under his belt. He, unlike many of his colleagues in the weather industry, chooses to ignore the evidence of trillions of calculations modelled on super-computers by scientists of the highest calibre. He says "I just don't trust them things" Instead he has a patch in his orchard he likes to call the forecasting patch.

The forecasting patch is a small, but significant piece of ground under an old oak-tree. He uses advanced statistical methods, such as addition, to not only quantify acorn frequency, but to also make predictions of future acorn counts.

"The acorn count is reducing, significantly!" he exclaimed, which is why the need to issue a warning has become so prevalent.

"This is not a random method," he says, but adds " but there is some uncertainty with regard to squirrels stealing the acorns. I've tried the horsechestnut patch, but the damn rodents like them even more than acorns, and this adds more than just a little more randomness"

He goes on, particularly, and carefully, to conclude: "But this is known as the butterfly effect. I've planted some nettles, and a budlea nearby to encourage Purple Emperers, in an effort to model this effect"

Other weathermen like to talk of zonality and meridionality, but Peter shrugs of such concepts "I don't own a computer, and I don't like to watch the local news, either" he says.

  • Location: Stanley, County Durham.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything Extreme!
  • Location: Stanley, County Durham.

Just read the Met Office update and there may be a cooler spell next week but nothing like that man predicts.

It will be cold enough at times for some snow in the northern UK, especially on high ground. This appears more likely around the middle of next week.


Some hope for us further north at least :)

  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny summers, cold snowy winters
  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL

Sadly papers want headline grabbing news and 'Mild mush' continues isnt going to grab anyone by the b*lls. One day his guesses will come up trumps though so lets just hope its this one :)

  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
:) I did take a rather slow drawn out laugh at Corbyn's forecast. Apart from the promise of alot more money, what is he trying to do exactly, it's beyond me!
  • Location: Irlam
  • Location: Irlam

Piers Corbyn is getting away with murder, his credibility in the weather forums has been well and truely sunk but the press will still ring him up for a quote even when his predictions have been completely awry.

  • Location: Reigate, Surrey 78m asl
  • Location: Reigate, Surrey 78m asl

So has he ever been right?

How did he make his name?

  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley
  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley

Unbelievably, on my way home tonight the other Free London Paper "London Lite" was running the exact same story but with one massive difference, this time saying the Met Office gave them the facts and will update there Forecast tomorrow :)

And even the Evening Standard have run the story.

Truly wierd, with absolutely no cold pooling to our North East and a Raging Atlantic, what do they know that we dont ??

Paul S

  • Location: Larbert
  • Location: Larbert

Ultimately, Piers Corbyn, as well as bull-Doh a dumb swear filter got the better of metting, runs the METo too..

I can think of a few on here who would most definetly give Mr C a run for his money - at least they check the relevant data.

  • Location: frogmore south devon
  • Location: frogmore south devon

our local radio station was running a story today from piers corbyn of temperature 0f -14c :good: nearly fell off may step ladders in hysterics :)

  • Location: Birmingham U.K.
  • Location: Birmingham U.K.
Ultimately, Piers Corbyn, as well as bull-Doh a dumb swear filter got the better of metting, runs the METo too..

I can think of a few on here who would most definetly give Mr C a run for his money - at least they check the relevant data.

Well said, Mondy. The people on NW have their integrity, despite their occasional differences. Their posts are measured*, they inform, they educate and they amuse too - qualities I wouldn't accuse Mr. Corbyn of possessing!

Regards and see you all soon.


*...apart from outrageous rampers like me, of course!

  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City

It seems that Mr.Corbyn has a reputation for very stubbornly sticking to his guns. Despite massive changes months after his initial LRF.

Even so, his LRF is based with total disregard for the actual internal dynamics of the troposphere and stratosphere.


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