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Weather for Dummies

Polar Bear

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  • Location: Newbury
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine and snow but not together
  • Location: Newbury

Hey all

Hope this is the right place to put such a request, but I am a total novice to weather forecast predictions etc. I am learning an awful lot from the forum, but sometimes lack of time does not permit to catch up on things via the site....this is causing me some (!) frustration!....


sooo.... I was wondering if anyone could recommend a book that I could get.. :D .a weather for dummies would be an excellent start if such a book exists..I suspect not.. then I could take it away read at bedtime and next time I am on the site be just that little more clued up......and hopefully have something more interesting to post! :)

Many thanks in anticipation

Polar bear

  • Replies 5
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  • Location: Braintree
  • Location: Braintree
Hey all

Hope this is the right place to put such a request, but I am a total novice to weather forecast predictions etc. I am learning an awful lot from the forum, but sometimes lack of time does not permit to catch up on things via the site....this is causing me some (!) frustration!....


sooo.... I was wondering if anyone could recommend a book that I could get.. :D .a weather for dummies would be an excellent start if such a book exists..I suspect not.. then I could take it away read at bedtime and next time I am on the site be just that little more clued up......and hopefully have something more interesting to post! :)

Many thanks in anticipation

Polar bear

Hi Polar bear.

Dont bother with the weather for dummies book (yes one exists) as its US based and not very helpful.

Try an author = Brian Cosgrove, he mainly writes books for flying and is a standard text if your aiming for a Glider/Hang glider/Micro-lite licence.

he's done quite a few books so just choose the one that suits you, and he has the simple and technical explanations in most of his books.

or try this site www.ukweathershop.co.uk

Happy learning

  • Location: Newbury Berkshire
  • Location: Newbury Berkshire
Hey all

Hope this is the right place to put such a request, but I am a total novice to weather forecast predictions etc. I am learning an awful lot from the forum, but sometimes lack of time does not permit to catch up on things via the site....this is causing me some (!) frustration!....


sooo.... I was wondering if anyone could recommend a book that I could get.. ;) .a weather for dummies would be an excellent start if such a book exists..I suspect not.. then I could take it away read at bedtime and next time I am on the site be just that little more clued up......and hopefully have something more interesting to post! :)

Many thanks in anticipation

Polar bear


as I mentioned to you the other day my friends have cottoned on to my interest in weather and it seems that for birthday's and xmas I am destined to receive weather related gifts for some time!

I have got about 5 books that I am working my way through, but cannot really help with specifics other than I think you need to specify your particular interests!

I received a really good book on clouds for xmas that I think you will like, particularly as I know you like clouds :D and I will reply later with the details.

I supect you will need some kind of Encyclopedia of weather, if such a thing exists?!!? Once you have this then you might have a better idea of which areas you would like to learn more about?


  • Location: Cambridgeshire Fens. 3m ASL
  • Location: Cambridgeshire Fens. 3m ASL

I found the Little gem book of weather helpful for starting out. You will find it on the UK weather shop site.

  • Location: Newbury
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine and snow but not together
  • Location: Newbury

Hey all

sorry I have not responded earlier, but I have been a bit snowed under...hope I didnt appear rude...thanks so very very much for the tips and links and I will pursue...(cant wait!!) ...these are all brillian ..what stars you are...hopefully soon I will be writing better posts :cold:

PS Jonesye - hey nice to hear from you....hey you and me both getting the old chrimbo and birfday pressies! Maybe you and I ought to draw a list of wants...!! :cold:

  • Location: Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire
  • Weather Preferences: Extremes
  • Location: Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire

last christmas I got given the Readers Digest book "Weather". It is superb. Talks about how weather is formed, what all the different clouds are, what are all the winds, reading weather, changing weather, absolutly fantasic pictures etc etc. Personally it is one of the best books I've got. cost 12.99 ISBN 0-276-44045-5

hope this helps



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