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Will it snow in......?

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  • Location: Truro, Cornwall
  • Weather Preferences: Winter - Heavy Snow Summer - Hot with Night time Thunderstorms
  • Location: Truro, Cornwall
Will it be cold enough for snow for lower levels in the South West? Or will it be a rainy sleety mix? :)

I certainly wouldnt rule out Snow but it will probably be more sleety if there was to be any wintry percipitation in.

You probably have about:

30-40% chance of snow

50% chance of sleet

50-60% chance of rain

Its difficult to tell for Bristol at the moment i think.

  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Wondering if snow is likely in your area this week? This is the place to ask (please note, posts asking this sort of question in other threads will be moved). Please be patient once you have asked - the team and more experienced members of the board will try and answer as soon as they can.

The netweather will it snow feature will also give you a pretty good idea (updated four times a day):


  • Location: Bristol
  • Location: Bristol
I certainly wouldnt rule out Snow but it will probably be more sleety if there was to be any wintry percipitation in.

You probably have about:

30-40% chance of snow

50% chance of sleet

50-60% chance of rain

Its difficult to tell for Bristol at the moment i think.

Thanks for your reply atleast I have some hope.

  • Location: Nr Malton, North Yorkshire 53m
  • Weather Preferences: Snow/Thunderstorms
  • Location: Nr Malton, North Yorkshire 53m

how do u reckon York will do?, being east of the pennines is always a disadvantage unless the its from the east of course

  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny , cold and snowy, thunderstorms
  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset

Will it snow in North somerset.

  • Location: Tyne & Wear
  • Location: Tyne & Wear
how do u reckon York will do?, being east of the pennines is always a disadvantage unless the its from the east of course

Very well im led to believe with a band of percipitation moving in from the west so you do have a fair chance :D

will it snow in wiltshire, 70m asl and 260m asl??

1) You have one big house :) most unlikely on your first floor but as you move onto your 200th floor you may see some sleety stuff

Will it snow in North somerset.

Somerset.... not to sure however i am confident you will see some white stuff :cold:


  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight

please tell me weather in your opinion it will snow or not this week on the IOW anybody.



  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
how do u reckon York will do?, being east of the pennines is always a disadvantage unless the its from the east of course

slight prob of a wintry shower, Mon into Tue.

mod prob some snow during Thursday but its a long way off yet

will it snow in wiltshire, 70m asl and 260m asl??

mod prob of snow before turning to rain on Thursday

Will it snow in North somerset.

similar to Wilts answer, unless you are very low or near the sea when pretty well no chance

please tell me weather in your opinion it will snow or not this week on the IOW anybody.



IOW looks only slight prob through this week, more likel some sleety rain before it rains 'properly' if you get what I'm posting?

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
30-40% chance of snow

50% chance of sleet

50-60% chance of rain

How can any one place have a percentage chance of 130%-150%?

  • Location: Tyne & Wear
  • Location: Tyne & Wear
please tell me weather in your opinion it will snow or not this week on the IOW anybody.



In my own opinion it is very unlikely as you are surrounded by a sea and salt doesnt mix with snow... if anything sleet but there is always a chance :)


  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny , cold and snowy, thunderstorms
  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset


  • Location: S C U N T H O R P E
  • Location: S C U N T H O R P E

What about Sunny Scunny??? Or will it be snowy scunny.??? Thank you

  • Location: Tyne & Wear
  • Location: Tyne & Wear
What about Sunny Scunny??? Or will it be snowy scunny.??? Thank you

Could you please confirm where scunny is??? sprunehorpe?


  • Location: S C U N T H O R P E
  • Location: S C U N T H O R P E

The computer keeps bringing it up as sprunehorpe - it should be s c u n t h o r p e!! Sorry it has always done that I don't know why??

  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

My opinion on the upcoming coldspell in regional detail:

Scotland: Yes there will be snow here and some significant accumulations at times, especially on thursday-friday. Uncertainty but probably a slow change to rain after that. Maybe some rain from the outset in extreme coastal areas. Biggest chance of snow around Aberdeen/Edinburgh, more moderate around Glasgow

Northern Ireland: A short spell of sleet or snow, probably followed by rain, getting slowly milder over the weekend. Belfast is definitely the most likely to see any snow. The North shores may see sleet followed by rain

Northeast England: Yes there will also be snow here, down to low level for a time, before slowly turning to rain. Inland County Durham should fare the best including Durham city and area like Filingdales. Newcastle and Middlesbrough should also fare pretty well with lying snow at some point

Northwest England: There will probably be a shortish spell of snow arounf Thursday, although only for areas east of Wigan to Crewe, areas west of that will see rain with some sleet at first.

Wales: North Wales could see some snow with some accumulations especially over higher ground, the lower ground to the west will see rain. South Wales the same will apply, best chance of snow over High ground and in the east.

Midlands: Birmingham could see a short spell of snow, and other areas above around 400 feet, elsehwere though there could just be rain and sleet. Best chances in east.

Southeast: Some snow here but maybe showery in nature this will turn to rain around Friday/Saturday London will be borderline but inland Norfolk and Cambridgeshire could see some accumulation

Southwest: Short spell of snow on Thursday, quickly turning to rain away from Bodmin and Dartmoor, milder weater following. Rain over extreme coastal area, no snow for the Scilly Isles

South: Again borderline, precipitation may fall as rain here due to coastal effect of the wind.

Ireland: Again western Eire will see rain from the outset, Dublin may see a little sleet or wet snow at first.

These are my opinions based on the present charts, they will change without doubt, just a guide though at the moment

  • Location: Tyne & Wear
  • Location: Tyne & Wear
The computer keeps bringing it up as sprunehorpe - it should be s c u n t h o r p e!! Sorry it has always done that I don't know why??

Yeht did the same for me and i was like ???? Anyway yep you looking good, nice and far inland but i wouldnt bet on anything until much later in the week as temps look like topping 5 degress for Wednesday, Thursday so check back ;)

Guitar Nutter

I am very unconfident of much snow in wiltshire as it is a bit to far south. Mabey 500m+ may see some lying snow but things can always change :)

Stephen great forecast and specifies exactly what the charts are showing :yahoo:


  • Location: IPSWICH, SUFFOLK
  • Location: IPSWICH, SUFFOLK

what about snow in Ipswich? temps will be 3c when ppn comes over

  • Location: Truro, Cornwall
  • Weather Preferences: Winter - Heavy Snow Summer - Hot with Night time Thunderstorms
  • Location: Truro, Cornwall

How about Me for Snow?

  • Location: Tyne & Wear
  • Location: Tyne & Wear

Blizzards - Most likely you will see some snow at points

Arrows- 3 degrees does ssupport snowfall however i wouldnt bet onm anything significant in ipswich (and charts are constantly changing :yahoo: )


  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
slight prob of a wintry shower, Mon into Tue.

mod prob some snow during Thursday but its a long way off yet

mod prob of snow before turning to rain on Thursday

similar to Wilts answer, unless you are very low or near the sea when pretty well no chance

IOW looks only slight prob through this week, more likel some sleety rain before it rains 'properly' if you get what I'm posting?

Thanks John, you confirmed my suspicions there.

At least it will be fun to watch it all unfold on here, whether we get lucky(because we would have to be very lucky here) or not. :yahoo:


  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny , cold and snowy, thunderstorms
  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset

It all sounds a bit poor for us down here then.

Rain all the way i suppose.


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