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Now another tax on emptying your bins


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  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Looks like the Government is going tax crazy.


Since the waste is already taxed by your council already putting another tax on is crazy. It won't help the enviroment one bit. I presume the council tax won't go down so they're going to struggle to justify it.

What this new tax will result in.

More fly tipping. I've noticed someones dump a huge pile in our local park this morning.

More burning of rubbish.

Increased Health risks combined with the above and the reduction of service.

Again the Government needs to tackle the source and thats the overpacking by Companies. Do you really need a 10 by 4 inch box for a usb stick for example. Nope. A Huge box for a computer game. Nope. Do charties have to send out begging letters with gifts in. Nope. Charties are the biggest cause for our waste paper. I can see RTS coming in. The most stupid thing I've ever seen is a single one in bolt come in 12" x 6" box. I'll shame the company. Screwfix. Tesco's claim to have cut down on packaging. Thery haven't they just made them smaller so if you want the same amount you buy two instead of one. They also removed most of the lose items like mushrooms and Tomotoas. At one time you could use a paper bag.

  • Replies 34
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  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City
  • Location: 4 miles north of Durham City

Yep, and while they contemplate recycling tax...they are talking about building more nuclear power stations which pose dangers of their own. Remember Dounreay anyone? Sellafield hasn't done very well either.

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Unlike with pay-as-you-drive road charging, I'm not fundamentally against this idea. At present, it primarily hits the home user and thus only tackles one component of a multi-faceted problem, so as it stands the plan is flawed and can be seen as another tax.

However, if they combined it with measures to tackle things like burning rubbish, fly-tipping etc, and encouraged companies to use less packaging (using disincentives for large packaging also if encouragement alone wasn't enough) then I would see this as a positive step; it would be tackling many aspects of the problem and encouraging more recycling of re-usable material.

  • Location: Cheddar Valley, 20mtrs asl
  • Weather Preferences: Snow and lots of it or warm and sunny, no mediocre dross
  • Location: Cheddar Valley, 20mtrs asl

Because I'm a bit of an old fogie I listen to Radio 2 quite often; today there was a listener phone-in program all about the proposed refuse collection changes. One guy who rang in claimed to have not put his rubbish bin out for years, he said he composts vegetables, takes his glass for recycling and burns everything else in his garden, including plastics. When challenged about Co2 pollution his answer was there is far less carbon released when he burns it than if it were incinerated by the council...can anyone explain this to me? Worryingly, he said he was a Surveyor, not sure I'd want to buy a house he'd surveyed if this is an example of his logic.

  • Location: Chevening Kent
  • Location: Chevening Kent

I am totally disheartened about the governments hijacking of environmental issues to line its own pockets through taxes. I am not talking the idealist taxation route but this shame we are being fed day in day out that makes no sense what so ever. Its uncoordinated its untargeted income, its seeking to upset more and more people who's support is needed in the debate on AGW and is being lost. I have no problem at all in calling our government cheats and con merchants who have no other purpose in mind apart from selling us all down the river.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Had a disscusion about this at work and most said the same thing.

Will increase fly tipping

Will increase Burning

Going to two weekly collections doesn't have much effect on recycling. Infact is less enviromentally friendly as everything has to be double wrapped. So thats two plastic bags instead of one.

Theres also been suggestions that you'll be charged for taking stuff to the local tip. So if you got a large hedge the best bet is too burn it. If you leave it you stand a chance of getting fined by the council anyway.

I could understand more if the amount taxed was removed from your council bill but it won't so you'll be paying twice for a degraded service.

You also going to have someone checking to make sure you don't throw the wrong stuff away. Strange that they care more about this then you ringing 999 and trying to report a crime. Something is wrong here somewhere.

Again they've got to tackle the source of the problem as I said before.

  • Location: Upper Tweeddale, Scottish Borders 240m ASL
  • Location: Upper Tweeddale, Scottish Borders 240m ASL
Had a disscusion about this at work and most said the same thing.

Will increase fly tipping

Will increase Burning

Going to two weekly collections doesn't have much effect on recycling. Infact is less enviromentally friendly as everything has to be double wrapped. So thats two plastic bags instead of one.

Or it might increase recycling. If Belgium can do it very succesfully how about we stop moaning, change our behaviour to cope with the new system and give it a try?

  • Location: Lindum Colonia
  • Location: Lindum Colonia
Or it might increase recycling. If Belgium can do it very succesfully how about we stop moaning and give it a try?

I agree. I would never dream of fly-tipping. Nor would anyone I know.

I am very happy to re-cycle stuff.

One thing I would like to see though is a reduction in packaging. Junk mail must also contribute hugely to waste so nice to see proposals to tackle that.

  • Location: frogmore south devon
  • Location: frogmore south devon
I agree. I would never dream of fly-tipping. Nor would anyone I know.

I am very happy to re-cycle stuff.

One thing I would like to see though is a reduction in packaging. Junk mail must also contribute hugely to waste so nice to see proposals to tackle that.

we have had recycling here for several years now and it is quite simple, blue bag for paper & cardboard,white bag for tins & plastic, brown bin with a bag made from corn starch for food waste & if you wrap it in newspaper it dos not smell, finely a black bin for everything else.

so whats the problem the problem is people are to damned lazy to sort their waste out and before you shout yes but iam to busy stop and think of your kids future it's them and there kids who will suffer for our decadence

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
we have had recycling here for several years now and it is quite simple, blue bag for paper & cardboard,white bag for tins & plastic, brown bin with a bag made from corn starch for food waste & if you wrap it in newspaper it dos not smell, finely a black bin for everything else.

so whats the problem the problem is people are to damned lazy to sort their waste out and before you shout yes but iam to busy stop and think of your kids future it's them and there kids who will suffer for our decadence

Try explaining it to my mother. Thats why last year we got plastic bags in the compost heap. It would be great the council taking her to court.

We're going to get into the stupid situation where you'll get fined more than muggers for putting the rubbish into the wrong bin.

Anyway hopefully someone will find a chip zappa so it always records the same weight. :nonono:

  • Location: South Pole
  • Location: South Pole

It doesn't surprise me that The PIT and High Pressure, two of the foremost proponents of invidual irresponsibility when it comes to social behaviour, be it motoring, waste etc, fail to appreciate that indirect taxation is an excellent way to influence behaviour of bad activities.

The truth is, we are one of the worst in Europe at recycling. Presumably only people like PIT and HP would consider fly-tipping, I don't really know where they get the idea that people will fly-tip, I certainly wouldn't. As Shuggee says, if others can do it, why not us?

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
It doesn't surprise me that The PIT and High Pressure, two of the foremost proponents of invidual irresponsibility when it comes to social behaviour, be it motoring, waste etc, fail to appreciate that indirect taxation is an excellent way to influence behaviour of bad activities.

The truth is, we are one of the worst in Europe at recycling. Presumably only people like PIT and HP would consider fly-tipping, I don't really know where they get the idea that people will fly-tip, I certainly wouldn't. As Shuggee says, if others can do it, why not us?

Complete twaddle and someone who can read.

I won't fly tip and never said I would. If you can't read I suggest you don't post. As for fly tipping I suggest you get out of ivory tower and actually walk around for a bit. You'll see it.

Or it might increase recycling. If Belgium can do it very succesfully how about we stop moaning, change our behaviour to cope with the new system and give it a try?

Might but you're going against the throw away society that we now live in. Attitudes are different in different societies and cultures.

  • Location: Mytholmroyd, West Yorks.......
  • Weather Preferences: Hot & Sunny, Cold & Snowy
  • Location: Mytholmroyd, West Yorks.......
Might but you're going against the throw away society that we now live in. Attitudes are different in different societies and cultures.

And though your happy to embrace our Indian culture with your Curries,tea and showers you won't embrace our German ,Dutch,benelux brothers (for most of our genetic heritage is shared with them) in their efforts to be as clean as possible? content to stay the dirty man of Europe and proud of it eh?

  • Location: South Pole
  • Location: South Pole

I suspect those who rail aginst the possibility of increased fly-tipping and burning are precisely the same people who would engage in it.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
And though your happy to embrace our Indian culture with your Curries,tea and showers you won't embrace our German ,Dutch,benelux brothers (for most of our genetic heritage is shared with them) in their efforts to be as clean as possible? content to stay the dirty man of Europe and proud of it eh?

Can't stand curry to be honest and that neither was that the point I was making as you well know.

I suspect those who rail aginst the possibility of increased fly-tipping and burning are precisely the same people who would engage in it.

Great post fron the guy that can't even read.

  • Location: Near Taunton.
  • Location: Near Taunton.
Might but you're going against the throw away society that we now live in. Attitudes are different in different societies and cultures.

They are not asking you to keep the waste packaging, they are only asking you to put it in a different container to be collected. What is wrong with that?

  • Location: Mytholmroyd, West Yorks.......
  • Weather Preferences: Hot & Sunny, Cold & Snowy
  • Location: Mytholmroyd, West Yorks.......
They are not asking you to keep the waste packaging, they are only asking you to put it in a different container to be collected. What is wrong with that?

It requires change, effort and understanding........and for those afraid of any change this causes the 'hebbie geebbies' (enough to start a thread at least!!!LOL)

  • Location: Near Taunton.
  • Location: Near Taunton.

But variety is the spice of life don't they say?

TBH I can't see any problem with recycling as such, we have done it since 2005 when it was introduced here.

The only thing I have against it all are the plans to charge you if your wheelie bin is over a certain weight, regardless of whether you recycle or not. We always buy the 9KG boxes of washing powder for cheapness, unfortunately because the box is made up of material slightly thicker than crepe paper, they will not take the empty box for recycling, meaning we have to put it in the bin with the normal rubbish, together with any other cardboard, who's fault is it that they will not take these items? I don't think it is ours so why should we pay if this increases the weight of our refuse.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Just looking at the leaflet they dropped through our letter box.

Bin lid not down it won't get emptied. However if you put the access rubbish in a plastic bag next to the bin they'll empty it. Mmmm. To be honest I've noticed all the overfull bins getting emptied regardless. Cuts down on rubbish blowing round.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Nr. Tunbridge Wells, Kent/Sussex border
  • Location: Nr. Tunbridge Wells, Kent/Sussex border

After watching the Dispatches progamme on Bin Wars I was quite shocked to be told that out of all the recycling that people put out to be collected, they estimate that only 13% of it actually gets recycled. The rest of it ends up in landfill. If we are going to have a recycling I would like to see this figure improved on, otherwise it is a waste of resources.

I totally disagree with taxing on a 'pay as you go' scheme. I don't expext for one moment there will be a reduction of council tax and considering that we pay about £1800 a year for a 2 bed house with 2 people living in it, I would feel absolutely disgusted if I had to pay again to have my rubbish removed.

It would be better if the goverment did a reward scheme so they track the amount of recycling a household produces. Then again I don't like the idea of being tracked yet again.

In response to the comments about fly-tipping, I have seen it happen close to where I live and I have no doubt that it would increase if we had to pay an additional tax. It's a despicable action and ruins the countryside and someone else ultimately pays for it.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
After watching the Dispatches progamme on Bin Wars I was quite shocked to be told that out of all the recycling that people put out to be collected, they estimate that only 13% of it actually gets recycled. The rest of it ends up in landfill. If we are going to have a recycling I would like to see this figure improved on, otherwise it is a waste of resources.

I totally disagree with taxing on a 'pay as you go' scheme. I don't expext for one moment there will be a reduction of council tax and considering that we pay about £1800 a year for a 2 bed house with 2 people living in it, I would feel absolutely disgusted if I had to pay again to have my rubbish removed.

It would be better if the goverment did a reward scheme so they track the amount of recycling a household produces. Then again I don't like the idea of being tracked yet again.

In response to the comments about fly-tipping, I have seen it happen close to where I live and I have no doubt that it would increase if we had to pay an additional tax. It's a despicable action and ruins the countryside and someone else ultimately pays for it.

I think it's time we charged each counciler a tax every time rubbish that gets put out for recycling doesn't get recycled.

I don't mind pay as you go as long as they remove the collection fee completly from the council tax.

  • Location: Hubberton up in the Pennines, 260m
  • Location: Hubberton up in the Pennines, 260m

I don't see the problem tbh, we have 3 bins in our house....1 for recyclable rubbish, 1 for rubbish which is unrecyclable and a bin for glass bottles....All next to each other so no extra effort is required.

Although i don't see it fair to tax people who aren't making an effort, this is modern Britain though.

  • 1 month later...
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

I see an a bunch of uneducated MP's seem to think like I do although they're still paying down the health risk which I think is much more significant that they saying.


Another item not in the link is that people throw £400 worth of food away. We don't unless the freezer packs up and everything melts. Surprised by that figure. I guess it's mostly take away junk that people by these days. Such as huge Pizza's that they can't eat. Perhaps there should be a tax on the size of Pizza's????

  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl
  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl
I don't see the problem tbh, we have 3 bins in our house....1 for recyclable rubbish, 1 for rubbish which is unrecyclable and a bin for glass bottles....All next to each other so no extra effort is required.

Although i don't see it fair to tax people who aren't making an effort, this is modern Britain though.

Barry, that's pretty much how it's supposed to happen here with Stratford on Avon Council..........however. Only certain types of garden waste are taken, my recyclable bin is sifted through at great length (I thought cornflake boxes were recyclable, but no !!). Hence, I'm bored with it all & had a massive bonfire on sunday, balls to it all, I'm not playing anymore *sulk*

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
Barry, that's pretty much how it's supposed to happen here with Stratford on Avon Council..........however. Only certain types of garden waste are taken, my recyclable bin is sifted through at great length (I thought cornflake boxes were recyclable, but no !!). Hence, I'm bored with it all & had a massive bonfire on sunday, balls to it all, I'm not playing anymore *sulk*

Amazing. I know that we're not supposed to put soil in the Garden Waste. Err if you pull a weed up you'll get some soil regardless. Are we supposed to wash it??? A small amount of soil won't hurt recycling will it.

Cardboard and Paper is okay as long as it's not been used to hold food. However I would have thought Cornflakes outer box would be okay.

My Neighbour and myself were talking about days we had one bin and a full house. The one bin used to be collected by the bin men and empited. Very rarely we filled it up. It also took Garden rubbish which at that time had a lot less concrete in it. So our Garden has shrunk in size. WE did burn more though.

Now we've got three bins. One for paper and cardboard One for garden rubbish One for general rubbish.

Most of the paper bin is filled up with begging letters from Charities. It's shredded and dumped in there. Next is newspapers and associated several junk mail withihn them. Then the odd cardboard box. This fills up very rapidly.

Garden rubbish. Last year this hardly filled up due to drought this year it fills up as soon as I can get into the garden. 3/4 full after two hours weeding and thats without the Hedge or Lawn being cut. We don't grow our own veg anymore so theres no need for compost although we still have the compost bins.

The General bin fills up fairly rapidly mainly due to food packaging. Very rare we throw out glass jars or acans for example. We now moved onto Tesco milk (Plastic two pint bottles) when our local dairy stopped coming round to collect monies owed. Well they did but it could be any time any day of the week which is useless when the only person in has Alziehmers and can't remember the bill. The milkman couldn't remember either. They used to use the plastic milk cheques but stopped using them. I would say most of the increase it's due packaging from the local supermarket Tesco's as a brown paper bag and choose your own isn't the way forward anymore.


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