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June 7th Report & Pictures

Paul Sherman

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  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley
  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley

This day did not pan out as planned from a few days earlier, it was supposed to be Nebraska or North Kansas but ended up with either playing the Minnesota (Land of 10,000 Lakes) :wallbash: or Wyoming (Land of Nightmare 20 mph roads) :wallbash: or after looking at models an area under absolutely no risk in South East Kansas and North East Oklahoma. So after staying the night on the South Dakota side of the Border with Nebraska it was up and out early for 8am on the road, we stopped briefly in Grand Island to check some data and those temperatures

post-24-1181602327_thumb.jpg - It actually maxed out at 98f near Witchita

As we travelled near to Ponca City which was our target the Weather radio screamed out a new Mesoscale Discussion for N/E Ok and S/E Kansas with the Dryline stalled at Ponca City, fantastic we thought but like sooo many times this year instead of 5pm initiation and 4 hours of Chasing we got a 745pm Initiation and 75 minutes for a Storm to become Supercellular and drop a Nado in daylight hours. So we stopped just east of the Dryline and looked back into the soupy skies, our first cell which went on to become a Massive Supercell as daylight faded came into view with Crep Rays behind it

post-24-1181602525_thumb.jpg post-24-1181602547_thumb.jpg

It then went onto LP Supercell stature before becoming Classic near to the OK/KS Border when we started to chase it.


The local Sheriff who was also the Town Spotter came for a Radar Update as well


Our chase came to the most bizarre end in Coffeeville and nearly ended up being quite serious, Mark's car was in front of us and the Level Crossing started flashing, he tried to make it and skidded just short of the dropping flshing lights, good job he did and a 220 carraige goods train literally went across no more than 15 seconds after the barriers had come down, this took about 15 minutes to cross the road at 9pm, so goodnight chase and goodbye Supercell. Booked in at Coffeeville at the Best Western and watched the Tornadic Supercell to our South just miss us at about 1030pm. Found a plaque down the road for the spot where the largest Hailstone actually fell in the USA In recorded History, In 1970 the stone weighed in at an incredible 2 Pounds and was 5.6 Inches.

Fading light ended the Chase all too soon, Gustnado near us


Paul Sherman

  • Replies 11
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  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL
  • Location: Swallownest, Sheffield 83m ASL

Nice photos Paul. So close.. As you say though it has been a trend this year for things to fire late in the day. At least they fired.. :wallbash:

That camera takes good photo's btw. Love that last one. Look at the detail in there.

  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.
  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.

Good photos there Paul especially the last one (as Potty has already said). The temperatures over there are the only thing that puts me off, i dont think i could function in 95of, living in the NE of the UK we are lucky if we reach 70of!! Even when i go on holiday i always go late in the year when its cooled a bit. Everytime a risk was given i hoped initiation would kick off sooner, looked so promising most of the time but still initiation held back until really late in the day,( any particular reason behind this?)..

By the way that camera aint to bad after all..

  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley
  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley

Really don't know why NL......A lot of the Chasers are Ho hum$ed off at it this year though as they wont chase after dark. May 4th Greensburg was after dark, as was the next day (High Risk) and lots of other occasions this season, usually the Cumulus Fields are on their way and pumping into Tcu's by about 3-4pm and 1st Initiation is between 4-6pm, then the magic hour of 6pm usually has the Storms in Tornadic Mode with 3 hours of Chasing ahead. Temperature wise it is only in June I have seen these temps, most of the time out there in May the temps were between 70-84f, lots of wierd things this year like really bad lightning chances due to persistant backbuilding of cells and early Squall Lines that kill everything in their paths, lets hope next year we have more discrete Supercells. The Camera is okay but has not got the capabilities of the EOS, So I am donating it to the wife............

Paul S

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
It then went onto LP Supercell stature before becoming Classic near to the OK/KS Border when we started to chase it.


All those weather/cloud textbooks with Cumulonimbus shaped like a face profile, they were based on those kinds of Supercells weren't they. No wonder I've never seen one over here.

What a picture :) !

  • Location: Northampton, UK
  • Location: Northampton, UK

Cracking photos Paul.

I can just imagine the language when you realised you weren't going to make it in front of the train! :)


  • Location: Reading/New York/Chicago
  • Location: Reading/New York/Chicago
Cracking photos Paul.

I can just imagine the language when you realised you weren't going to make it in front of the train! :D


You don't want to get stuck waiting for one of them! The worst thing of all is when they are crawling along at 5mph; some of those things can be more than half a mile long, so that's thirty minutes wasted...

  • Location: Barnet, North London
  • Location: Barnet, North London

Paul, it's amazing to me...so many of these report threads this year - you've been quite disappointed it seems! "Today didn't pan out"..."We were disappointed by..." ..."We ended up in the low risk..."

But every single one of these bleak threads has had at least one photo that has had my jaw dropping to the floor, be it mammatus, wall clouds, gust fronts, lightning etc.

If next year turns out to be better than this, I'll be a happy camper!


  • Location: Rochdale Northwest UK
  • Weather Preferences: snow
  • Location: Rochdale Northwest UK

Brill photos Paul Sherman.

  • 6 months later...


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