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Thursday 14th June 2007


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  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

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Current Nearest Observations:

cloudy 15°C

NE (6 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 96,

Pressure (mB): 1003, Falling,

Visibility: Moderate

a very muggy morning but dry start

  • Replies 23
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  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Morning everyone,

After yesterdays storm, the weather has truly broken up now, currently dull with light rain.

LAST READING AT TIME: 7:30 AM DATE: 14 June 2007.

Current Temperature 13.9°C (57.0°F)

Apparent temp 13.8 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 15.0 °C at: 12:00 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 13.8 °C at: 6:00 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 5.2 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) NNE (28°)

Windchill Temperature 13.9°C Maximum Gust (last hour) 10.3 mph at: 6:37 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 18.1 mph at: 1:54 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 13.5 mph at: 2:29 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm

Rainfall (since midnight) 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) at 2:15 AM

Rainfall This month 16.0 mm (0.63 in.)

Rainfall To date this year 242.0 mm (9.53 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min

Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 1.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 15.0 mm

DewPoint 13.6°C (Wet Bulb :13.7°C )

Humidity 98 %, Humidex 17.0 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1003.0 hPa

Pressure change 0.0 hPa (last hour) Trend (last hour) STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) -2.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) -1.0 hPa


Very warm and sunny until around 15:00hrs, when quite am intense thunderstorm broke out, which lasted just over an hour, the rest of the day was then cloudy with moderate rain at times.

Maximum temperature = 22.2c

Minimum temperature = 11.2c

Wind SW Light to moderate.

Rain = 15mm



castlebay barra

wind direction south

wind chill 10c

outdoor temp 11c

pressure 1007 falling

wind speed 5mph

humidity 68%

weather cloudy sunny dry

12am 10c 9mph

3am 9c 3mph

6am 10c 2mph

  • Location: Leeds (Roundhay) 135m
  • Location: Leeds (Roundhay) 135m

Weather: Raining

Temp: 12.4c

Humidity: 98%

Pressure: 1004mb

Wind: light

Feels: Cold (Compared to late)

  • Location: Merseyside
  • Location: Merseyside

Rain overnight - and lots of it.

Currently overcast and damp. Breezy.

Temperature 11.5c

Humidity 76%

Pressure 1001mb.

  • Location: South of Glasgow 55.778, -4.086, 86m
  • Location: South of Glasgow 55.778, -4.086, 86m



8/8 Cloud

Gentle Breeze from NE

1009mb R


  • Location: Bedfordshire/Herts border 40m asl
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, crisp, calm and sunny
  • Location: Bedfordshire/Herts border 40m asl

Heavy rain late evening and overnight

Misty 15°C

NE (6 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 98,

Pressure (mB): 1003, Falling,

Visibility: Moderate

  • Location: Grimsby uk
  • Location: Grimsby uk

Weather lousy here like most other places, continuous rain. :wallbash:

Wind ----------------- NE 20 mph

Pressure ------------ 1005 mb steady

Temp --------------- 12c

Cloud --------------- 8/8

Rain ----------------- mod continuous

Humidity ------------ 100%

Grrrrrrr Stano

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

Light overcast with occasional sunshine. A little rain overnight. 16.5C

  • Location: Bangor, Down
  • Location: Bangor, Down

Cold, windy and damp from overnight rain.

Current temperature: 9.7c

Humidity: 85%

  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny summers, cold snowy winters
  • Location: Tewkesbury, 16m ASL

Patchy light rain, 17.5C

64% RHumidity


  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire
  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire

Wind Speed 8.7 mph

Wind Gust 13.4 mph

Wind Direction 71.0 degrees

Outside Temperature 10.1 Celsius

Outside Humidity 79.0 %

Outside Dewpoint 7.0 Celsius

Atmospheric Pressure 1005.0 mbars

Inside Temperature 15.7 Celsius

Inside Humidity 58.0 %

Rainfall Today 7.6 mm

WindChill 5.8 Celsius

  • Location: Canterbury, Kent
  • Location: Canterbury, Kent

22.5C, sunny, scattered cumulus, humid, wind light, 1022mb.


castlebay barra

wind direction south

wind chill 17c

outdoor temp 17c

pressure 1007 falling

wind speed 5mph

humidity 51%

weather sunny dry clear

9am 13c 5mph

12pm 15c 6mph

3pm 17c 4mph

  • Location: New Milton, Hampshire (55m AMSL)
  • Location: New Milton, Hampshire (55m AMSL)

Mostly dry and cloudy today with just the odd bit of showery light rain/drizzle last night and this afternoon. The odd sunny break this afternoon too.

Max temp - 20°C

Min temp - 13°C

Rainfall - 0.9mm

Current - 19.6°C, dew point 15°C, 1003.1mb, bright, 7/8 As.

  • Location: Saddleworth 1000ft ASL
  • Location: Saddleworth 1000ft ASL

Been raining on and off all day, very brisk Easterly wind/ Gale force

Temp has been a miserable 8.5oC pretty much all day!! :unknw:

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

The most notable aspect today was very high humidity, it felt tropical at times.

The morning was bright with light showers the afternoon cloudy with some heavier showery rain, the evening has been mostly sunny.

Max 20c, 17c now.

  • Location: Louth, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Misty Autumn days and foggy nights
  • Location: Louth, Lincolnshire

Cool day with intermittent showers and drizzle interspersed by heavier rain showers since around 4pm. 10c, wind NE 11mph.

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

Thick fog all day here, visibility rarely more than 100mts. The day began with light rain and/or moderate drizzle followed by a couple of hours of moderate rain during the morning. The afternoon was just foggy with persistent light-moderate drizzle but this has been replaced by moderate rain in the last couple of hours.

Max' temp' today, 11.6c after an overnight min' of 10.7c. Temp' currently is 10.6c.

Mean wind speed is 17 mph NE; highest gust today, 29 mph NE at 1445 g.m.t.

Rainfall from 0800-1800 g.m.t, 7.5mm. There was 13.4 mm last night.

Sunshine today, nil.


  • Location: Dore, Sheffield (195mts/640 ft a/s/l)
  • Location: Dore, Sheffield (195mts/640 ft a/s/l)

42 mm of rain yesterday (thurs) and top temp of just 11oc. Some torrential downpours in the late evening and mid morning with moderate rain and heavy drizzle in between.

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Report for Thursday 14th June 2007, Readings taken at 00:00.

An overcast, dull and wet day with a cool north-easterly wind. The afternoon and evening saw a brief drier period, but the rain has since started again. Temperatures were well below average for the time of year, with the maxima of 11.8°C the lowest in June since began recording.

Current Temp: 11.4°C

Max Temp: 11.8°C (at 01:50)

Min Temp: 11.0°C (at 15:40)

Humidity: 94%

Min Humidity: 91% (at 00:10)

Pressure: 1003.5hPa (Falling)

Dewpoint: 10.4°C

Wind: ENE (3mph)

Rain Today: 11.3mm

My June average currently stands at 15.0°C (+1.1°C Above the 1971-2000 average).

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Max of 12.3C today- the coldest June day in Cleadon since 5 June 2002 when a max of 12.2C was recorded. Dull, rain in morning then Dry & Cloudy.

  • Location: Blakenhall, Cheshire
  • Location: Blakenhall, Cheshire

Weather Report From Blakenhall, Cheshire

CW57NP - (53.02, -2.41)

00:35 AM

Current Temperature: 12.2 degrees

Dew Point: 11.2 degrees

Pressure: 1001mb Falling

Humidity: 94%

Wind: Negligible

Daily Rainfall: 6.2mm

Outlook: Rain

Maximum Windspeed: 06.9 mph - 12:35

Maximum Temperature: 14.6 - 00:01

Mimimum Temperature: 12.2 - 23:30

Average Daily Maximum Temperature (June): 22.1 degrees

Average Daily Minimum Temperature (June): 11.1 degrees

Total Rainfall (June): 16mm


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