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  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

Hi can anyone give me advice on what camera to take pics of lightning.....good quality pics.

I have found a good place of pics of lightning http://www.lightningtrigger.com/

yes useing this device a lightning trigger.

Does anyone recommend wich camera to get for the lightning trigger,I am completely new to photography of lightning.

on http://www.lightningtrigger.com/ they give all different camera makes BUT wich one!

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated thanks


  • Replies 16
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  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
Hi can anyone give me advice on what camera to take pics of lightning.....good quality pics.

I have found a good place of pics of lightning http://www.lightningtrigger.com/

yes useing this device a lightning trigger.

Does anyone recommend wich camera to get for the lightning trigger,I am completely new to photography of lightning.

on http://www.lightningtrigger.com/ they give all different camera makes BUT wich one!

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated thanks


Whats your Budget????

  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London
Whats your Budget????

thanks for a quick reply..

well dificult question for me....

lets say 500....max...is that any good as I havent got a clue!

I dont wont a not so good set up...as I learn very quick.

basicaly a digital camera with memory.so I can waste many pics if possible,if need to.

It doesnt have to be digital.

I just wont to take first class pics..just of lightning as it as always been my passion.

the website lightning trigger claims you can get pics like that,but I thought I better ask on here first before I shell out any money.

Thanks pat(dogs32)

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

A review here by the way.


By the way this is an expensive hobby one you get started you get hooked.

Have a look at prices here. I think digital is the way to go because it doesn't cost you anything if you mess up.


Then look around elsewhere as you can get them cheaper.

I'm using a Nikon d80 which is out of price range but it's one hell of a camera.

  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London
A review here by the way.http://www.f-8andbethere.com/tips/LightningTrigger.htmBy the way this is an expensive hobby one you get started you get hooked. Have a look at prices here. I think digital is the way to go because it doesn't cost you anything if you mess up.http://www.jessops.com/Store/c136/1-136/Ho...es/details.aspxThen look around elsewhere as you can get them cheaper.I'm using a Nikon d80 which is out of price range but it's one hell of a camera.
my god you dont hang around with a answer thanks...going to check out links... :o :o
my god you dont hang around with a answer thanks...going to check out links... 8)8)
PIT do you have any pics of lightning?thanks for the links have put them in my favs....its a place to start...do you take pics of other things than lightning?stormsyou know its too late for me Ive been adicted obsessed all my life with storms....no help for me now too late...I teach privately(music)I have got it so bad that I can or I have postponed lessons just to keep checking the radar and forecast.so hooked...Im past that.. :D .I wonder if they have storm rehabs?? :o :D
  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

Canon EOS-10Dany good???Ive seen good pics with this camera...worth getting??/

  • Location: Shoeburyness, Essex - 6.2m asl
  • Location: Shoeburyness, Essex - 6.2m asl
Canon EOS-10Dany good???Ive seen good pics with this camera...worth getting??/

The 10D was good. I had one, until it got stolen in China a couple of years ago. The 20D replaced it and I got one of those. That is an excellent camera and produces some great shots. Less bells and whistles than the 5D which I also have, but still extremely good.

  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London
The 10D was good. I had one, until it got stolen in China a couple of years ago. The 20D replaced it and I got one of those. That is an excellent camera and produces some great shots. Less bells and whistles than the 5D which I also have, but still extremely good.
thanks thats the one I am going to get 20d....seen realy good pics with a 20dyour web site all done with 10d or 20d or both?
  • Location: Shoeburyness, Essex - 6.2m asl
  • Location: Shoeburyness, Essex - 6.2m asl
thanks thats the one I am going to get 20d....seen realy good pics with a 20dyour web site all done with 10d or 20d or both?

The ones on the website are a mix of 10D, 20D 5D plus G2 (also stolen in China) and its replacement, a G6, if digital - otherwise they are scans of 35mm and medium format transparencies. Actually, I haven't updated the site much recently as I have been too busy, so most digital ones on the public area are probaby from the 10D or G2. I have a lot more recent ones on private galleries which were taken with the other cameras. When I get time I will sort through them to get the best shots, add the necessary protection and put them on the main part of the site.

If you saw the moon eclipse picture that got through to the March photo contest final vote, that was taken with the 20D, as was the one of the pier in South Carolina which made the February final vote. I am sure you will be pleased with the camera. :)

  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

yea thanks blackie..the pics look realy good on your site I was impressed.

At some point this summer I should have the 20d


  • Location: Coventry,Warwickshire
  • Location: Coventry,Warwickshire

The Canon 5D is a great camera but out of your price range. The 20D and 30D are good robust cameras just about within your range. The Canon 350D and 400D are also probably within your range and are smaller lighter not quite so ergonomically good as the 20D and not so robust but not far off the picture quality of a 20D and perhaps easier for a beginner.

A good lens is also required to match the camera and to be honest the lens that comes with the likes of the 20D and 400D is not very good and the Nikon lens which gets thrown in with its camera is better. Take a look at the Nikon D40 and D50 or even a D70s if it is within your budget.

Lightning photography often requires quite long exposures and for this you will almost certainly require a tripod ,so you might want to take that into account price wise. Take a look at the following review sites.

Imaging resources




Take a look at some lightning photographs and see what cameras ,lens and shutter speeds are used for the best pictures.

Pbase Search for Lightning pictures

Best pictures to me look like using shutters speeds between 4 and 30 seconds for which for which you probably want a tripod and at least timed shutter release if not a remote control.

Hope that helps. Oh and don't get too hung up on lens sharpness or the ultimate resolution the best pictures are not necessarily taken with the most expensive equipment.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

thanks brickfeilder

will check out other cameras....no rush I wont to get it right.

money no problem realy .

I said that price because I have not much idea where to start.

I will check the nickon.....any ideas or thoughts about the lightning trigger? are they worth it?

thanks again

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

Thanks everyone for all the info......this winter Im going to make my choice,and start taking pics next year..thanks again for all responses

  • 4 months later...
  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

Hi does any one use the Canon 40D.Rebel..I have just bought one and I am still in the stages of experimenting with it.....Does anyone have any advice on night or day shots of lightning..which setting to use...ISO ect.....Tv,aed,P,M..ect ect...

  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight

The 40d is the latest model and I am sure you will be very pleased with it.

A good tripod and use the timer (2 sec)on around 20 second exposure ISO 100 on M usually works for me.

Also AV ISO 100 with the F set at 7.1ish using the 2 second timer and what ever exposure it sets (usually around 15-20 sec in a semi rural area such as mine). I find a remote lead is another option rather than the timer, but I have noticed that the wind usually catches the cable and causes shake unless you are careful.

You will probably find that taking night time shots as a matter of course will help with experience here, and more than get you ready for your chance at any summer storms, as all you have to do is point the camera and take clear night time pictures, the lightning is on them if you are lucky B)

Have you got one of those lightning triggers b/w?



  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

cheers Rusty...im delighted with it...chuffed to bits to be honest..learning all about exposure ext...will write out your settings cheers....plan to go to N spain or France in the summer to try to get some good pics...thanks...Rusty Im going to get a lightning trigger sometime before summer...also remote control with out lead

Rusty are you saying with a 2 sec timer...you keep pressing it untill lightning appears or do you mean you press it when you see it?


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