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Storm Reports 1st Dec


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  • Location: Falmouth, Cornwall
  • Location: Falmouth, Cornwall

Apologies if there is already a current storm thread!

We had a very small storm pass over us about half an hour ago. Three rumbles and one flash of lightning.

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  • Location: New Zealand
  • Location: New Zealand

Well, late last night there was hail... intense hail... It was on and off untill the morning... at about 11am I heared that loudest and most profound crack of thunder I have ever heared... for a while I didn't believe I'd heared it it was so loud. later today, maybe 2/3 pm, looking out of the window, a passing cloud looked particularly stormy in colour, with areas of quite well defined mammatus... it seemed to be on the back of the front, as there were lines fo cloud behind it amongst the patchy sky.

I think it safe to say that there's ben at least one storm here, even if I didn't see the lightning.

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  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

Torrential driving hail between 1pm and 1.30pm followed by a flash of sheet lightning and three loud bangs of thunder. The second bang resulted in a 1-minute power cut!

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  • Location: Basingstoke, Hants
  • Weather Preferences: Unexpected gusts of wind, and cumulus clouds in rude and amusing shapes.
  • Location: Basingstoke, Hants

According to my brother there was some lightning and thunder here about 9-10pm last night. I can't confirm this as I was in an Indian Restaurant eating curry at the time. If anyone from this area could confirm any activity that'd be great.

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  • Location: East Renfrewshire 180m asl
  • Location: East Renfrewshire 180m asl

We had torrential rain,hail, thunder and lightning here last night. I missed the thunder and lightning though because i was out in Glasgow :lol:

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  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Hot sunny , cold and snowy, thunderstorms
  • Location: Weston-S-Mare North Somerset

We had hail lightning & thunder yesterday lunch time.

Today it has been very windy with heavy rain and hail

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