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  • Location: Tamworth
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  • Location: Tamworth

What is the difference between the Manley and Hadley CET? Also could somebody give me the links to where I can find the daily updtes of both please?



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  • Location: Brixton, South London
  • Location: Brixton, South London
What is the difference between the Manley and Hadley CET? Also could somebody give me the links to where I can find the daily updates of both please?



The terms 'Manley' and 'Hadley' refer to the late Professor Gordon Manley (died 1980) and to the Hadley Centre, an establishment set up by the Met Office to undertake research into climatology.

Manley, a highly respected climatologist, made it his life's work to establish an instrumental record of average monthly temperatures in England. He originally chose to use data from Oxford and the Lancashire plains to give a record of western central England. Oxford was chosen because the Radcliffe Observatory had records going back many years. In 1974 Manley published the second of 2 papers in which he set out his methodology and data giving a continuous series of monthly average temperatures from 1659 to 1973.

From 1974 the MO assumed responsibility for continuing and developing the CET series. Parker et al in 1992 both continued the monthly series to 1991 and introduced a new series of daily CET data starting in 1772. Thereafter Parker et al in 2005 introduced data sets from 1878-1973 showing monthly and daily minima/maxima. All CET series have been continued to date.

Controversially Parker/UKMO made a series of changes to the recording stations from which the CET was derived. At various times the following stations were used: Cambridge Botanical Gardens, Ross on Wye, Malvern, Squires Gate, Ringway. The current stations are Pershore, Rothamstead and Stonyhurst. Complex adjustments have been made to try to ensure homogeneity of data.

Philip Eden (www.climate-uk.com) has assumed Manley's mantle and produces a rival CET series (dating back to 2003 but to be expanded back to 1974 where Manley's original research ended). Philip is concerned that by adding eastern stations such as Cambridge/Rothamstead, abandoning Oxford in favour of Gloucstershire/Worcestershire, using the coastal station of Squire's Gate (Blackpool Airport as was) the MO have not been true to Manley's work. In addition he has reservations as to the use of data from Stonyhurst on the grounds that the MO had admitted that its summer data had been unreliable and required significant adjustment. Philip has published a graph purporting to show that the MO CET data is less reliable: taking the MO England and Wales data for 1970-2003 he compares his and the MO CET data for 2002-2005. It is interesting to note the increasing negative anomalies in the MO CET data following their last change of recording stations in November 2004.

Generally the Manley CET is close to the Hadley CET but there are months where there is a difference of 0.3 or 0.4c. So far as I am aware Manley is now slightly 'warmer' than Hadley.

Regardless of Philip's sterling work the only 'official' CET is the Hadley CET.



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