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Sunday 17th February 2008

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  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

Post your weather reports here

Clear and frosty.

Temp: -3.3C, falling

Dewpoint: -5.1C, falling

Windchill: -3.5C

Humidity: 86%, steady

Pressure: 1040.2mb, steady

Wind: 0.7mph, from the east

Rain: 0mm

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  • Location: East Devon
  • Location: East Devon

Temp: -2.9C

dew: -4.4C

hum: 90%

wind: calm 0-4mph (NE)

pressure: 1037.9mb (steady)

feels like: -3.0C

Today so far:

Max temp: 0.3C @ 0:50

min temp: -3.1C @ 4:55

max gust: 6mph

rain: 0.0mm

currently clear and frosty but not quite as cold as i thought it might get.

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

dry, sunny, no wind and yet another white frost; min was -6.6C the 2nd coldest I've recorded here in 12 years observing data; the coldest was 29/122005 at -6.7C with 3 cm cover of snow.

So one could say its the coldest night in at least 12 years around here without snow cover.

  • Location: Hubberton up in the Pennines, 260m
  • Location: Hubberton up in the Pennines, 260m

On friday night my minimum temp was -5.1 and last night we got down to -7.8 :D ....really fantastic temps!

...still -3.1 out now.

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Mild (c6C) and breezy, cloudy...

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

Sunny and frosty after an overnight low of -6.9C!

Temp: -3.1C, rising

Dewpoint: -4.8C, rising

Windchill: -3.1C

Humidity: 73%, rising

Pressure: 1038.7mb, falling

Wind: 0.0mph

Rain: 0mm

Certainly looks very scenic out there this morning.

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Has been very cold overnight with a severe frost, minimum air temperature –7.3c, grass minimum –11c, the coldest night since February 7th 2007 when –8.1c in the air was recorded here. Currently at 9am, very cold with severe frost, but sunny.

Readings at 09:00

Sky Conditions, Clear.

Temperature –6.4°C

Wet Bulb –6.9°C

Dew Point –8.1°C

Humidity 87%

Barometer 1039mb, falling slowly.

Wind, calm.

Minimum –7.3°C

Minimum on grass –11.0°C

Yesterday, 16 February 2008

Has been a cold night with quite a penetrating frost in the light to moderate NE wind, minimum air temperature –2.3c, grass minimum –6.5c. Currently at 9am, sunny and frosty, but feeling very cold in a moderate NE wind. The day was dry, pleasant and sunny but cold with ground frost persisting in the shade.


  • Location: Near Beverley, East Yorks. (5 metres a.s.l.)
  • Weather Preferences: Something good in all four seasons
  • Location: Near Beverley, East Yorks. (5 metres a.s.l.)

Lovely full sunshine now and still.

Down to -6.5º C overnight.

Pressure 1041 mb (falling)


  • Location: Wigan 259 ft ASL where it always rains
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Sun ,Snow and Cold
  • Location: Wigan 259 ft ASL where it always rains

Once again Sunny and cold

Min -7.4c last night ,

currently -1.3c

  • Location: Cockermouth, Cumbria - 47m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Winter - snow
  • Location: Cockermouth, Cumbria - 47m ASL

1.2 °C at the moment with a low -7.2 °C

slight cloud but clearing

  • Location: Gosport
  • Location: Gosport


Blue skies all day yesterday with a max temp 8.2 °C at time: 2:21 PM

Min temp yesterday 0.9 °C at time: 7:20 AM

Frosty start today but now lovely sun and clear blue skies

No rain for a week now :D

Temperature: 8.0 °C

Trend: +1.9 °C /hr

Wind E to ENE 4-5mph

Barometer: 1039.0 mb (1039.0 hPa )

Pressure trend +1.0 mb/hr

Humidity: 47 %

Dew point: -2.6 °C

Todays rain: 0 mm

Monthly rain: 12 mm

Yearly rain: 81 mm

Maximum temperature: 7.1 °C at time: 10:25 AM

Minimum temperature: 0.8 °C at time: 1:26 AM

Current Windchill: 8.0 °C

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

An incredible -6.4C last night and a severe frost. Everything white, the pond was completely frozen, it looked like a dusting of snow. Now a beautiful sunny morning and the temperature is at -0.7C.

  • Location: Peristeri - Athens - Greece
  • Location: Peristeri - Athens - Greece

Time 13:55 Greece time

Air temperature : 0,7 C

Humidity : 62 %

Wind : NNE 23 km/h

Pressure rel : 1026,4 hpa rising

Dew point : -6,1 C

clouds : 8/8 stratocumulus,nimbostratus---Snow

Daily rain : 0,6 mm

Rain month : 12,8 mm

Rain year 2008 : 45,7 mm

Greek weather stations top 100


  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

Very cold and frosty last night with the temperature falling to -4°C which is very cold indeed!

Currently sunny and clear, 4.2°C

  • Location: Tamworth
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, frost, fog and ice!
  • Location: Tamworth

Coldest night here for a while got down to -4.4c.

  • Location: Whitstable, Kent
  • Location: Whitstable, Kent

Current Temp 7.4c (Min -6.6c)

Humidity 64%

Pressure 1039.7mb falling

Wind calm

Rainfall last 24hrs 0.0mm

Rainfall this month 10.4mm

Pleasant and sunny after a very cold start.

  • Location: Bangor, Down
  • Location: Bangor, Down

Blue skies but still slightly misty after a frosty start this morning.

Overnight low: -2.6c

Current temp: 6.4c

  • Location: West Bromwich (West Mids) 170m ASL
  • Location: West Bromwich (West Mids) 170m ASL

Hi all

Been stopping at a friends house over the past few days which is a lot more rural than mine with acres of fields and i took my weather gizmo with me becuase i heard their would be a hard frost overnight. The overnight low was -8.1C! Absolutley astounded becuase it is the lowest recorded temperature ever of the gizmo.

Everything was crisp, white and fresh and didnt rise above freezing until about 10.30 and the temp recorder was facing the sun! The ground was like walking on concrete when it is usually so muddy your footwear gets ripped off you by the mud but no problems with that today.

The temperature went below freezing straight after the sun set at around 5.15pm and by 9.30pm it was already -3.4C. and -6.5 by midnight.

Wish this weather could last forever becuase it really is refreshing and entices me outdoors. Have fun whatever your doing-scrapijg the car in the mornings or enjoying the weather-or both! :angry:


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