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weather related movies: Twister


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  • Location: Tiree
  • Location: Tiree



1 hour and 55 minutes

The house rips apart piece by piece. A bellowing cow spins through the air. Tractors fall like rain. A 15,000-pound gasoline tanker becomes an airborne bomb. A mile-wide, 300 mile-per-hour force of total devastation is coming at you: Twister is hitting home.

In this adventure swirling with cliffhanging excitement and awesome special effects, Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton play scientists pursuing the most destructive weatherfront to seep through mid America's Tornado Alley in 50 years. By launching electronic sensors into the funnel, the storm chasers hope to obtain enough data to create an improved warning system. In order to do so, they must place themselves in the twisters' deadly path...

well if you're going storm chasing in 08 this will defiantly get you in the mood, another film with great special effects. a good cast and great cliffhangers. dosent bore you with to much technical detail and movie is well paced as well.

A few reviews from rotten tomato in the link below


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  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.
  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.

Cookie.. its cac..!! Watched it again the other day (was on ITV4, i think) Hollywood blockbuster it is

factual it aint..!! And that croc of pap about getting revenge on a tornado..

Have to admit there were times i laughed especially when they ran into a barn full of sharp

sickles, sythes and other farming implements and he said " What kind of people are these?".....err FARMERS..!! Doh..


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