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How to.... Post images


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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

As the first in a number of new tutorials to help users get the most out of the forum, we're going to look at how to upload an image to your post.

This can be done when using the full post editor (not quick reply). You can upload a number of images to your post, although this tutorial just deals with uploading and adding one.

One the post screen, below the main text box where you type your post is a button named 'browser'. Clicking the button will open up a file search box showing files on your hard disk, locate the image (or other type of file) you wish to upload, select it by clicking it and then click the open button.

Once you have done that you will see the filename to the left to the browse button. To the right of the browse button is another button, labelled 'upload'. Clicking this will start the process of putting uploading your image to the netweather server, you will see a small circular icon spinning to indicate this is happening.

Once complete, the screen will go back to normal and you can add the image into your post. You can do this by click the 'manage current attachments menu (above the browse and upload buttons) and then clicking the small icon to the left of the image name. This will then insert a small line of code into your post at the point where your cursor last was. This can then be moved around your post by cutting/pasting if required.

Once you submit your finished post, that code will be translated into your image by the system, showing a small thumbnail image which users can then click on to view the full size image you uploaded.

You can view a brief video showing this process by clicking the link below. If this does not run when you left click it, right click and select 'save as', save it to your hard disk and then view it using windows media player.


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