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June weather reports


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  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

Starting this with my statistics for June 2008 from Lampeter, Ceredigion:


Near average temperatures and rainfall, fairly sunny.

Lack of extremes with the maxima, ranging from 14c at lowest to just 22c at best this month.

Nights though saw many low readings for so far into the year, dropping to around 1c on both 16/17th, and there were 3 ground frosts

Notable lack of exciting weather, no thunder or hail at all, and the wettest day saw a mere 15.4mm.


Mean temperature: 13.1c

Mean Max: 18.1c.

Mean Min: 8.1c.

High Max: 22.0c 9th

Low Max: 13.9c 12th

High Min: 13.3c 28th

Low Min: +0.8c 16th

Total rainfall: 75.1mm (673mm 2008 to date)

Wettest day: 15.4mm 26th

Days >0.2mm: 13

Days > 1.0mm: 10

Days over 10mm: 4

Mean pressure: 1017 mbar

High pressure: 1027 mbar 9th

Low pressure: 1000 mbar 18th

Mean RH: 78%

High RH: 97% 27th

Low RH: 47% 8th

Days with:

Air frost: 0

Ground frost: 3

Fog: 1

Thunder: 0

Hail: 0

Gale: 0

Predominant wind direction: SSE

Mean win speed: 1.8 mph

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  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Hull, East Yorkshire.

June 2008

Warmest Max: 23.0°C (on 09/06/08)

Coldest Max: 14.2°C (on 03/06/08)

Warmest Min: 15.6°C (on 28/06/08)

Coldest Min: 8.0°C (on 15/06/08 & 16/06/08)

Average Max: 18.5°C (+0.1°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 11.6°C (+1.6°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 15.1°C (+0.9°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 65.5mm (131% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 3rd (18.5mm)

Air Frosts: 0

Days with Snow: 0

Snow lying at 0900: 0 days

Dry Days: 9

Wet Days: 21

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 13

Thunderstorms: 0

Year 2008 So Far (Jan - Jun)

Warmest Max: 23.0°C (on 09/06/08)

Coldest Max: 1.3°C (on 19/02/08)

Warmest Min: 15.6°C (on 28/06/08)

Coldest Min: -3.6°C (on 18/02/08)

Average Max: 12.1°C (+0.4°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 6.1°C (+1.4°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 9.1°C (+0.9°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 458.2mm (169% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 21/01/08 (37.0mm)

Air Frosts: 11

Days with Snow: 9

Snow lying at 0900: 3 days

Dry Days: 64

Wet Days: 118

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 80

Thunderstorms: 3

The second consecutive June not to reach 25°C. The high maxima of 23.0°C was the lowest since 1997. Despite this, it took the tally of above average Junes in a row to 7, with an identical mean to 2007 of 15.1°C. Like last year, it was a result of high minimas.

It was another wet month: only 9 days had no precipitation. The wettest day was the 3rd, when it rained all day. It was also the date in which the lowest maxima was recorded, reaching just 14.2°C.

The month was generally quite unsettled, though it managed a short warm and sunny period from the 8th-10th. During this time temperatures reached 21.9°C, 23.0°C and 21.4°C. After this, it then failed to reach 20°C until 25th, but with average temperatures and low humidity, it felt quite pleasant.

Towards the end of the month it turned a little warmer again, reaching 20°C on three occasions. More noticeable was the higher night-time minimas, with 15.6°C being the low on the 28th.

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

June 2008 Report.

June began rather mixed here with an unsettled spell of weather with average temperatures.

The beginning of the second week saw the weather settle down with good amounts of sunshine and it became very warm for a time, I recorded 25.9c on the 9th.

The settled spell was to be short lived however, by the 11th northerly winds brought below average temperatures, the days were cloudy, though with only the occasional very light shower, the nights were very cool for June under clear skies with a low grass temperature for the month of 1.0c on the 16th. The period from the 18th to the 25th was dry, fair and a little milder as the winds turned more southerly, the 22nd was very windy for June with wind gusts here in Burton in access of 40pmh.

The 23rd to the end of the month was changeable with average temperatures and with mainly westerly winds, rainfall amounts though were quite small.


A changeable though rather dry month, with only 17mm here. It was quite windy with mainly westerly winds dominating, maximum wind gust 42.4mph on the 22nd . Temperature wise the mean was 14.3c around average compared to the CET, though this was the coolest June here since I began my records in 2005.

Stats for June 2008

Mean maximum temperature = 19.2c

Mean minimum temperature = 9.5c

Mean temperature = 14.3c + 0.2c above the 1971-2000 CET average.

High Maximum on the 9th = 25.4c

Low Maximum on the 3rd = 14.6c

High Minimum on the 28th = 14.4c

Low Minimum on the 16th = 4.0c

Minimum Grass Temperature on the 16th = 1.0 c

Ground Frosts = 0

Air frost = 0

Fog Observed = 0

Maximum wind gust on the 22nd = 42.4mph SW

Thunder heard / Thunderstorms = 0

Days of Rain, with 1mm or more = 7

Total rain days = 10

Wettest Day 3rd = 9.0mm

Rainfall total = 17.3mm

Days of snow = 0

Days of lying snow = 0

Rainfall total to date for 2008 = 295.4mm


  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

June 2008 Report.

June began rather mixed here with an unsettled spell of weather with average temperatures.

The beginning of the second week saw the weather settle down with good amounts of sunshine and it became very warm for a time, I recorded 25.9c on the 9th.

The settled spell was to be short lived however, by the 11th northerly winds brought below average temperatures, the days were cloudy, though with only the occasional very light shower, the nights were very cool for June under clear skies with a low grass temperature for the month of 1.0c on the 16th. The period from the 18th to the 25th was dry, fair and a little milder as the winds turned more southerly, the 22nd was very windy for June with wind gusts here in Burton in access of 40pmh.

The 23rd to the end of the month was changeable with average temperatures and with mainly westerly winds, rainfall amounts though were quite small.


A changeable though rather dry month, with only 26.3mm here. It was quite windy with mainly westerly winds dominating, maximum wind gust 42.4mph on the 22nd . Temperature wise the mean was 14.3c around average compared to the CET, though this was the coolest June here since I began my records in 2005.

Stats for June 2008

Mean maximum temperature = 19.2c

Mean minimum temperature = 9.5c

Mean temperature = 14.3c + 0.2c above the 1971-2000 CET average.

High Maximum on the 9th = 25.4c

Low Maximum on the 3rd = 14.6c

High Minimum on the 28th = 14.4c

Low Minimum on the 16th = 4.0c

Minimum Grass Temperature on the 16th = 1.0 c

Ground Frosts = 0

Air frost = 0

Fog Observed = 0

Maximum wind gust on the 22nd = 42.4mph SW

Thunder heard / Thunderstorms = 0

Days of Rain, with 1mm or more = 7

Total rain days = 10

Wettest Day 3rd = 9.0mm

Rainfall total = 26.3mm

Days of snow = 0

Days of lying snow = 0

Rainfall total to date for 2008 = 295.4mm


edited rainfall total as the original readings were incorrectly calculated, was to late to edit original post.


  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

Mean=15.4(14.4) (values in brackets are over past 60 years for this area)

avge max=20.3(19.2):-highest daytime=27.5C on 9th, lowest 13.9 on 1st

avge min=10.5(9.5):-lowest=5.9 on 21st and warmest= 15.6 on 22nd

rainfall= 37.2mm(remember it under-reads) the wettest day=26th with 7.6mm; 17 days with 0.2mm or more and 8 days with 1.0 mm or more.

no fog, frost or thunder.

A month with above average temperatures, it rained a fair amount but not unusually so; one very windy day(Sunday 22nd)

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

June Summary for Evesham

Max: 28.7c (9th )

Lowest Max: 15.7c (13th )

Ave Max: 20.7c

Min: 5.7c (13th 16th )

Highest Min: 15.8c (22nd )

Ave Min: 10.8c

Ave Temp: 15.75c

Total Rainfall: 45.8mm

Highest daily total: 28.3mm (3rd )

Days >= 1mm: 3

Highest Pressure: N/A

Lowest Pressure: N/A

Days of Air Frost: 0

Days of Hail: 0

Days of Sleet: 0

Days of snow pellets/soft hail: 0

Days of Snow: 0

Days of >=50% snow cover: 0

Days of Thunderstorms: 0

Other days thunder heard: 0


A pretty average month although temp was lowest since records began in 2003 (reflecting more on warmth of recent years)

Rainfall close to average for area though notably half of this fell in on e 24 hour period.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Fairly average weather conditions for June here in Aberdeenshire.

Monthly Weather Data Report for Garioch Weather Station, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire – June 2008

Mean Temperature 12.7°C, 0.6°C higher than the 12.1 average.

Minimum Temperature 3.1°C, on the 24th.

Mean Minimum Temperature 8.7°C, 0.4°C higher than the 8.3 average.

Maximum Temperature 24.1°C, on the 9th.

Mean Maximum Temperature 17.1°C, 1.5°C higher than the 15.6 average.

Maximum Daily High Wind Speed 27.0mph, on the 20th.

Total Rainfall 61.2 mm. 7.5mm higher than the 53.7mm average (114.0%)

Average Bright Sunshine Hours 6.5hrs per day, 0.5hrs per day higher than the 6.0 average (108.3%).

For more detail click here.


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