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August convection timelapse

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  • Replies 5
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  • Location: Havant, nr Portsmouth, SE Hampshire
  • Location: Havant, nr Portsmouth, SE Hampshire
Hi all,

Just uploaded a vid which started off as last weeks convection but then got a bit longer when I added March and May. Good vid for anyone having cloud deprivation syndrome.



I realy like your timelapse movies, very interesting, tried doing it myself, quite hard :lol: .

What sort of equiptment do you use, I use a G3 Canon digital camera conrolled by the PC, takes a shot every 2 seconds.

Thanks :(


  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

Very cool video, and I like the other ones in the album too. Great lightning captures in some of them. :lol:


Thanks Paul and Michael,

The footage is from 2 industrial webcams and my trusty panasonic dv cam, I use windows moviemaker 2 a lot because its so easy to get on with but the way I do them is too slow and tedius, each clip has to be sped up with moviemakers speed up function and then all sorted for a final mix. Its the end of a 1 year experiment which has taught me a lot.

I would imagine its quicker and better quality if you take individual shots on a good cam and then timelapse all the stills.

Most of it has been on and off on youtube but I got fed up with endless spam, copyright infringement warnings from some nutter in the states and youtube randomly recoding and resizing my vids whenever they felt like it :lol:

Vimeo definitely seems to be a better site all round and when I finally go the hd route I will be filming wildlife as much as poss.

  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

really like your timelapse videos...Must of taken many frames

.Did you use a fisheye lens for that one...

  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight

I really like those... If I ever get any time to try it myself, Looks like fun.

I presume an SLR would be better mounted on a rock solid tripod and the use of a timer or remote lead, the former being the best probably.



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