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Divisions of the Anthropocene age

Chris Knight

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  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
  • Location: Worthing West Sussex

Are we in the aluminium Ring-pull age still, or has this been superseded by the water bottle protective top people? Will the future archaeologists grade shards of car windscreen glass, and painstakingly analyse remnants of chewing gum and cigarette butt filters to locate the sites of entrances to workplaces, transport stations and public houses? What will constitute a valuable find? Surely not an Argos 9ct gold ear stud or sleeper. Will they analyse garden pond silt deposits for pollen from Mediterranean garden plants to indicate we lived in the early 21st century?

All ideas welcome - perhaps we could write a guide for the future Time Teams.

  • Replies 11
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  • Location: North Norfolk
  • Location: North Norfolk

The remains of supermarket shopping trollies will indicate the course of former streams, rivers, culverts and canals!

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire.
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire.
The remains of supermarket shopping trollies will indicate the course of former streams, rivers, culverts and canals!

Yes, this will identify the council areas!! :D

  • Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees
  • Weather Preferences: Snow and cold in winter, warm and sunny in summer
  • Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees

Petrified dog poo will indicate where our recreational areas were!

Future studies will erroneously hypothesise that a man's social status was directly proportional to the amount of sovereign rings and chains found on his skeletal remains! :o

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

It would also mean that we worshipped rivers by pushing "sacrifices entrapped" in the trolleys into the rivers.

  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
Yes, this will identify the council areas!! :)

What will they make of concentrations of white goods - washing machines, fridges, microwaves and sofas in the same locations, in front of old dwelling sites? Will they be able to identify the petrified poo of staffy crosses, and the tooth marks of the same in the area to the rear of said dwellings? Will they deduce we actually lived outdoors, and kept our valuables indoors protected from the rear by fierce guard dogs?

  • Location: Edinburgh
  • Location: Edinburgh

The body’s and preserved Burberry caps of neds piled high shall indicate where I went mad and shot the lot of them for stealing our car - and my favourite hoodie was in there as well.

  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
The body’s and preserved Burberry caps of neds piled high shall indicate where I went mad and shot the lot of them for stealing our car - and my favourite hoodie was in there as well.

Gosh! You must live in a wild place, sammie. Here everything would be picked clean by waves of SOCOs, bagged, and then lost in some unnamed repository.

  • Location: Edinburgh
  • Location: Edinburgh

SOCO are too busy clearning up the gangs in Glasgow City trying to kill eachother, they wont bother with this little town.

  • Location: Western Isle of Wight
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Storm, anything loud and dramatic.
  • Location: Western Isle of Wight

The thought of finding a fossilized Traffic Warden may raise eyebrows :lol:

Seriously toxic layer I think, in the whole Universe we probably hold the record if not we are in the Top Ten :lol: The layer will be quite greedy too and fleece any future geologist of all money and possessions without moving. It may even offer them a lone...

Alternatively:- If all that is done is the will of God, then all we are doing is concentrating materials, many and varied, also generating massive amounts of Radio waves of various frequency's to spue out into space forever. We are evolving the planet and ourselves.

The layer will be useful probably or God would have not bothered.

If this sort of thing has happened before then the radio waves advertise our presence, possibly for the collection of concentrated materials, or dinner :lol:

Lovely question CK :)


  • Location: St. Albans, Herts
  • Location: St. Albans, Herts
Seriously toxic layer I think, in the whole Universe we probably hold the record if not we are in the Top Ten :lol:

Yep: going to make the Boudiccan burnt layer look like the ash flicked from a ciggie.......

  • Location: Sunderland
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Summer, Snowy winter and thunderstorms all year round!
  • Location: Sunderland

Forget the 6 inch deep Iridium anomaly from 65 million years, we'll leave a 10ft deep McDonalds Wrapper anomaly!!


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