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August in review


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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Please post your weather stats and observations for August 2008 here :)

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  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

August 2008 Report.

With low pressure dominant throughout the first three weeks of August the weather was very unsettled with a good deal of cloud and rain around, 73.1mm here up to the 23rd. Windy too at times with a gust of 32mph from the southwest on the 10th. The temperatures were close to the average during that period, although the odd cold night was noted, a minimum of 6c on the 15th, with 3.5c on the grass.

The 24th saw high pressure to the south west of the country begin to edge closer bringing a period of dry and settled weather, but conditions were rather cloudy, at best, bright rather than sunny, warm never the less, especially during the overnight periods with temperatures not dropping below 16c to 18c on five consecutive nights, the warmest night of the year was recorded here on the 30th with a minimum of 18.1c. Finally to end the month on the 31st low pressure took control once more making for a dull and wet end.


Apart from the last week, which was mainly dry with above average temperatures, August was an unsettled rainy month with near to average temperatures. A noticeable feature of the month were five very warm nights during the last week, with minimums closer to daytime averages, a minimum of 18.1c for instance on the 30th. Although I have no sunshine recording equipment, sunshine levels were also possibly below average as cloud cover for the month worked out at 80%, from observations at 09:00 GMT.

Stats for August 2008

Mean maximum temperature = 20.4c

Mean minimum temperature = 13.2c

Mean temperature = 16.8c + 0.6c above the 1971-2000 CET average.

High Maximum on the 30th = 23.5c

Low Maximum on the 22nd = 17.2c

High Minimum on the 30th = 18.1c

Low Minimum on the 15th = 6.0c

Minimum Grass Temperature on the 15th = 3.5 c

Ground Frosts = 0

Air frost = 0

Fog Observed = 1 on the 30th

Maximum wind gust on the 10th = 32mph SW

Thunder heard / Thunderstorms = 0

Days of Rain, with 1mm or more = 15

Total rain days = 19

Wettest Day 16th = 11.9mm

Rainfall total = 77.3mm

Days of snow = 0

Days of lying snow = 0

Rainfall total to date for 2008 = 453.1mm


  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Summery for Sheffield came be found here.


Just slightly under average for temps and above average rainfall.

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

August data for my site with brief notes about summer 2008

Mean=17.5C (+1.5) on long term

Average Maximum=21.7(+).9)

Average Minimum=13.2(+1.9)

Highest daily Maximum was 25.4C on7th and the lowest 18.4C on 9th

Lowest overnight was 8.8C on 15th and warmest night 17.9C on 30th

Rainfall was 64.0mm, about 10 mm above average, wettest day =7th with 14.0mm

No frost, snow or hail; 2 days with thunder and 1(at 0900 BST) with fog.

Thus another month with above average temperature with a mean exactly the same as for July. All 3 'summer' months showed above average mean temperatures. That in August was due to higher night minima rather than high daytime values. July and June were more evenly balanced.

June was a drier than average month, July just about average and August a little above.

So in terms of cold statistics the summer in this area (at least my back garden) was around average.

tks Paul

  • Location: Upminster, Essex
  • Location: Upminster, Essex

Forgeting all the technical data, my observation for August is that it was CRAP! Lol :D:D

  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

August 2008 review for Lampeter, west Wales

Summary: Notably dull, wet, average temperatures.

To be honest I had expected to report a cool month, however the generally mild nights and unremarkable range of Maxima brought things up to a chill, damp feeling, rather windy average!

Months high just 23.3c (30th), a few cool nights down as low as 4c (15th).

As mentioned this was a notably dull and damp 'Summer' month, cannot recall anything similar for seemingly constant wetness of the ground and air, high humidity, and rather suppressed Maxima. On checking local Met Office sunshine figures, it would seem that the total was well below 100 hours, pathetic for a Summer month and this made it feel so damp and gloomy.

I heard no thunder anywhere where I was in August, but was away for a week when there was a storm in various local areas 20th, so its likely thunder occurred on at least one day here too.

Statistics (includes estimates as I was away one week, these are based on other local stations).

Mean Max: 19.5c.

Mean Min: 12.1c.

Mean temp: 15.8c.

High Max: 23.3c 30th

Low Max: 16.9c 13th

High Min: 16.3c 30th

Low Min: 3.9c 15th

Total rainfall: 165mm

Wettest day: 17.9mm 6th (possibly more 20th, Trawsgoed 27mm this day)

Rain days over 0.2mm: c. 25

Wet days over 1mm: c. 21

Days of Heavy rain over 10mm: c. 7

Mean Pressure: 1010 mbar

High Pressure: 1023 mbar 27th

Low Pressure: 994 mbar 18th

Mean RH: 84%!! Most amazing stat for the month this!

High RH: 100% 19th

Low RH: 63% 23rd

Days with:

Thunder: 0 or 1.

Hail: 0

Frost: 0

Gale: 0

Fog: 1 to 3.

Mean wind speed: 1.7 mph.

Predominant direction: SSE (always seem to get that- must be where the anemometer settles when calm)

  • Location: Powys Mid Wales borders.
  • Location: Powys Mid Wales borders.

Looks like it`s been the dullest august for 80 years.

Anyway as theres been a mainly west/SW wind until the last 2 days of light S-lys.

No east wind this month but did have 3 days of west /or NW-ly different to august 2006 when that was a very N-ly/NW month and that came out as 16.1 CET to this month 16.2 and that month was more interesting but that`s not saying much about this august very gloomy and damp sums it up.

Lowest min 7.8c

Max was actually 22.2c

August 2006

Lowest Min 12.2c

Max 25.7c on the 6th.

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

No surprises, duller and wetter than average here in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire.

Monthly Weather Data Report for Garioch Weather Station, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire – August 2008

Mean Temperature 14.5°C, 0.9 higher than the 13.6°C historic average.

Minimum Temperature 6.8°C, on the 8th.

Mean Minimum Temperature 11.0°C, 1.0 higher than the 10.0°C average.

Maximum Temperature 22.2°C, on the 28th.

Mean Maximum Temperature 18.3°C, 0.5 higher than the 17.8°C average.

Maximum Daily High Wind Speed 22.0mph, on the 17th.

Total Rainfall 105.7mm, 32.3mm higher than the 73.4mm average (144.0%).

Average Bright Sunshine Hours 2.8hrs per day, 1.9 less than the 4.7hrs per day average (60.4%).

For more detail click here.

  • Location: Blakenhall, Cheshire
  • Location: Blakenhall, Cheshire

August 2008 Statistics

Blakenhall, Cheshire

(53.02, -2.41)

Average daily maximum: 20.3º

Average daily minimum: 12.7º


Highest daily maximum: 24.3º (29th)

Lowest daily maximum: 16.9º (22nd)

Days 20º or above: 14

Highest daily minimum: 16.8º (30th)

Lowest daily minimum: 7.2º (15th)

Days 10º or below: 5

Days With Rain: 21

Maximum Rainfall: 16.57mm (16th)

Total Rainfall: 88.02mm

Maximum Dewpoint: 19.3º (29th)

Minimum Dewpoint: 5.8º (15th)

Maximum Windspeed: 25th

Highest Relative Pressure: 1020mb (27th)

Lowest Relative Pressure: 985mb (12th)

NB: No temperature/pressure data for August 1st.

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Data for Cleadon, South Tyneside:

Mean Max 18.6

Mean Min 13.3

Mean Temp 16.0

Highest Max 21.3 (27th)

Lowest Min 9.7 (9th)

Precipitation: 105mm

Wettest day: 14.0 (16th)

Days of thunder: 2

Days of fog: 2

This was the warmest and wettest August since 2004, yet the mean maximum was the lowest in August since 1999, reflecting the warm nature of the nights. Indeed it appears that despite all the dull wet months, the last summer month in the Tyneside area with a significantly below average mean temperature was July 2000! Characterised by excessive cloud cover and plenty of rain.

I don't have sunshine stats and the MetO haven't brought out the August sunshine maps yet, but for now I'll guess around 60% of the average, which would make it the dullest August for quite some time (but nowhere near as dull as the infamous 1912).

In Cleadon, Summer 2008 has statistically come out warmer than last year (due mainly to higher minima), with a similar amount of sunshine (the relatively sunny June helped matters) and was the wettest since 2004. Provisionally, if I apply an estimate of Mr Data's summer index, it is only the third worst summer since I started recording, slightly behind 1998 and 2002.

  • Location: City of Gales, New Zealand, 150m ASL
  • Location: City of Gales, New Zealand, 150m ASL

Wellington, New Zealand. August 2008, final month of winter.

Mean 24 hour temperature: 9.2C - precisely average

Highest Max: 17C

Lowest Max: 7C

Lowest Min: 2C

Rainfall: 205mm - well above average

Sunshine hours: 155 hours, or exactly 5 hours per day - a bit above average, and sunnier than most of the UK it would seem


August 2008

Castlebay Isle Of Barra

Temperature: The highest tempetaure was on the 14th which was 22c. The lowest pressure was on the 16th which was

14c. Over the month the average temperature has dropped by 2.2c.

Pressure: The pressure was mainly around 1000mb to 1010mb. The lowest was 988mb and the highest 1025mb. The

average pressure has dropped by 1mb over the month.

Humidity: The humidity was normally around 70% to 80% the lowest was 65% and highest 92%. The pressure over the

month has increased by 9%.

Wind: The wind speed average was 7mph the highest gust was 46mph. The windspeed average has increased by 5mph

over the month.

Rainfall: The total rain fall was 33.1mm, the higest rainfall in a day was 15mm.

Wind Direction: It was mainly from the south east and north west.

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

August Summary for Evesham

Max: 25.9c (30th )

Lowest Max: 17.2c (13th )

Ave Max: 21.0c

Min: 7.9c (15th )

Highest Min: 17.5c (30nd )

Ave Min: 13.5c

Ave Temp: 17.3c

Total Rainfall: 93.4mm

Highest daily total: 10.9mm (13th )

Days >= 1mm: 16

Highest Pressure: 1020 (27th / 28th )

Lowest Pressure: 987 (12th )

Days of Air Frost: 0

Days of Hail: 0

Days of Sleet: 0

Days of snow pellets/soft hail: 0

Days of Snow: 0

Days of >=50% snow cover: 0

Days of Thunderstorms: 1 (14th )

Other days thunder heard: 0


Rainfall recorded on every day from 1st to 24th inc. But last week dry until 31st.

Until 30th this was looking to be my first August in which temp has not exceeded 25c. Even so, 25.9c is the lowest August max I have recorded. However, whilst daytime maxima was the lowest on record, and 2.5c below the average of the past 5 years, overnight minima was on the high side at 0.9c above average. Min on the 30th was the second highest of the year and the highest recorded this late in the summer.

  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

EDIT to my post above:

Low Pressure: 986 mbar 12th

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Another stat: the month's highest maximum, 21.3, was the second lowest absolute maximum of a summer month that I've recorded- the lowest being 21.2 for June 2002.

Meanwhile, the month's absolute minimum, 9.7, was the third highest for any summer month, the highest being 9.9 and 9.8 in July 2003 and July 2005 respectively.

  • Location: Aberdeen 33m asl
  • Location: Aberdeen 33m asl

It was a truly miserable month in Aberdeen - just like last summer and similar to last year. All the local golf courses are green, lush and most of the time damp, just like last year. The grass should be burnt yellow at this time of year.

  • Location: Wigan 259 ft ASL where it always rains
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Sun ,Snow and Cold
  • Location: Wigan 259 ft ASL where it always rains
Forgeting all the technical data, my observation for August is that it was CRAP! Lol :):)

I have to agree (although i may have used a more graphic term :rofl: ) , but i was fortunate in the sense that i spent 16 days of it in Sunny South East Spain B) B) , the 1/2 a month i spent in wet wigan was awful

Guest Shetland Coastie

Gulberwick Weather Station - Stats for August 2008


Max: 19.5C on 3rd

Min: 6.6C on 14th

Mean: 13.4C

Long term average (1974-99): 13.8C

Difference from long term average: -0.4C


Max gust: 39.1mph on 24th

Max sustained windspeed: 31.1mph on 25th

Predominant wind direction: NE (32%)


Max: 1017 hPa on 31st

Min: 984 hPa on 10th

Mean: 1005.6 hPa


Long-term average (1974-99): 61.1mm

Monthly total: 45.2mm (74% of long-term average)

Wettest day: 18.1mm on 10th.

  • Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
It was a truly miserable month in Aberdeen - just like last summer and similar to last year. All the local golf courses are green, lush and most of the time damp, just like last year. The grass should be burnt yellow at this time of year.

It's funny how people see things differently. I was just talking to a chap today and we both agreed this summer was much better than last and we've actually quite enjoyed this summer (including August). We've both spent more time outdoors this summer and quite a few of the sunny spells have coincided with weekends (including one stunning local holiday when the max temp of the year was reached).

The hop crop is ripening nicely - almost ready to go for a green brew.

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Hull, East Yorkshire.

August 2008

Warmest Max: 23.7°C (on 06/08/08)

Coldest Max: 17.8°C (on 09/08/08)

Warmest Min: 17.6°C (on 30/08/08)

Coldest Min: 10.9°C (on 22/08/08)

Average Max: 20.6°C (-0.5°C Below 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 14.4°C (+2.3°C Above 1971-2000 Average) - New Record

Overall Average: 17.5°C (+0.9°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 100.9mm (207% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 7th (21.0mm)

Air Frosts: 0

Days with Snow: 0

Snow lying at 0900: 0 days

Dry Days: 11

Wet Days: 20

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 16

Thunderstorms: 5

Year 2008 So Far (Jan - Aug)

Warmest Max: 26.0°C (on 26/07/08)

Coldest Max: 1.3°C (on 19/02/08)

Warmest Min: 17.6°C (on 30/08/08)

Coldest Min: -3.6°C (on 18/02/08)

Average Max: 14.3°C (+0.3°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 8.0°C (+1.5°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 11.2°C (+0.9°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 650.0mm (182% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 21/01/08 (37.0mm)

Air Frosts: 11

Days with Snow: 9

Snow lying at 0900: 3 days

Dry Days: 89

Wet Days: 155

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 111

Thunderstorms: 13

The warmest August since 2003, though entirely due to the exceptionally mild nights. The mean minima was the highest of any month on record, beating August 1997 by a whole 0.3°C. Only 3 days saw minima below average. The high maxima of 23.7°C was the lowest in August since 1993. The month saw over 100mm of rain, making it the 4th very wet August in the last 5 years. It was also unremittingly dull, with countless cloudy days.

The month started as July finished off, with mild temperatures, sunny spells and showers. The mean for the first 6 days was 18.5C, some 2°C above average. It then went rapidly downhill. In the period from the 7th - 24th the temperature didnt exceed 21.6C. There were frequent overcast and rainy days. The 7th, 12th and 17th saw almost 55mm of rain between them. The coldest day was the 9th, when it only reached 17.8°C with heavy rain and gale force winds.

The final 7 days of the month were then much more settled. No rainfall fell between the 25th - 30th, but it was almost completely overcast. As a result daytime temperatures were close to average, but minima were very warm. The 26th - 30th all saw low temperatures above 15°C, with the 30th producing the highest minima since July 2006, of 17.6°C. The final day of the month was very Autumnal, with thick fog early on in the morning.

Overall, another dull, warm and wet summer. The mean temperature for the season as a whole was 16.6°C, making it the 4th warmest since 1982. Only 2003, 2005 and 2006 were warmer. The mean maxima was only 19.9°C (-0.2°C), but the mean minima 13.2°C (+1.7°C).

  • Location: Northampton (90m ASL)
  • Location: Northampton (90m ASL)

August 2008 was the dullest August in Northampton since 1986. Frequent showers and longer spells of rain made it also the wettest August since 2004.

Source: Pitsford Hall Weather Station, Northamptonshire

Full stats here.

  • Location: Ancient city of Downpatrick Co Down
  • Location: Ancient city of Downpatrick Co Down

Simply put its was The WORST AUGUST OF ALL TIME!!!!

for northern ireland - and I'm sure my part beats this

Rain fall 200mm just under 10 inches (200% of average)

Sunshine 65 hours ( 50 % of average) - or putting it more simply average of 2.1 hours per day ( most of this occurred at 6am in morning before I woke up)..

Number of completely cloudy days 15

Maximum temperature 22.2C

Average maximum temperature 17.3C (1C below average)

Average minimum temperature 14.1 C (1C above average)

Number of days with rain (out of 31) = 26... or 5 days with no rain

Must sun recorded in one day = 5 hours

Now - lets repeat this - this is AUGUST under global warming conditions...

and to add insult to injury... July was also crap - with just a little more sun!!

OVerall - crap crap crap summer - forget this one - hopefully never to be repeated

so there you are - :D:):D:):doh::doh:

  • Location: Truro, Cornwall
  • Weather Preferences: Winter - Heavy Snow Summer - Hot with Night time Thunderstorms
  • Location: Truro, Cornwall

August was great for me!

...because i spent half of it in Spain! :D

But here, its constantly dull, not hot but not cold.

  • Location: Powys Mid Wales borders.
  • Location: Powys Mid Wales borders.
Simply put its was The WORST AUGUST OF ALL TIME!!!!

for northern ireland - and I'm sure my part beats this

Rain fall 200mm just under 10 inches (200% of average)

That is shocking!!!! had 3 inches here.

Trouble is already had 1 inch this month and with ground getting saturated here now so early in sept this is not good when a wet autumn comes floods will happen,must be bad where you are tho. :D


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