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Todays weather and general weather chat


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  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Post your weather reports and general observations here please

  • Replies 42
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  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

cloudy 14°C

W (10 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 94,

Pressure (mB): 997, Rising,

Visibility: Very good

  • Location: City of Gales, New Zealand, 150m ASL
  • Location: City of Gales, New Zealand, 150m ASL

Sunny day with a bit of cirrus. High of 14C. Currently 12C at 5PM. Warmest NZ temperature of 19C.

Sunset in an hour.

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

An Autumnal feeling morning with the temperature at 11c, a brisk and chilly NNW breeze, banks of cloud threatening showers and a few sunny spells.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Dull grey and humid at 13.7C. Looks rather familiar. August???


Castlebay Isle Of Barra

Outdoor temp 16.2c

Outdoor humidity 73%

Pressure 1010.9mb

Wind direction North West

Wind speed 4mph

Cloud Height 586m

Rain in last hour 0.0mm

Rain in last 24hours 0.0mm

Total rainfall 3.6mm

Dewpoint 11.4c

Windchill 16.2c

Weather clear dry sunny bright

  • Location: Cheddington, Buckinghamshire
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: Cold & Snowy, Summer: Just not hot
  • Location: Cheddington, Buckinghamshire

Well after a bit of rain last night, it has taken my September total to 3 inches! And we are only a week in!


Barometer...1002.5mb (rising rapidly)


Dew Point...11.2c

Day Rain...1.8mm

Storm Rain...77.2mm

High rain rate...6.6mm/hr

Month rain...75.4mm

Year rain...593.3mm

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

Overcast with a moderate NW breeze and a short moderate shower about 2 hours ago.

1.6mm of rain from light showers overnight takes the month's total to just over 100mm.

Temp' is 12.3c after an overnight min' of 12.0c.

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

14.5c the low now 16.9c with a good deal of sunshine and at last no rain! Almost a decent day- so far...

  • Location: Taunton, Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, thunder, strong winds
  • Location: Taunton, Somerset

After a very wet couple days at the moment it is actually dry (!), but rather dark and gloomy out there.

Temp: 15.4C, steady

Dewpoint: 12.7C, steady

Windchill: 15.4C

Humidity: 84%, steady

Pressure: 1006.0mb, rising

Wind: 13.0mph, gusting 24.8mph, from the northwest

Rain so far today: 0.3mm

Rain so far this September: 57.9mm

Rain so far in 2008: 712.7mm

Guest Shetland Coastie

Gulberwick Weather Station - Shetland

Currently dull but dry.

Latest obs @ 1105 BST

Temp: 12.2C

Dewpoint: 6.5C

Wet Bulb: 9.5C

Overnight Min: 9.3C @ 0348

Wind: calm

Max gust last hr: 14.1mph @ 1101

Max gust today: 19.4mph @ 0542

Avg windspeed (10 minute): 5.3mph

Pressure: 1012.3 hPa

Pressure change last 12 hrs: +2.3 hPa

Humidity: 68%

Rainfall today: 0.0mm

Rainfall this month: 17.4mm

  • Location: East Anglia
  • Location: East Anglia

Dull and overcast again with more rain last night, don't care how cold it gets this winter as long as we see some sunshine, because we have had a pitiful amount this summer

  • Location: Merseyside
  • Location: Merseyside

Mostly cloudy and dull but feeling quite warm.

Temperature 17.6ºc

Feels like 17.6º

Dew point 13.1ºc

Humidity 75%

Pressure 1004.1hPa (rising)

Average windspeed 0.0mph

Maximum gust 1.6mph

Rainfall last 24 hours 0.0mm

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

An overcast and damp start following the last very rainy 36 hours or so. At reading time, moderate rain commencing once again. After a short spell of rain, an improvement followed, so towards lunch time a few cloud breaks allowed some brief sunny spells.

Currently, bright and dry with sunny spells, though with a good deal of cumulus, 6 Oktas, temperature 15.1c, with a force 3 westerly wind.

Readings at 10:00 – 09:00 GMT

Sky Conditions, 8 Oktas, Nimbostratus.

Temperature 13.5°C

Barometer 1002mb, rising.

Wind Force 2 WNW

24-hour extremes

Maximum temperature 15.1°C

Minimum temperature 13.1°C

Minimum temperature on grass 12.0°C

Rain = 9.2mm

Rain this month 95.7mm

Yesterday, 06 September 2008

Has been an extremely wet 24 hours, with 41.1 mm measured since 09:00GMT yesterday. The day dawned wet with further outbreaks of moderate to heavy rain.

At observation, moderate to heavy rain, although not as windy as yesterday. The morning, afternoon and in to the evening continued with intermittent rain, some times moderate, little brightness throughout.


  • Location: Sunderland
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Summer, Snowy winter and thunderstorms all year round!
  • Location: Sunderland

Another dank and dreary morning here so far, with intermittent light rain & drizzle, should hopefully brighten up this afternoon :)

  • Location: The Deben Valley, Suffolk
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Thunderstorms, very cold (inc. anticyclonic) weather
  • Location: The Deben Valley, Suffolk

A very heavy shower just passed here, which litrally went out with a bang with a nice big fork lightning strike nearby. Dumped 6mm in 10 minutes so quite a potent little shower.

  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield
  • Weather Preferences: Any Extreme
  • Location: Sheffield South Yorkshire 160M Powering the Sheffield Shield

Sunny Spells and temps responding max of 19.2C so far. Also the odd light shower.

  • Location: Powys Mid Wales borders.
  • Location: Powys Mid Wales borders.

Warm where you are the pit.

13.2 here now and been cloudy all day no rain max was 14.2c so just about the 2nd coolest day so far this autumn and coolest day this coming week by the looks of it.

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

According to the Net Weather Extra radar we are supposed to be experiencing rainfall of around 50 mm per hour, right under the deep red blob to the north west of Nottingham, ( at 1440 ) but there has been no more than a few spots of rain here. The rainfall seems to be a few miles to the east and there was a clap of thunder around 1430.

It's the first time I've known the radar to indicate heavy rain without there actually being any.

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

As an addition to the above I've just heard that only a mile and a half to the east of here the rain is torrential and causing flooding on the roads, barely enough rain to damp the slabs here.


Castlebay Isle Of Barra

Outdoor temp 20.6c

Outdoor humidity 49%

Pressure 1010.8mb

Wind direction North East

Wind speed 7mph

Cloud Height 1186m

Rain in last hour 0.0mm

Rain in last 24hours 0.0mm

Total rainfall 3.6mm

Dewpoint 9.5c

Heat Index 25.1c

Weather Clear dry bright blue sky sunny

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

Out of nowhere we're on for the 1st dry day of the month! And the 5th in 38 days!

Amazing stat time : rainfall for the 1st 6 days of Sept = 70mm compared to rainfall for the whole of Sept 2007 which was 35.5mm!!

  • Location: The Wash - Norfolk side
  • Weather Preferences: Storms storms and more storms
  • Location: The Wash - Norfolk side

A beautiful afternoon. Sun came out about 11.30 and is still out. Slightly breezy from the WNW - about 13mph - 19.5 now and rising. Can't quite believe it.

  • Location: Swansea - 60m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms, Snow
  • Location: Swansea - 60m ASL

Not a bad day here just cloudy and cool.

Current Temperature: 16.9C- Falling

Dew Point: 11.0C

Pressure: 1011 mb

Rain total so far: 0mm


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