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Weather In South Spain


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  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

I live in Huelva, a town with a population of 150.000.

I have a weather station, 10 kilometers at north of this town, is a wood station, with digital dattaloger, and traditionals thermometers.

Those thermometers are the "oficcial" that has utilised by the AEMET (Meteorologic Estatal Agency).

Huelva founds in south spain (Andalucia), at 85 km western Seville, and 40 kilometers East Portugal.

I´ll give more information with maps and others....

My Blog, with News, Photos, and temperature and humidity registration:


In summer temperature rises 42º (44.4º during 2006), in winter low to 0º 4-5 days only (-3º during 2007)

Disculped my very bad English... :o

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Replies 53
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  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Huelva today:

Minimun temperature: 8ºc

Now the weather is sunny, the wind slow fron nothwest, and 19ºc.

The lasts days the temperature minimun was 4º and maximun of 16º/17º.

More information:


  • Location: south London
  • Location: south London

just curosity....how long have you been in Spain..

And do you get many electrical storms and if so when would you say is the most month for them..


  • Location: Cheddington, Buckinghamshire
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: Cold & Snowy, Summer: Just not hot
  • Location: Cheddington, Buckinghamshire

How is the drought situation at the moment? When I went in summer I remember it being really quite serious.

And don't worry about your English, it's much better than my Spanish! :doh:

  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Thanks friends....

Current weather in Huelva:


Mi station is manually,i edit dates in my blog every 1 hour-2 hours, when i can....,no during the night, i have to sleep :doh:

In Giraleón (Huelva), I have a wood station with digital and mercury registrators,

I go for there every 4 days, with a portatil computer for take dates.

See you soon...

  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Today in Huelva:

Cloudy, minimun temperature 10.4º,

now 16º, wind slow from east.

  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

Bienvenidos Huelva-spain, Muy bien! Eres tu en las montanas? Esta frio por sur de espana en noviembre? (diez grada)

  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)
  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)

Hola amigo. Sabes mucho inglés, no te preocupes así. Me encanta escuchar cositas sobre el tiempo en España, sobre todo en Andalucía donde hay quizá el clima más distinto de Europa, que también con las montañas debe tener mucha variedad entre sitios. Hay otro español aquí que es de Villalba cerca de Madrid, y el de vez en cuando pone imágenes de la sierra de Guadarrama y del norte. Si tu puedes poner fotitos de tu región nos gustaría también.

Un saludo


  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
Bienvenidos Huelva-spain, Muy bien! Eres tu en las montanas? Esta frio por sur de espana en noviembre? (diez grada)

Gracias amigo, vivo en la costa, a 10 kiometros del mar.

Si es normal 10º en Noviembre incluso 5º-6º los dias mas frios del mes.

En enero se puede bajar a 0º.


Hola amigo. Sabes mucho inglés, no te preocupes así. Me encanta escuchar cositas sobre el tiempo en España, sobre todo en Andalucía donde hay quizá el clima más distinto de Europa, que también con las montañas debe tener mucha variedad entre sitios. Hay otro español aquí que es de Villalba cerca de Madrid, y el de vez en cuando pone imágenes de la sierra de Guadarrama y del norte. Si tu puedes poner fotitos de tu región nos gustaría también.

Un saludo


Gracias Amigo, cuando tenga tiempo te pono fotos de mi region,

es en el sur de España, mi estación meteorologica está a 20 kilometros del mar,

y Huelva (la ciudad, de 150.000 hab.), esta a 10 km del mar.

En mi blog: www.meteohuelva.blogspot.com hay alguna foto, ya pondre aqui tambien.

Hoy, día 13 de Noviembre:

Min: 8.0º

Now: 16.7º, sunny, wind slw from North

  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)
  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)

Vale perfecto, ponte unas fotos aquí cuando puedas.


  • Location: Milan (Italy)
  • Location: Milan (Italy)
Gracias amigo, vivo en la costa, a 10 kiometros del mar.

Si es normal 10º en Noviembre incluso 5º-6º los dias mas frios del mes.

En enero se puede bajar a 0º.


Gracias Amigo, cuando tenga tiempo te pono fotos de mi region,

es en el sur de España, mi estación meteorologica está a 20 kilometros del mar,

y Huelva (la ciudad, de 150.000 hab.), esta a 10 km del mar.

En mi blog: www.meteohuelva.blogspot.com hay alguna foto, ya pondre aqui tambien.

Hoy, día 13 de Noviembre:

Min: 8.0º

Now: 16.7º, sunny, wind slw from North

olà here in North Italy tonight min temp. 5.7°c start the cold season

olà here in North Italy tonight min temp. 5.7°c start the cold season
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Today had cold to the sun rise,

minimun temperature 4.5º in Huelva,

in the fields af around, low until 2.5º-3º,

cold that what are accustomed.

See you later friends

  • Location: Milan (Italy)
  • Location: Milan (Italy)


Monday, 17th November:

Min: 6.2º

Now: 20.1º sunny, wind slow from east.

Sierra nevada is open to skiing:


See you soon


This morning at 07:53 min: 5.7°

now 15.3° sunny

waiting for cold casting next weekend


  • 5 weeks later...
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Hello friends, today is a cold day in Huelva,

the minimun temperature was -2.1º :)

You can see photos of the ice in this place,


You can see the place where the station is colocated...

see you soon

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Hello Friend, yesterday was a rainy day, with 6 mm, and de max temperature was only 18ºc.

Today, the sun shine between the clouds, the wind blows from Norwest, the maximum temperature

in this moment 21.6º.

Excuse, my very bad english.

See you soon

  • Location: frogmore south devon
  • Location: frogmore south devon
Hello Friend, yesterday was a rainy day, with 6 mm, and de max temperature was only 18ºc.

Today, the sun shine between the clouds, the wind blows from Norwest, the maximum temperature

in this moment 21.6º.

Excuse, my very bad english.

See you soon

better than my spanish :)

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

ditto or is that idem?

  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)
  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)
Hello Friend, yesterday was a rainy day, with 6 mm, and de max temperature was only 18ºc.

Today, the sun shine between the clouds, the wind blows from Norwest, the maximum temperature

in this moment 21.6º.

Excuse, my very bad english.

See you soon

Tu inglés no está nada mal amigo! Muy bien hecho y muy interesante ver los cambios del tiempo en Huelva :D

Pero que suerte tener temperaturas así :rolleyes: , aki bueno hizo un día muy muy bueno con sol todo el día y sin nada de viento, pero sólo 19º :clap:

A ver si suben las temperaturas en los próximos meses, que el año pasado no subimos de 25º, algo muy raro y pesado...

Un saludo desde el N de Inglaterra :)

  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Muchas Gracias Amigos¡¡¡

Thank you friends¡¡¡

Today 21th April, it´s a beautiful day, temperature now at 14:20 h (12.20 UT), is 23.5º,

the sky is blue (very sunny day), and wind blows weak from East.

Yeti here the past year (2008), the maximun temperature was only 40.4º, lol...., 2007 (42.6º), 2006 the first

year that I observed with my station (44.4º), 11 July 2006, the maximun nowmoments.

See you soon.... :lol:

  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Yesteday 22th April, High temperature was 28.3ºc in Huelva.

Now the weather is sunny with 26.4ºc.

See you

  • 1 month later...
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)
  • Location: Huelva (Spain)

Very hot days in Spain, specially in south spain, Códoba, Jaen, Sevilla and Huelva.

In Huelva, temperature reached 40.6º yesterday, and 37,4º today.

In 11 July 2006, the maximun recorded was 44.4º.

More information: www.meteoHuelva.Blogspot.com

See you soon

  • 1 month later...
  • Location: Tilgate, West Sussex
  • Location: Tilgate, West Sussex

Very hot days in Spain, specially in south spain, Códoba, Jaen, Sevilla and Huelva.

In Huelva, temperature reached 40.6º yesterday, and 37,4º today.

In 11 July 2006, the maximun recorded was 44.4º.

More information: www.meteoHuelva.Blogspot.com

See you soon


We're going to Gaucin this Saturday which is just north of Estepona in the mountains, and I've heard that the temps are close to a 100F?? Is there any chance of rain in the next couple of weeks to help cool off! <_<


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