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November Weather Records

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  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland
  • Location: Nr Appleby in Westmorland

Sorry it's late, but I needed a drink.

Highest daily maximum; 11.8C (15th & 19th)

Lowest daily maximum; -1.6C (30th)

Average daily maximum; 7.9C

Highest daily minimum; 10.4C (14th)

Lowest daily minimum; -4.1C (30th)

Average daily minimum; 2.9C

Mean daily temperature; 5.4C (10yr average 5.7C)

Number of air frosts; 7

Number of ice days; 1 (first since Jan 31st 2006)

Total rainfall; 81.4mm

Wettest day; 20.0mm (9th)

Total so far this year; 1303.9mm

Highest wind gust; 41mph (15th)

  • Replies 16
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  • Location: G.Manchester
  • Location: G.Manchester

Aside from daytime maxima, I don't think this month has been all that notable in Southern England;

Mean max 9.9c -0.6c

Mean Min 6.4c +0.9c

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

data from Cantley

Mean Temp=7.4(6.5)

Avge Max=9.6(9.3)

Ave Min=5.2(3.8C)

Highest was 14.6C on 14th and coldest night was -1.2C on 23; then a max of only 0.8C on 29th with fog all day (the lowest max since 19 February this year)


air frost=5(6) with ground frost 9(11) and snow falling on 2 days(1), well much of it on one day was hail and the other was sleet.

Overall a mixed month, mild and cold spells, wet at first, less so later on.

  • Location: Teesdale,Co Durham. 360m asl
  • Location: Teesdale,Co Durham. 360m asl

Mean max 6.3C

Max temp 10.3C (13th)

Lowest max 0.4C (22nd)

Mean min 1.8C

Max Min 6.2C

Lowest min -4.9C

Mean temp 4.0C

8 Air frosts


Teesdale,Co Durham


Castlebay Isle Of Barra

November 2008

Highest pressure 1026.7mb

Lowest pressure 982.5mb

Highest humidity 82%

Lowest humidity 66%

Total rainfall 65.9mm

Highest temperature 14.7c

Lowest temperature 0.5c

Highest wind speed 88mph

Average wind speed 15mph

Average temperature dropped by -1.1c

Average pressure dropped by 4.8mb

Average humidity rised by 3%

Average wind speed rised by 3.5mph

Average dewpoint dropped by -0.4c

  • Location: Cambridgeshire Fens. 3m ASL
  • Location: Cambridgeshire Fens. 3m ASL

Murrow. NE Cambridgeshire.

Summary for November 2008

Temperature (°C):

Mean (1 minute) 7.4

Mean (min+max) 7.2

Mean Minimum 4.4

Mean Maximum 10.0

Minimum -0.9 day 22

Maximum 18.4 day 17

Highest Minimum 10.2 day 04

Lowest Maximum 3.1 day 29

Air frosts 2

Rainfall (mm):

Total for month 74.0

Wettest day 22.0 day 01

Rain days 13

Pressure (mb):

Maximum 1032.0 day 17

Minimum 979.0 day 10

Days with snow falling 2

Days with snow lying at 0900 1

  • Location: Dunblane
  • Location: Dunblane

Near Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, at my workplace;

Temperature (°C)

Highest daily maximum: 13.3C (14th)

Lowest daily maximum: -0.2C (30th)

Average daily maximum: 8.4C

Highest daily minimum: 11.2C (14th)

Lowest daily minimum: -5.4C (30th)

Average daily minimum: 3.4C

Mean daily temperature: 5.9C

Number of air frosts: 5

Number of ice days: 1 (30th)

Total rainfall: 77.6mm

Wettest day: 21.2mm (14th)

Rain days: 23

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

Mean max'.........7.4c

Mean min'..........3.5c

Highest max......11.7c ( 14th )

Lowest max'.......1.4c ( 29th )

Lowest min'.......-2.4c ( 23rd, 29th )

Highest min'.......8.1c ( 15th)

Total Rainfall......88.6mm ( 97% )

Wettest day........16.5mm ( 9th )

Rain days............22

Total Sunshine....40.96 hrs ( 60% )

Sunniest day........5.96 hrs ( 25th )

Air Frosts...............6

Ground Frosts........12

Sleet/Snow falling....3

Snow lying 0900......1

Days with hail.........2

Mean wind speed at 0900...19.3 mph

Highest gust...........67 mph ( 20th )

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Cleadon, Tyne & Wear (1971-2000 averages are estimated using Met Office maps):

Mean Max 9.4 (+0.1)

Mean Min 4.8 (+0.7)

Mean Temp 7.1 (+0.4)

Highest Max 15.1 (14th)

Lowest Max 1.1 (30th)

Highest Min 10.7 (15th)

Lowest Min -4.1 (29th)

Air frosts: 5

Thunder: 1

Sleet/snow: 4

Snow lying: 1

Hail: 1

Fog: 0

It was a fairly benign, uneventful, dull month until the 20th, with an anticyclonic/easterly spell in the first third bringing fairly cool days but very mild nights, and a mild westerly spell towards midmonth, followed by high pressure. The northerly plunge of the 22nd/23rd brought a low maximum of 3.0C on the 22nd, the second lowest maximum in November (after the 2.6C on 28 November 2005) since 1993, and a slight dusting of snow on the 22nd and 23rd (although the 22nd, according to reports from the area, did not have enough snow to meet Met Office criteria). However, the minima were unexceptional, and it was a shadow of the beast that hit Norfolk.

The northerly outbreak on the 24th/25th was not as potent temperature wise- indeed temperatures were only slightly below normal on those two days- but they produced much more potent shower activity with large hail, sleet, and even thunder and lightning.

There was an unexpected and somewhat more intense cold snap at the end of the month as skies cleared and winds fell to almost nothing under low pressure. The minimum of -4.1C on the 29th was the lowest in November since 1996, and the maxima of 2.3C and 1.1C on the 29th and 30th respectively both beat the low maximum on 28 November 2005, and were consequently the lowest since 1993. The mean temperature was below 0C on both days, again for the first time in November since 1993.

Despite the cold snaps in the last third, though, the mean temperature was slightly above average, yet it was the second coldest since 2000. Overall Autumn 2007 for Cleadon had a mean temperature close to the long-term normal, making it the coolest since 2000.

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Stanton Station: South Derbyshire (nr. Burton upon Trent.)

November 2008 Report.

November opened on the chilly side, with NE winds, but temperatures quickly returned to normal with the temperature getting in to double figures by the 3rd. A rather mild though unsettled spell continued through the second and in to the third week with heavy spells of rain and strong west to south west winds at times. The 22nd to the end of the month saw a change to colder conditions, with spells of rain, sleet and snow, nights during the quieter spells were cold producing frost and freezing fog. Mean temperature for the month was 6.8c, slightly below average, but warmer than November 2007 here. (6.5c)

Stats for November 2008

Mean maximum temperature = 9.2c

Mean minimum temperature = 4.3c

Mean temperature = 6.8c –0.1c below the 1971-2000 CET average.

High Maximum on the 22nd = 14.3c

Low Maximum on the 29th = 1.6c

High Minimum on the 20th = 9.1c

Low Minimum on the 23rd = -3.2c

Minimum Temperature on grass the 23rd = -5.3 c

Ground Frosts = 11

Air frost = 6

Fog Observed at = 1 on the 29th

Maximum wind gust on the 9th = 42mph WSW

Thunder heard / Thunderstorms = 0.

Days of Rain, with 1mm or more = 13

Total rain days = 18

Wettest Day 9th = 22.6mm

Rainfall total = 68.4mm

Days of sleet / snow = 2

Days of lying snow = 1

Rainfall total to date for 2008 = 728.2mm


  • Location: East Devon
  • Location: East Devon

Some November 2008 Weather Stats...

Highest Max: 15.2°C, 59.4°F (15th November)

Lowest Max: 3.3°C, 37.9°F (29th November)

Highest Min: 10.8°C, 51.5°F (15th November)

Lowest Min: -2.5°C, 27.5°F (29th November)

Highest daily mean: 12.3°C, 54.2°F (15th November)

Lowest daily mean: 1.1°C, 33.9°F (29th November)

Monthly mean: 7.9°C, 46.3°F (Near or slightly above average)

Mean max: 11.0°C, 51.9°F

Mean min: 4.3°C, 39.8°F

Avg wind speed: 4.4mph

Max wind gust: 36mph (23rd November)

Rainfall: 56.2mm (below average)

Max daily rain: 15.8mm (10th November)

(more or equal to)

Days of rain > 0.2mm: 25 (Quite a lot of these days were 0.2mm of dew or frost melt)

Days of rain > 2mm: 8

Days of rain > 20mm: 0

Minimums under 0C: 4

Maximums under 5C: 2

Maximums under 10C: 8

Days with sleet/snow falling: 0

Days with thunder heard: 0

  • Location: Evesham/ Tewkesbury
  • Weather Preferences: Enjoy the weather, you can't take it with you 😎
  • Location: Evesham/ Tewkesbury

Nothing to notable for the weather in the Vale, notable rain fell between 8th and 10th leading to some flooding and river rise of the Avon, you could sum up the month as starting of chilly, a mild spell mid month and then getting colder!

average day temp 9.8c.....recorded , 10.1c

average night temp 3.8c.....recorded 5.6c

rainfall average 62mms......recorded 96.1mms

highest wind gust 28mph , from the southeast on Thursday 27th.

Barometric pressure ranged from 991.7mbs to 1027.2mbs.

Remarks for the month.......temps and rainfall above average. :lol:

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Garioch Weather, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire.

Overall, a duller than average month but drier too.

Mean Temperature: 5.2°C, exactly in line with long term average (LTA).

Minimum Temperature: -6.9°C, on the 30th.

Mean Minimum Temperature: 1.9°C, 0.9°C les than the 2.8°C LTA.

Maximum Temperature: 14.8°C, on the 14th.

Mean Maximum Temperature: 8.3°C, exactly in line with LTA.

Maximum Daily High Wind Speed: 31.0mph, on the 19th and 21st.

Total Rainfall: 45.8mm , 29.6mm less than the 75.4mm LTA (60.7%).

Average Bright Sunshine Hours: 1.2hrs per day, 0.9hrs less than the 2.1hrs LTA (59.0%).

For more detail, click here.

Guest Shetland Coastie


Monthly stats for November 08


Max: 10.6C on 14th

Min: -4.1C on 22nd

Avg: 5.2C

Long Term Average for Shetland = 6.8C

Difference from LTA = -1.2C below average


Avg windspeed: 9mph

Max windspeed: 42.6mph on 30th

Avg gust: 8.6mph

Max gust: 46mph on 30th

Most frequent direction: 336deg (NNW)


Total: 54mm

Highest rain rate: 1.1mm/hr on 14th


Max: 1029.6hpa on 16th

Min: 978.9hpa on 10th

Avg: 1006.2hpa

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

YATTON, Bristol

A cool and changeable month. Cool and dry first week, unsettled second week, mild and changeable third week, much colder and sometimes wet in the final week.

Average Max. Temp: 9.9C

Average Min. Temp: 5.8C

Average Temperature: 7.9C

Lowest Max. 2.9C (Saturday 29th)

Highest Max. 14.2 (Saturday 8th)

Lowest Min. -0.2C (Friday 28th)

Highest Min. 11.6C (Sunday 16th)

Monthly Rainfall: 112.3mm

Wettest Day: 25.5mm (Monday 10th)

Total Sunshine: 44.5hrs

Average Wind Speed: 10mph

Snow Falling: 0

Snow Lying: 0

Thunderstorm: 0

Thunder Heard: 1

Frost: 1

Wet Days: 15

Dry Days: 15

  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)

November 2008 at Llanwnnen, Ceredigion


Overall this November had near average temperatures and was rather wet. A dry start, unsettled and often wet 7th to the 27th, ending with a dry, very cold and frosty final few days. Lack of anything especially mild, although 4 nights had minima of 10c. A high of just +2.5c on the 29th. No snow or sleet observed here. The wettest day was unremarkable at 22.4mm on the 7th.


Total rainfall: 146mm

Wettest day: 22.4mm 7th

Rain days >0.2mm: 21

Wet days >1.0mm: 18

Days of heavy rain >10mm: 5

Mean temperature: 6.85c

Mean Max: 9.5c

Mean Min: 4.2c

High max: 13.1c 15th

Low Max: 2.5c 29th

High min: 10.2c 16th; 20th

Low min: -5.5c 30th

Air frost: 5

Ground frost: 6

Mean RH: 91%

High RH: 98% 28th

Low RH: 68% 25th

Predominant wind directions: SSE and North

Mean wind speed: 1.4 mph

Mean pressure: 1013 mbar

Max pressure: 1034 mbar 16th

Min pressure: 989 mbar 24th

Days with:

Hail: 3

Sleet or snow: 0

Snow lying 0900: 0

Gale: 0

Thunder: 1

Fog: 2

Fog at 0900: 1

  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

Hull, East Yorkshire.

November 2008

Warmest Max: 13.9°C (on 14/11/08)

Coldest Max: 2.9°C (on 22/11/08) - Lowest since 1993

Warmest Min: 9.9°C (on 14/11/08)

Coldest Min: -1.3°C (on 29/11/08)

Average Max: 9.4°C (-0.4°C Below 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 5.2°C (+1.0°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 7.3°C (+0.3°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 77.1mm (135% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 2nd (13.4mm)

Air Frosts: 3

Days with Snow: 2

Snow lying at 0900: 1 day

Dry Days: 7

Wet Days: 23

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 16

Thunderstorms: 0

Year 2008 So Far (Jan - Nov)

Warmest Max: 26.0°C (on 26/07/08)

Coldest Max: 1.3°C (on 19/02/08)

Warmest Min: 17.6°C (on 30/08/08)

Coldest Min: -3.6°C (on 18/02/08)

Average Max: 14.0°C (Equal to 1971-2000 Average)

Average Min: 8.1°C (+1.3°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Overall Average: 11.1°C (+0.7°C Above 1971-2000 Average)

Rain: 912.5mm (178% Of Normal)

Wettest Day: 21/01/08 (37.0mm)

Air Frosts: 14

Days with Snow: 11

Snow lying at 0900: 4 days

Dry Days: 121

Wet Days: 214

Days With Rain >1.0mm: 150

Thunderstorms: 14

A very mild month until the last 10 days when it turned rather cold. By the 20th only 3 days had recorded a minima below 5°C. Suprisingly for such a mild spell, there were very few extremes. The high maxima of 13.9C and minima of 9.9C were nothing special, the former being the coolest since 2002.

It then turned very cold from the north, with heavy snow in the evening of the 22nd. The next day then saw a good cover of snow at 0900, the earliest in the year since 2001. There was also a notable cold maxima of 2.9°C on the 23rd - the lowest in November since 1993. It remained cold for the rest of the month, shaving 1.5°C from the monthly mean.

Once again, rainfall was well above average, making it the 6th consecutive wet month and the 9th of the year. The Autumn as a whole saw marginally above average temperatures, but was the coolest since 2002. Interestingly though, the season as a whole had maximum temperatures some 0.9°C below average, but minima were 1.0°C above average.


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