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Does Weather Rule Your Life.


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  • Location: sheffield
  • Weather Preferences: cold ,snow
  • Location: sheffield

Got to thinking the other day after looking at some of the posts on here that maybe some people moods are set by the weather outlook and models.Over the years i have found myself chasing tv forecasts,radio ones when at work and buying newspapers which have charts in ete.I also think that im not alone in staying up all night when a snow event is forecast and checking my outside light for the first few flakes.To be honest i dont like working in the cold and snow and for me i enjoy the build up looking at the charts ete.I also have records going back to 1970 which include all the daily weather up to the current time.My family think im slightly strange and maybe they are right but i think once you have the bug then thats it. :cold::)

  • Replies 42
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  • Location: Bedford
  • Location: Bedford

Good stuff!

I am prone to being ruled by the weather, aswell as the results of my football team. Certainly in a happier mood when the weather I like is forecast or comes into fruition. If a long spell of mild weather is predicted I think its best for my state of mind to stay away from weather websites and forums altogether and try to think of something else, but I still take my daily observations and have been since I was a teenager (going back to the early 90s).

The other day I think I spent more time on weather forums than getting on with my day job!

Yes, I'm sure my colleagues at work think I'm pretty odd. Ho hum..... Can't imagine life without the passion though.

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

To a large extent (to myself at least anyway), I think it does...Snow, snow and more snow...and the happier I get; the longer the wet, mild mush goes on, the more I descend into depression. Pardon the pun. :cold:

  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)
  • Location: Cambridge (term time) and Bonn, Germany 170m (holidays)

I thought I was the only one! lol

I stayed up pretty much all night on Wednesday anticipating Thursday's event, I really cannot take myself away from the radar and the models when the prospects are good, it's almost addictive when snow is forecast. There's something amazing about ordering a pizza late at night, enjoying it with a beer and looking at the radar and lamp post!

  • Location: Corfu (currently)
  • Location: Corfu (currently)

Very interesting discussion topic!

The weather certainly rules my life from October to April as there is chance for cold and wintry weather! I find myself spending a considerable time every day at home and work, examining the models, radar etc.

During the summer months my weather interest is suppressed. I find summer quite boring to be honest and therefore i spend more time on other interests and catching up with my neglected friends!


  • Location: Solihull, West Midlands. UK
  • Location: Solihull, West Midlands. UK

A good thread, SWFC.

The weather does, in a sense affect your life and mood. For an example. Take the 'Who didn't get snow' (paraphrasing slightly) thread somewhere in this section. The big build up. I myself watched the late evening forecast and all I saw was rain so went to bed and up until about 8:00am or perhaps later on Thursday last, I could hear nothing but wind and rain beating against my bedroom window. Then switch on to Radio Five Dead to hear of Yaaarkshire and surrounding areas being cut off by snow.

Not impressed!! Mood changed, especially when it was supposed to be inland areas and the usual Scotland over high ground Alaska type scenario with falling blizzardy horizontal snow.

Nevr mind, I'll from this Winter onwards stick with ITV or Channel 5 weather. (If Lara Lewington is presenting it regarding the latter! :cold: )

Same as in Summer. (Whatever that is??) Thunderstorms promised and Central/South East is almost 100% guaranteed to see a few. I can count on one hand how many I have seen in both 2007 and 2008 respectively.

But yep, weather can affect your life as well. Say you've made plans for a BBQ one weekend with friends and family around. Hot sun, good food, music, beer and all that and only to find the weather turns rapidly and pees down all day and you either have the choice of having the BBQ under the shelter of a gazebo or just forget the whole thing. (It happened to a neighbour of mine once. Wasn't quite the same as we all had in mind!)

But weather can also affect your life with the more dangerous elements of weather, especially people who suffer from certain phobias such for example as brontophobia. (Fear of thuinder/thunderstorms). Plus those who have been in some way harmed or even killed and their families lives changed by something so powerful and uncontrollable. (Tornades, hurricanes, lightning, et al).

There is a saying that you can insult the weather all you like as it will pay no attention to criticism.

How true!


  • Location: Sunderland
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Summer, Snowy winter and thunderstorms all year round!
  • Location: Sunderland

Yes, I concur with Phil. very good thread.....In my line of business, the weather certainly affects my life.......I run my own sales business which relies on a lot of 'cold calling' thus things like snow/ice/heavy rain can potentially have a big effect on income, and no doubt, like many other members, dull, damp & dreary days make me feel almost lethargic, and lacking motivation to doing anything!.......Plus, its easy to estimate the impact the weather has on my life by the amount of my time that I spend on the Net Weather forums! :cold:

  • Location: sheffield
  • Weather Preferences: cold ,snow
  • Location: sheffield

Hmm not just me then. :) Ive also noticed that when a good cold spell is on the way i seem more upbeat regarding getting out of bed for work ete.Strange really. :cold:

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Yes, without doubt the weather has a significant influence on my day-to-day moods.

As with many weather enthusiasts, snowy weather, thundery weather and convective weather (cumulus and cumulonimbus cells, usually with sunshine in between) get me excited and fuel my passion for the weather. The anticipation is good, but in my view, nowhere near as good as actually experiencing those types of weather.

It may well be that my interest in the weather has heavily contributed to me being less inclined than most to "grow out of" playing in snow as I get older, simply because my fascination with snow is partly meteorlogical, so I get attracted to the stuff when it falls, and consequently get involved more readily in snowmen, snowball fights and the like. But I find summer every bit as interesting as winter- as convective weather increases.

Lack of the above types of weather causes my interest and passion in weather to dwindle but does not make me feel depressed- it's more a case of lack of a positive, rather than existence of a negative.

Perhaps the largest factor of all, though, is sunshine. When sunshine is reasonably abundant, it contributes to my sense of well-being, and when we go through spells of little or no sunshine it tends to make me depressed.

  • Location: Bangor, Northern Ireland (20m asl, near coast)
  • Weather Preferences: Any weather will do.
  • Location: Bangor, Northern Ireland (20m asl, near coast)

I wouldnt say it rules my life no, I enjoy my life whatever the weather. My interest in weather spans all aspects of the climate, snows good for having a childish day and going out sledging, getting wet and cold and dragging your wet ice covered boots back through the home again when it gets too cold. Mild weathers great for doing some outside work and taking trips to town. Wet weather is nice to sit at home having a nice cuppa and playing the blues on guitar. Dry weather is good for taking nice scenic trips. Stormy weather is exciting to watch the trees sway and listen to the howl of the wind, is also good for photographing damage the next morning when all is calm again. Thunderstorms well obviously they are what everyone wants during the summer to end a nice hot sunny day.

So basically no matter what the weather I enjoy it.....

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

Definitely weather and season affects my moods. Essentially for me the more light the better my mood. This is why summer is so much better- you're free to do whatever outdoor activity you like without having to plan around it getting dark mid afternoon. 2pm in summer is about as far from darkness as it gets - but in winter the sun is already extremely weak and due to set within an hour or so.

This is also why I'm most depressed in November just after the clocks go back as its dark leaving work. I regularly get 'sunset headaches' at work making the last hour of the day painful!

As for actual weather well again it's all about light - the more sunshine the better. Today has been lovely despite the cold as it's been unbroken sunshine. In winter mild is vastly more convienient for cycling & heating etc but is generally in combo with cloud & rain.

I enjoy extremely low temps coupled with frost, fog & snow though. It's the 3-6c with raw wind and cloud I don't like.

The worst weather for me is dull, drizzly and chilly days (easterly weather normally) as you have no energy and it's still cold.

I have 'polar opposite' for weather/time of year as follows:

Positive pole: A Friday evening in early July (outside the pub) after a day of unbroken sunshine max of 25c then a warm humid night min 16c where it never gets chilly when sitting out in just a t-shirt. Sunset = 9:30pm but still light at 10pm.

Bonus points: It's a long weekend and everyone I know has said 'lets spend the weekend outside partying in the sun'

Negative pole: A Monday morning in mid November/early January where it's barely light and it's pouring with cold rain. Temp of 3c day & night and nothing but cloud/drizzle/rain the whole time with a raw wind.

Bonus points: I get into work to greated with stress from the second I walk in!

  • Location: Sunderland
  • Weather Preferences: Hot Summer, Snowy winter and thunderstorms all year round!
  • Location: Sunderland
Definitely weather and season affects my moods. Essentially for me the more light the better my mood. This is why summer is so much better- you're free to do whatever outdoor activity you like without having to plan around it getting dark mid afternoon. 2pm in summer is about as far from darkness as it gets - but in winter the sun is already extremely weak and due to set within an hour or so.

This is also why I'm most depressed in November just after the clocks go back as its dark leaving work. I regularly get 'sunset headaches' at work making the last hour of the day painful!

As for actual weather well again it's all about light - the more sunshine the better. Today has been lovely despite the cold as it's been unbroken sunshine. In winter mild is vastly more convienient for cycling & heating etc but is generally in combo with cloud & rain.

I enjoy extremely low temps coupled with frost, fog & snow though. It's the 3-6c with raw wind and cloud I don't like.

The worst weather for me is dull, drizzly and chilly days (easterly weather normally) as you have no energy and it's still cold.

I have 'polar opposite' for weather/time of year as follows:

Positive pole: A Friday evening in early July (outside the pub) after a day of unbroken sunshine max of 25c then a warm humid night min 16c where it never gets chilly when sitting out in just a t-shirt. Sunset = 9:30pm but still light at 10pm.

Bonus points: It's a long weekend and everyone I know has said 'lets spend the weekend outside partying in the sun'

Negative pole: A Monday morning in mid November/early January where it's barely light and it's pouring with cold rain. Temp of 3c day & night and nothing but cloud/drizzle/rain the whole time with a raw wind.

Bonus points: I get into work to greated with stress from the second I walk in!

I think several billion people in the world agree with you!....lol

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire


It has a direct affect on how much work I get done, wet weather being the worst and I'm always hoping fronts clear by 07.00 or don't arrive until after 13.00 - showery days are a lottery!

Then take football matches, Westbury's game today was postponed due to heavy rain that fell at Gillingham (Dorset) on Thursday evening/night and then there were showers there last evening which rendered tghe pitch unplayable despite it being a glorious day... We ended up on Plan 'C' for today!

I could go on but don't have time! Good thread.

  • Location: Tewkesbury Gloucestershire 22 metres ASL
  • Location: Tewkesbury Gloucestershire 22 metres ASL

Yes I find myself looking at the models everyday,for instance this week they have been showing cold potential of many different outcomes or scenarios hopefully the big two lock onto a really cold easterly just in time for xmas now that would make me happy,just the thought of raging zonality showing up in the models in the run up to xmas really depresses me I know it shouldn"t but it does. :cold:

  • Location: Maidstone, Kent
  • Location: Maidstone, Kent

Very interesting thread SWFC,

I have to agree with others - i find it does "rule" my life in a way. Particularly rare weather events, such as snow and thunderstorms, are the type that i pay particular attention to and will regularly check the models and radars in the run-up to a forecast "event". I do find endless days of rain quite depressing but when the sun does return it does put me in a happy mood.

It's very odd though, i hardly know anyone else who shares the same interest in weather as i do!

Despite the 2 weeks of HIGH pressure back in September, I did find it a bit boring with the same setup day after day, I guess i like a bit of change after a while.

It does get rather annoying to find our little corner has missed out on potential snow events due to the snow risk being too marginal, sadly it seems both snow and storms have been rarer in recent years.

Being in a prone location to get the big storms from the nearby continent on a hot summer's evening, i guess that's one of the reasons why the weather excites me. I do find the weather addictive to be honest.

I find that weather is probably one of the cheapest and best 'hobbies' around, all you have to do is just look out of the window because it's always changing! Nature creates some of the most powerful things on the planet, and it's all for free :lol:

  • Location: Hampshire Snow Hoper
  • Location: Hampshire Snow Hoper

As a gardener who is out every day to an extent the weather has a major bearing on my life and mood.

A day planned for lawnmowing ruined by unforecast rain makes my mood pretty bad.Being fair haired and fair skinned temps over 25c give me a few problems too.However,because i love snow so much but live in an area that rarely gets it seeing setups that nearly give snow but never do whilst reading of snow events coutrywide make me a little jealous :lol:

Mind you having been through the 1963 experience at 13 I sometimes wonder,much as i love snow what my mood may be after say 10 days of snow and near zero temps. Be nice to find out :lol:

  • Location: frogmore south devon
  • Location: frogmore south devon

Mrs b said it's me or net weather,well i am still here :lol:


About October each year, I start getting down in the dumps, especially after the clocks have gone forwards. I hate it when it is dark cloudy, damp and the ground is invariably wet and muddy, without sufficient of a frost to freeze solid and give the appearance of dryness.

About the middle of February I start to perk up again. The days are getting longer, the ground is starting to dry out and we are starting to get one or two sunny days and when we do get a frost it is often hard enough to freeze the gound fairly solid.

From February to May/June, I think my mood goes up and down with the barometer.

July/August I look forward to the nice long dry warm, sometimes hot spells we used to have prior to two years ago. There's nothing like waking up to a day of wall to wall blue sky with a promise that it will be like this for some time to come. I am quite happy up to the low 30's but I do start to wilt after that.

Add the occasional thunderstorm for interest.

September, regretting that the summer is finishing.

In short give me a summer like 1959 which lasted from May/June to the middle of October and a winter like 1962/3 each year with the occasional blizzard of lovely dry snow. then, the snow at the end being melted by nice warm sunshiney spring weather, rather than those nasty southwesterlies bringing nasty rain and advection fog.

Don't want much do I?

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

The delectable Mrs Terminal says it rules my life, I like to think it just plays a very important part of it.

I've kept records for the last 46 years at 3 different sites and never missed a days readings. On the rare occasions I've been on holiday, or the even rarer ones I've been so ill I couldn't drag my sorry carcass 200 yds up the hill to the station, I've always found someone else to stand in.

I spend hours poring over statistics, charts, books and records and have a local reputation for being 'the man to ask about the weather'. I'm not sure that my family think I'm strange, perhaps obsessed, but they're always the first to phone for forecasts if they're planning anything.

If there's anything extreme on the way I always feel a frisson of excitement, and a big sense of disappointment if it doesn't materialise.

I've been known on many occasions to get out of a warm bed in the early hours of the morning to stand outside with piece of wet glass and a torch to see if it's sleeting, and also to walk to the top of the moor behind the house, at any time of night, to stand for an hour or so in a raging gale and lashing rain with a hand held anemometer to see what the highest gust is.

I've stayed up until midnight, when I had to be up for work at 2.0 a.m, just to see if sleet or snow fell either side of midnight, and felt shattered for the whole of the next day. I've also stayed up all night watching thunderstorms and gone to work with no sleep at all ( but only once ).

Nah, I wouldn't say it rules my life.

  • Location: Wildwood, Stafford 104m asl
  • Weather Preferences: obviously snow!
  • Location: Wildwood, Stafford 104m asl

similar to pete tattum for me, endless mild mush or wet on models in winter is depressing, endless lows in summer depressing, i must live in the most snowless area, im happy ya know with a dusting nowadays

charts lately been a bit depressing especially FI, dosent look all that cold (after tonight) and looks rather wet for stafford

if i lived in the east or scotland these charts would be fantastic endless cold and snow

  • Location: Ponteland
  • Location: Ponteland
The delectable Mrs Terminal says it rules my life, I like to think it just plays a very important part of it.

I've kept records for the last 46 years at 3 different sites and never missed a days readings. On the rare occasions I've been on holiday, or the even rarer ones I've been so ill I couldn't drag my sorry carcass 200 yds up the hill to the station, I've always found someone else to stand in.

I spend hours poring over statistics, charts, books and records and have a local reputation for being 'the man to ask about the weather'. I'm not sure that my family think I'm strange, perhaps obsessed, but they're always the first to phone for forecasts if they're planning anything.

If there's anything extreme on the way I always feel a frisson of excitement, and a big sense of disappointment if it doesn't materialise.

I've been known on many occasions to get out of a warm bed in the early hours of the morning to stand outside with piece of wet glass and a torch to see if it's sleeting, and also to walk to the top of the moor behind the house, at any time of night, to stand for an hour or so in a raging gale and lashing rain with a hand held anemometer to see what the highest gust is.

I've stayed up until midnight, when I had to be up for work at 2.0 a.m, just to see if sleet or snow fell either side of midnight, and felt shattered for the whole of the next day. I've also stayed up all night watching thunderstorms and gone to work with no sleep at all ( but only once ).

Nah, I wouldn't say it rules my life.

I cannot believe that TM does so many things that I have done throughout my life,from when I could first walk I had an interest in the weather and stayed up way beyond when I should have just lampost watching during a cold spell not knowing whether there was any precipitation about. I have always been remiss in keeping records but I have a good memory and that helps Throughout the 60's I got daily weather reports from the met office and still retain most of the ones from the winter months and constantly refer to them when the weather is like now-unusul-these are exciting times. During our now infrequent cold spells I wake up many times just to see any snow that might have fallen and on the now odd occasion when frontal boundries offeer the chance for rain turning to snow I am forever checking the temperature and looking on the car windscreen for any sign of sleet.

Yes the weather does rule my life in winter should there be even the slightest chance of snow-above all should it start snowing heavily I just love going for a walk as the falling snow changes everything around me-it all becomes so peaceful and to me it is probably what heaven is like-it certainly puts me at peace with the world.

  • Location: Sale (Cheshire)
  • Weather Preferences: Dry and cold...
  • Location: Sale (Cheshire)

I'm a fanatical hiker, it does play a part insomuch as I like to be prepared although I rarely go out without the full kit. Today was a good example when I did not bother with any waterproof gear (aside from by boots and gaiters, snow galore where I was, sank more than once knee deep in snow drifts. Pure orgasm!) but I don't spend too much agonising on what the models show, partly due to lack of knowledge partly due to being adaptable.

I'm a simple man, I like my summers to be warm, my winters to be cold, that's what I was used to in Central Europe and to me is the best possible situation, well defined seasons. Suffice to say that I'm as happy as a pig in muck at the moment, today I spent 6 hours walking through what seemed like frozen Siberian tundra just a short train journey away from my home and quite frankly, if it could stay like that till March, I would be a happy man!

I'm quite partial to a rainy, windy day with the leaves swirling away, to me this is the best suited weather to the UK, autumn is the one season that never fails to please me, be it on the trail or even mopping around in town. It makes a visit to a warm, cosy pub with good ale and a roaring fire an act of worship...

  • Location: Just Wirral
  • Location: Just Wirral

Great topic! At the risk of jinxing this current cold spell AND the rest of winter, posting for the first time in a while, (bit superstitious and all that) I am totally enthralled by this winter's weather prospects, and those forecasting on this forum during this most special of seasons. I am relieved to find fellow weather addicts who, for some otherwise unfathomable reason, find particular delight in freezing cold temperatures and more importantly, snow.... !! If I let on the whole truth to my better half that I secretly browse this forum for the hope of a fabled big freeze/snow event, and have, on numerous occasions been caught at work doing same and having to find excuses, then my social/work/private life might come to a sudden and sad end. I've come to think that it isn't us weather-phobes that are the weird ones, but rather those other supposedly normal folk that need talking about.... :lol: )

Anyway, great to see West Is Best banging the "things how they used to be.." drum, and to see Stratos Ferric back, with lying snow, no less (and very little by way of "berification" this time around.... modern winters will never be the same....until next year/month perhaps ;o)

  • Location: Tiree
  • Location: Tiree

yes it sure dose and its getting worse!

it affects my moods.

windy and stormy weather can put me in a good mood.

boring and dull can put me in a bad mood

  • Location: Dublin 131.2 feet asl (40m asl)m
  • Location: Dublin 131.2 feet asl (40m asl)m

yes,no cold weather and mild sw winds in winter make me annoyed,atm im very confident of a cold xmas and new year,but do not have my hopes up yet B)



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