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Strange Problem At Serial-usb Conection

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  • Location: Peristeri - Athens - Greece
  • Location: Peristeri - Athens - Greece

Hi all.

This days i saw a very strange problem at connection usb-serial

adaptor at ws-2350 La-crosse .

Some weather friends here to Greece they buy a La-crosse ws-

2350 ,they use the cable connection from out remote sensor to

console until here all it is ok ,the strange problem it start when

they conect the usb-serial adaptor to laptop .The wind speed only

the wind speed,after the conection usb-serial adaptor to

laptop ,some times the console it say OFL and some update it say

corect speed .At total 10 refresh ,5 it is OFL and 5 it is ok .I say

again this problem it is only when they put the usb-serial adaptor

to laptop console air speed it say half updates OFL ,if they do not

put the usb-serial adaptor to laptop console air speed it is ok.

somebody do you know about this strange problem ?Because i am use

only serial port and i do not know about adaptors

If they have wirelles conection all it is ok ,but with wired

conection they have only this problem .

The same problem they have total 2 persons from Greece with ws-2350

weather station .

Thank you

Merry christmas to everybody

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