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Measuring Rainfall From Snow Melt

Andy Bown

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  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

I will admit I have a pretty unscientific rain gauge - it's a plastic tube that stands out exposed to the downfalling precipitation :) but it always responds accurately to figures shown by the NW radar accumulation facility, as well as those produced locally and broadcast in newspapers and on the local tv forecasts.

I've had the gauge for 4 years and never needed to worry about how to measure rainfall from snow, simply as there's been so little!

However this week has revealed issues for me!

On Monday into Tuesday the radar accumulation showed a 24 hour total of around 20mm, the snow melted in my gauge reached 5mm.

The 24 hours until now shows around 15mm on the radar accumulation while last night's snow in the gauge has melted to reveal 15mm - so an accurate reading there.

I'm guessing the discrepancy on Monday into Tuesday was due to 'drier' snow because the gauge was certainly full of snow before I brought it in to melt.

I wonder, what advice anyone has please? Do others have a similar problem?

Many thanks, Andy.

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