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The Turning Of The Year

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  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl
  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl

Hi all, let's have a look at nature preparing for the next season.

A scan around my garden this weekend shows a massive crop of holly berries on the go. all five apple trees are well on there way though curiously there's not much life in the pear or cherry trees.

The blackthorn hedges at the end of the bottom paddocks are absolutely dripping with Sloes :( , 500% increase on last summers poor showing. Elderflowers are still in full swing, no sign of flower drop-off yet, is this late ?? I feel so.

Hawthorn are well on their way to berrying up - plenty of little green ones. Should turn colour in 4-6 weeks.

I was amazed to see Lords & Ladies under a bush yesterday. I always associate these with very late summer/early Sept'. They were however, still green.

No damsons/plums in the area, so any reports appreciated.

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  • Location: Ashbourne,County Meath,about 6 miles northwest of dublin airport. 74m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Cold weather - frost or snow
  • Location: Ashbourne,County Meath,about 6 miles northwest of dublin airport. 74m ASL

I have a Blackberry bush in my back garden and its now in full flower (nice white flowers) ,in July the flowers die being replaced by young berries which will be nice and ripe around late August or so.

  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

A heavy crop of Holly berries on the lower ground around here also; there are no Holly trees on the moors.

Elderberry is not yet in full flower although the first flowers were out on June 6th, 4 days earlier than the 25 year average.

It's very unusual to get any sort of Elderberry crop up here; even if the bushes flower well, the berries are almost always small and sparse.

Blackberries are in full flower but the crop will depend on plenty of rainfall during the rest of the summer, any sign of prolonged dry weather and the berries are small and hard on the thin limestone soils.

  • Location: Ashbourne,County Meath,about 6 miles northwest of dublin airport. 74m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Cold weather - frost or snow
  • Location: Ashbourne,County Meath,about 6 miles northwest of dublin airport. 74m ASL
I have a Blackberry bush in my back garden and its now in full flower (nice white flowers) ,in July the flowers die being replaced by young berries which will be nice and ripe around late August or so.

Well the blackberry bush in full flower didnt last long as the flowers are all practically dead already,and now its full of small young green berries.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl
  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl
Well the blackberry bush in full flower didnt last long as the flowers are all practically dead already,and now its full of small young green berries.

Blackberries and elderberries now formed, albeit green !!

Lots of little conkers aswell - very early for them I think.

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
Lots of little conkers aswell - very early for them I think.

Get the shoe-laces ready! :doh:

  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL

Saw a squirrel for the first time since last Autumn/winter I think. We used to have 2-3 running across out back fence, but completely forgot about them. Havent seen it since, so they've either moved or just passing by.

  • Location: Ashbourne,County Meath,about 6 miles northwest of dublin airport. 74m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Cold weather - frost or snow
  • Location: Ashbourne,County Meath,about 6 miles northwest of dublin airport. 74m ASL

Blackberries and elderberries now formed, albeit green !!

Most of them now are starting to turn a shade of red,in fact there is as a few that are completly red already!

Seems early for them to be turning red already,weve had alot of rain here in the last week or so maybe thats the reason.

  • 1 month later...
  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl
  • Location: Atherstone on Stour: 160ft asl

What a fantastic day.

Staying at home today to do some ......er, admin', so had time to nip out with the mutts. All the fields are now down and harvested, good to see. This gave us the bonus of a nice trek around the countryside that we've not been able to go on since May. My hounds flushed (and gave chase :) ) to a pair of Roe deer with 5 youngsters, luckily we didn't catch any as I'd left my knife at home. Great to see the youngsters boinging along though.

My holly tree (masses of berries)is just showing a tinge of red, roll on Xmas.

Loads of swallows about, no swifts though. Anyone seen them massing to fly off yet ??

As for hedgerow fruits, I can't recall a crop like this for many a year. Elderberries are dripping, more Sloes than I can use. Damsons and Greengages are huge, plump and juicy.

Hazelnuts are small but plentiful. I'm sure they're a bit early this year though ???


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