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  • Location: Mynydd - Isa , Nr Mold - North Wales
  • Weather Preferences: Foggy autumn days are the best! Although I does enjoy a good thunderstorm.
  • Location: Mynydd - Isa , Nr Mold - North Wales

 lassie23 Evening @lassie23😊

Those days will soon be here… It’ll be November before you know it. 😁👍🏻

So cheer up my friend… For there is darkness at the end of the tunnel. Lol 😁👍🏻

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  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl

 Dangerous55019 Yes the second week of August to me marks the shift out of high summer and into late summer. Those pre summer days of second half of May, the long days of June and heady days of July increasingly quickly feel a long time ago. Its not a turning point in the year I relish at all. 

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  • Location: Saddleworth, historically West Yorks, 225m asl
  • Weather Preferences: All 4 seasons and a good mixture of everything and anything!
  • Location: Saddleworth, historically West Yorks, 225m asl
8 hours ago, damianslaw said:

Yes the second week of August to me marks the shift out of high summer and into late summer. Those pre summer days of second half of May, the long days of June and heady days of July increasingly quickly feel a long time ago. Its not a turning point in the year I relish at all. 

We're close to the end now in terms of the calendar anyway. Blackberries starting to grow - and now just about a noticeable difference in when it gets dark (although in my location, and I imagine yours too, as of 8th August I'm still getting usable daylight well after 21:00). 


But that too will rapidly decrease in the next 2-3 weeks and it's just a case of whether the weather matches it - large parts of August in more modern times seem to be more capable of unsettled weather than September - in September it often feels like Summer is clinging on and doing its best to do so.  

  • Like 2
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl

 StretfordEnd1996 Perhaps the reason Sept now often more settled than August is less humidity causing cloud and instability. I don't rate August one bit. 

  • Location: Gourock 10m asl
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: Warm/Dry enough for a t-shirt. Winter: Cold enough for a scarf.
  • Location: Gourock 10m asl

Last night was our first sunset before 9pm sinc e the solstice. Things will certainly start to feel different from the evenings froM now.

  • Like 2
  • Location: Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Weather Preferences: Seasonal with some variety
  • Location: Birmingham, West Midlands
Posted (edited)

Friday will be our first pre 8:30pm sunset here since the 28th of April.

Edited by Weather Enthusiast91
  • Like 2
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire

Definitely noticing the nights drawing in more in recent days.

  • Like 4
  • Location: Solihull
  • Weather Preferences: Seasonal (but not excessive heat); love cold winters!
  • Location: Solihull

 Don Agree. It's really struck me in just the last few days, really...I'm not wedded to lots of light or lots of dark, I just like the variety, but at this time of year I enjoy a) the golden yellow colour of August sunlight compared to the almost white-light of June and July, and b) the transitional period. So I'm enjoying this period of 'noticing' the change, and I for one am definitely ready for autumn and the darker days!

  • Like 5
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire

 SollyOlly Me too, I'm firmly looking ahead to autumn now!

  • Like 3
  • Location: Solihull
  • Weather Preferences: Seasonal (but not excessive heat); love cold winters!
  • Location: Solihull

 Don Yes indeed! Bring on an 'old style' autumn, with crisp, cold, sunny days, and then perhaps that rarest of things these days, a proper winter?! I wish!

For now, I'm enjoying the noticeable transition to darker evenings and later sunrises, it helps with my rest and sleep and resets the body clock for the new seasons. I know that some folk suffer from SAD and I feel for them; others (like me, to a degree) suffer from reverse SAD, so the change to some proper darkness is welcome too. Each to their own, variety and diversity is good. Personally, I'm liking a bit of proper dark! (oo-er missus!)

  • Like 7
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
37 minutes ago, SollyOlly said:

Yes indeed! Bring on an 'old style' autumn, with crisp, cold, sunny days, and then perhaps that rarest of things these days, a proper winter?! I wish!

You never know, one of these days we 'may' just get lucky?! 🤷‍♂️ 🤞

  • Like 4
  • Location: Solihull
  • Weather Preferences: Seasonal (but not excessive heat); love cold winters!
  • Location: Solihull

 Don here's hoping! We're definitely due a proper seasonal autumn and winter, it's just been mild, warm or hot muck for years, it feels! Let's see how we go...

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  • Location: Edmonton Alberta(via Chelmsford, Exeter & Calgary)
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine and 15-25c
  • Location: Edmonton Alberta(via Chelmsford, Exeter & Calgary)

First pre 9pm sunset here today..sunrise is now at 6.15am..morning daylight has gone for me now until next April 😥

  • Location: Darlington, County Durham
  • Weather Preferences: Snow and lots of it and sunny crisp days
  • Location: Darlington, County Durham

Defo getting them early morning autumn feelings now, logs ordered ready for autumn nights 

  • Like 1
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire

First pre 8.30pm sunset tomorrow.  Considering two weeks ago today was the first pre 9pm sunset, the nights really are drawing in now!

  • Like 4
  • Insightful 1
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire

 *Stormforce~beka* I do as it reminds me that winter is only four months away and this time, it might deliver! 

What a bloody fool who will never learn!! 🙄 🤣

  • Like 3
  • Location: Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex (37.1M ASL)
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms, snow, and wind storms
  • Location: Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex (37.1M ASL)

 *Stormforce~beka* Thick cozy jumpers at the ready! It's so much easier to dress for the winter than the summer I find.

  • Like 2
  • Location: Winchester, Hampshire ~ Southern Central!
  • Location: Winchester, Hampshire ~ Southern Central!

 LightningLover I'm the opposite I Juat can't get warm in the cold and damp. Better T below 0c temps when there is no damp!

  • Like 1
  • Location: Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex (37.1M ASL)
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms, snow, and wind storms
  • Location: Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex (37.1M ASL)

 *Stormforce~beka* Yeah I can understand that! I personally don't find 12c cold at all though, in fact that would be frustratingly mild in the heart of winter and I would probably even get a bit warm if doing a long walk in a jumper! My body must run really hot...

  • Thanks 1
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
22 minutes ago, *Stormforce~beka* said:

I just see 7 months of 12c and rain 

The difference between dreaming and reality! 

  • Like 5
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire
  • Location: Longden, Shropshire

 LightningLover Indeed, I have often managed to do a long walk in a t-shirt during winter months!

  • Like 1
  • Location: Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex (37.1M ASL)
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms, snow, and wind storms
  • Location: Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex (37.1M ASL)

 Don Despite the shorter days I walk a lot more in the winter... Of course I prefer it crisp and cold rather than 14c and drizzling!!

  • Like 6
  • Location: Merseyside/ West Lancs Border; North West England
  • Weather Preferences: Winter: Cool & dry, with regular cold, snowy periods.
  • Location: Merseyside/ West Lancs Border; North West England

 LightningLover I'm the same for cycling; cold & crisp, with blue skies and a bit of sun; you soon warm up, and it can be wonderful being outside. Sadly, we get very few of those days. The default is grey, wet & windy - which is depressing and not enjoyable at all.....

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