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Thursday 22nd July

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  • Location: Rugby, Warks
  • Weather Preferences: Dangerous
  • Location: Rugby, Warks

Could be a very interesting day as there are is chance of some thunderstorms in central areas of the 'home grown' variety and later on this evening there could be some 'imports' for the SE. If all goes well it should be very exciting :(:(

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  • Location: South Kyme, Lincolnshire
  • Location: South Kyme, Lincolnshire

hi well the time is 12 43 and we have 100% cloud cover its very grey but bright we did have quite a heavy down pour at around 10 am this morning you can feel the heat building here in Luton not a breath of air very humid indeed during the day keep you posted on weater events as they happen here .

  • Location: South Kyme, Lincolnshire
  • Location: South Kyme, Lincolnshire

its 13:25 and inside we have humidity at 70% with a temp of 25degrees going to move the baromiter outside soon we have masses of inscts ie flying ants and hover flies out side going beserk good sign in past of what might come later still very grey and close getting warmer be interesting to find out from other parts of the country what the conditions are.just read the bbc weather warning and seen the summary for this afternoon and tonight also looked at the cape an li values looking good still so for now ill keep observing.

  • Location: Methwold, Norfolk. - 46ft ASL
  • Location: Methwold, Norfolk. - 46ft ASL
its 13:25 and inside we have humidity at 70% with a temp of 25degrees going to move the baromiter outside soon we have masses of inscts ie flying ants and hover flies out side going beserk good sign in past of what might come later still very grey and close getting warmer be interesting to find out from other parts of the country what the conditions are.just read the bbc weather warning and seen the summary for this afternoon and tonight also looked at the cape an li values looking good still so for now ill keep observing.


Basicaly the exact same here as well.

Hope we do get some good storms. :(

  • Location: Milton Keynes
  • Location: Milton Keynes

Think its the same for the whole country now. Something brewing up and my head is killing me fom the heat and the pessures :cry: This had better be worth it :wink::(

Have a gut feeling those we are gonna miss it here, always do miss a good storm :cry:

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

I hope I've just had the starters and the main course is to come :(

At 1317 I reported cbs developing and near day darkness. Seemed to clear away but then at 1416 a loud and long rumble of thunder alerted me. Out West was incredibly black. Over the next 1/2 hour this edged nearer to the extent that it seemed to hang over me but only odd large drops of rain whereas it was clearly downpouring very nearby. Cloud moving S-N and NO WIND

Then :shock: :shock: :shock: a house up the road disappered from view, I shouted to dad "Here it comes" and within 10 seconds a strong gust of wind and awesome downpour swept down the road :shock: 8):( This lasted 5 minutes, large pools everywhere.

Is now very black to the East as storm clears and sun coming out causing steamy conditions. Also a strange smell, not the usual pleasant rain smell :? Clouds moving S-N again but storm moving W-E probably.

1500 radar to confirm :?:

  • Location: Abbeymead ,Glos Member Since: July 16, 2003
  • Weather Preferences: Hot and thundery or Cold and snowy.
  • Location: Abbeymead ,Glos Member Since: July 16, 2003


My work has been struck by lightning. :(:(

Well its quite bad cos the powerspike stuffed our switches, But hey 8)

Location: Cirencester ( Gloucestershire )

Time: 15:10

  • Location: Reigate, Surrey 78m asl
  • Location: Reigate, Surrey 78m asl

I think thudnerstorms are on their way!!

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

My other antique centre near Stow on the Wold has been flooded out :(:(8) No other details cos they're too busy to speak to me on the phone! I only rang them to see if the storm had reached them yet.

Here in Evesham some heavy/torrential rain but only distant rumbles of thunder. As usual, we've missed the excitement.

  • Location: Swindon ,Wilts;
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms.
  • Location: Swindon ,Wilts;

Here in Swindon around 4.00pm there were a few rumbles of thunder and the sky was black.It cleared off to the North, now at 4.30pm there has been sporadic heavy rain.start then stop in a matter of seconds very wierd! Looking at the radar lots more is on the way! :(

  • Location: Hinckley / Coventry
  • Location: Hinckley / Coventry

Almost dark near Coventry, with heavy rain from 4.30pm. Continuous rumbles of thunder in distance

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

My mother has reported road closures just into Somerset around the town of Frome (8 miles from here) due to flooding :!: The thunder that I heard at 1415 was right over Frome :!:

  • Location: lootons, bedfordshires, somewheres in SE Englands & E Anglia
  • Location: lootons, bedfordshires, somewheres in SE Englands & E Anglia

just looks at that mega storms floating over britains on uk lightenings!! me goodness the me's it is dreadfuls! the me is hopes the me is misses its bigtime! me is peesing in the me's pants!! no rain yets or anythings!!!cloddy but warms, not humids though and very leetle winds.

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

Big clap of thunder just now! Pouring with rain too! Waiting for lightning now...

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

There we go- big flash! :(

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

Storms been raging here for 45 mins now- lots of lightning & thunder with continuous heavy rain. Lights are flickering & cable tv keeps going off!

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Weather Preferences: Ample sunshine; Hot weather; Mixed winters with cold and mild spells
  • Location: Berlin, Germany

Well its finally stopped now after just over an hour of solid heavy rain. First big storm I've seen this summer!

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks


Doncaster and area round it started with storm about 1750, now 1850 and still moderate rain here(se of doncaster) with thunder now distant to ne


  • Location: South Kyme, Lincolnshire
  • Location: South Kyme, Lincolnshire

well its 18 50 and the sun has won the battle with the cloud its now quite sunny but very very uncomfortable i have just been out and the car temp gaug is still reading 26 degrees my indoor baromerter is reading 28 degrees and 65% humidity not sure how accurate that is though but it is very warm we have 60to 70% cloud cover with evening sunshine no sign at this time of any trouble but as i mentioned b4 the chilterns to sheild us from bad weather but when we get it we get it for now see you later with more details

  • Location: South East Sheffield,South Yorkshire,located at approximately 53° 21' 20" N, 1° 13' W, 110 (+20
  • Location: South East Sheffield,South Yorkshire,located at approximately 53° 21' 20" N, 1° 13' W, 110 (+20

Had a nice storm on the M18 in south yorkshire did produce some rain! with a few flashes.

  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Weather Preferences: Snow!
  • Location: Sydney, Australia

well, we just had some rumbles of thunder in a shower here in Ipswich- but no lightning :oops:

  • Location: Newcastle
  • Location: Newcastle

Here in newcastle the dark stormclouds are building and its hot ans sticky. Its the calm before the storm. Im excited :oops:

  • Location: Swindon ,Wilts;
  • Weather Preferences: Thunderstorms.
  • Location: Swindon ,Wilts;

:oops: Here in Swindon as i type it is very spooky and dark.The rain is hammering down!!!! Looks more like 2100 :shock:

Update. roads are flooded as the drains can't cope! I have some pics too



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