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Greenock Inverclyde Scotland January 2015


Highest Temperature 13c 10th
Lowest Temperature -7c 20th
Highest Average Wind Speed 45mph 15th
Highest Gust 66mph 15th
Highest Humidity 100% 22 Days of the month
Lowest Humidity 56% 31st
Highest Pressure 1034mb 5th
Lowest Pressure 961mb 15th
Daily Max Temperatures in celsius
Daily Min Temperatures in celsius
Highest Daily Wind Wind Speeds in MPH
Pressure Report From 1pm Daily in MB
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  • Location: Darlington
  • Weather Preferences: Warm dry summers
  • Location: Darlington

The driest January for more than 8 years here in Darlington


Highest Temperature 13.6c - Friday 9th

Lowest Temperature -3.2c - Sunday 18th


Highest Pressure 1036.5mb Sunday 4th
Lowest Pressure 975.5mb Thursday 15th


Precipitation 22.6mm


Day's with snow Sunday 18th, Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th

  • Location: Shrewsbury
  • Location: Shrewsbury

Highest Max 15C on 9th (record since at least 1988)

Lowest max 3C several days

Lowest min -4C on 19th

Air frosts 7

Snow falling 9

Snow lying@ 0900 2

Max depth 1cm on 14th

A really frustrating month with lots of cold synoptics that seldom translated into low temperatures. Countless clear nights that didn't freeze, and temperatures stuck around 2-3C for hours or days on end. Despite a high number of days with snow it never lay on the ground for more than 12 hours at a time.

  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

January 2015 Statistics

January was in general a fairly cold feeling month after an average-above average start - the first day was actually very mild, recorded a daytime high of 15C. From then on it was average or just above until mid-month when things started to turn colder. The month didn't actually record any snow, however there was a covering of hail on the 19th which melted away quickly. The month then got progressively colder, with 5 air frosts being recorded.. far more than any month last year. 

Below are the statistics for my weather station during the month of January

Mean Maximum: 7.7C
Mean Minimum: 2.4C
Overall Mean: 5.05C

Monthly Rainfall total: 44.7mm
Rainfall days: 19 days
Max rainfall in one day: 4.6mm (30th January)
Total Snowfall: 0cm
Snowfall Days (Sn*w falling): 0cm
Max snowfall in one day: 0cm

Highest daily maximum temperature: 15.3C (1st January)
Lowest daily maximum temperature: 1.6C (20th January) 
Highest daily minimum temperature: 9.2C (1st January)
Lowest daily minimum temperature: -1.8C (20th January)

Days with Ground Frost: 14
Days with Air Frost: 5
Days of falling Sn*w: 0
Days of lying Sn*w: 0
Thunder days: 0

Temperature frequency breakdown

Maximum temperature:
0.0C to 4.9C: 6 days
5.0C to 9.9C: 18 days
10.0C to 14.9C: 6 days
15.0C to 19.9C: 1 day

Minimum temperature:
-5.0 to -0.1C: 5 days
0.0C to 4.9C: 23 days
5.0C to 9.9C: 3 days

Compared to the Colwyn Bay January average (81-10 average = 5.65C), my average comes in at 0.6C below the Colwyn Bay average, making it a slightly below average month

  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
  • Location: Llanwnnen, Lampeter, Ceredigion, 126m asl (exotic holidays in Rugby/ Coventry)
Posted (edited)

Llanwnnen, Ceredigion January 2015 summary

Near normal temperatures and slightly wet

Temperatures close to average, rainfall a little above average, a rather typical Winter month having a little snow, some strong winds and heavy rain at times, drier brighter intervals and a fair few frosty nights. Estimated sunshine at 49 hours would be also be near normal.

1st: Very mild and windy with spells of rain, the minima of 8.8c the mildest of the month

2nd â€“ 6th: Often dry, some sunny spells and a little light rain or drizzle at times. Near normal temperatures with night frosts turned milder.

7th â€“ 12th: Unsettled and windy, spells of rain, some heavy, and only brief drier brighter intervals. Mild to very mild, 12.7c 9th being the highest of the month.

13th â€“ 17th: Often quite cold, spells of rain or wintry showers. Heavy snow on the morning of 13th gave 3cm accumulation and there was thunder and lightning during the evening. With the snow cover it was a cold day maximum 2.3c. Briefly mild 14th which saw a deep low cross the UK with heavy rain and strong to gale force winds, 28.2mm made it the wettest day of the month and there were gusts up to 61mph. Some sunny intervals, frosts most nights.

18th â€“ 22nd: Cold but fairly dry, rather cloudy excepting 19th which had an estimated 5 hours sunshine. Often frosty by night, -7.6c night of 18th the lowest of the month, but only the coldest since 29th December (-8.4c) 

23rd â€“ 28th: After a frost 23rd became mild, and this spell was often rather mild with some rain at times, it turned colder again during 28th

29th â€“ 31st: Rather cold, windy and showery, some longer spells of rain and sleet, plenty of hail showers especially 31st which gave a temporary covering.

Total rainfall: 174.7mm (123%)
Wettest day: 28.2mm 14th
Rain days >0.2mm: 26
Wet days >1.0mm: 25
Days of heavy rain >10mm: 6

Mean temperature: 4.5c
Mean Max: 7.3c
Mean Min: 1.7c
High Max: 12.7c 9th
Low Max: 2.3c 13th 
High Min: 8.8c 1st
Low Min: -7.6c 19th 

Est sun: 49hr
Max sun: 5 hours various dates
Days no sun: 7

Air frost: 12
Ground frost: 14
Ice day (max below 0c): 0
Max snow depth: 3cm 13th 

Mean RH: 91%
High RH: 100% vs
Low RH: 66% 2nd

Predominant wind direction: WSW
Mean wind speed: 9.2mph
Max gust: 61mph 14th

Mean pressure: 1013mbar
Max pressure: 1036mbar 4th
Min pressure: 975mbar 30th 

Days with:

Hail: 9 (2 > 5mm)
Gale: 0
Thunder: 1
Snow or sleet: 9
Snow lying 0900: 2
Fog: 0
Fog at 0900: 0

0900 WIND: N 1 NE 0 E 3 SE 1 S 3 SW 9 W 8 NW 2 C 4



Edited by TonyH
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl

Don't have any statistics but January 2015 turned out to be a very topsy turvy mixed sort of month, but a bit of everything.


Started off on a very mild wet note, the 1st saw very heavy rain and very mild temps. It was showery 2-4th with near average temps and the return of frosts. The 5th - 9th was generally mild and wet.


The 10th was a cold showery day with plenty of wet snow and hail showers.


11th-12th milder again and wet.


13th brought further hail/snow showers in the evening with a 2cm cover. 14th was a cold frosty start with a snow cover but turned milder later with a quick thaw. 15th a dry day. 16th more snow showers. 17th light snow shower pm - barely a dusting. 18th a lovely heavy snow shower early on, 1 cm cover but then a quick thaw unfortunately, becoming cold and frosty again later. 19th probably the coldest day of the month. 20th another 1 cm snow shower. 21-23 cold days with a gradual slow thaw. 24th -27th mild and wet.


28th cold with snow shower in the evening another 1cm cover. 29th snowiest day of the month with heavy snow shower depositing an inch. 30th and 31st cold bright sunny days with snow lingering in sheltered spots.


So despite plenty of days with snowfall, we never managed more than an inch cover. A very northwesterly month.

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

Cantley January 2015 data


Average temperatures with the Avge Min-0.4C below; more frosts and lying snow than the 18 year average; drier than normal

One could say a month of two halves, at least for the temperature? The first 15 days the mean was 6.8C and the last 16 was 3.3C


Mean=5.0 (5.1)

Avge Max=7.7 (7.4); Highest=16.1 on 9th, lowest daytime=2.7 on 21st

Avge Min=2.3 (2.7); Warmest night=7.7 on 10th and coldest=-3.4 on 4th


19 days with rain including a trace, 16 days with 0.2mm or more and 9 with 1.0mm or more; wettest day=21st with 7.2mm. some of this was snow


Snow fell on 6 days and lay at 0900 on 4 days with a maximum of 2cm on 29th; the average over 18 years is 2 and 2( falling and lying)


Air frost on 7(7) and ground frost on 17 mornings (12)


No fog or thunder

  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania
  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania



January - Hobart, Tasmania

This was the second summer month to be wet ( the wettest January since 1924 ) and cooler than average for mean maximum ( coolest January since 2004 ). Even the overall mean temperature for January was below average ( 81-10...but only fractionally ), making this the first 'cool' month here in just over a year.


Average maximum:  21.5 ( -0.7 )

Average minimum:  13.2 ( +0.6 )

Rainfall:  122mm ( average 47mm )

Rain days ( +1mm ):  13/from 15 


One way or another, tropical instability over eastern Australia made this a cloudy and wet January with a high number of cool days. On the night of the 13th a significant rain event unfolded here as a low pressure system formed over north-eastern waters, fed by tropical moisture streaming south. 72mm of rain fell in a few hours and a further 10mm after 9am - a combined total representing almost double the monthly average for January. Thereafter, it was cooler with a SW'ly Southern Ocean flow, with blustery showers mainly over the mountain range in the wake of an embedded cold front, with snow to 1300m in the back country. After a warm spell from the 20th-24th, the remainder of the month was cool to significantly very cool with onshore E'ly winds, as high pressure was dragged south... as low pressure instability re-emerged over the east side of the continent. These onshore winds piled in low cloud with hill fog, with periods of light showers and drizzle.


Extremes in daily temperature for January ( Records since 1882 ):

Highest maximum:  34.2...3rd ( Record 41.8 in 2013 )

Lowest maximum:  14.8...31st ( Record 11.1 in 1885 )


Highest minimum:  19.4...22nd ( Record 23.4 in 2013 )

Lowest minimum:  8.9...17th ( Record 3.3 in 1902 )

  • Location: Reading
  • Location: Reading
Posted (edited)

My statistics for central Reading in January 2015:

Average maximum: 8.2
Average minimum: 2.1
Average for month: 5.1

Highest maximum: 15.5 (January 9)
Lowest maximum: 2.8 (4)
Highest minimum: 7.5 (12)
Lowest minimum: -4.8 (23) - the coldest since March 2013.

Air frosts: 9

Days with thunder: 1

Days with falling snow: 2

No days with lying snow at 9am.

Rainfall: no data available for this site; local stations show around 60mm, which is close to average.  No local sunshine data available.


A statistically close to average January that produced a typical wintry weather mix with alternating cold and mild spells, albeit with minimal snow, and wide temperature extremes. With a maximum of 15.5 early evening the 9th was probably the mildest January day on record in the area.  The minimum of -4.8 on the morning of the 23rd (with temperatures below -6 recorded widely in the area) equalled the lowest temperature recorded here in winter 2012/13.

Edited by Stargazer
  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 68m ASL
  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 68m ASL
Posted (edited)

Weather Stats for January 2015. Eastfield, Scarborough, North Yorkshire.


Mean Temp         3.7C


Hi Temp              14.4C (9th)


Low temp            -3.3C (18th)


Total rainfall         18.1mms


Days with rain falling –   >0.2mm = 14. >2.0mm =  4. >20.0mm = 0.       Total = 18. 


Hi Gust                 58mph (15th)


Ave wind speed      9.8mph.


Dominant direction  WSW. 


Highest Pressure    1034.1hpa (4th)


Lowest Pressure     975.2hpa (15th)



This is a new station which I set up on 2nd Jan so not quite a full month. Despite stormy conditions it seems we saw very little rainfall here in the sheltered East. We've already exceeded January's total rainfall in the first week of February. (Thankfully, as i was starting to think my rain sensor was faulty!!).




Edited by PMPhotography
  • Location: Nottingham
  • Location: Nottingham

Weather statistics and notes for January 2015 from Sutton in Craven, North Yorkshire


Maximum temperature = 10 C (1st and 10th)

Minimum temperature = -6 C (4th)

Average maximum temperature = 4.1 C

Average minimum temperature = 0 C

Average temperature = 2 C


Highest daily rainfall total = 27 mm (12th)

Total rainfall = 197.5 mm

Rain days = 27

Dry days = 4

Wet spells (7 or more days of consecutive wet weather) = 6th to 19th = 14 days = 127 mm

Dry spells = none

  • 3rd wettest January at 197.5mm, 1st is 2008 with 285.5mm (out of 19), MO average is 91mm and our average is 126mm.
  • The most wet days recorded with 27, 2nd is 2008 and 2014 with 25, MO average is 15.
  • 9th warmest for average highest temperature at 4.1 C, 1st is 2004 at 8 C (out of 14), MO average is 6 C, our average is 4.8 C.
  • 9th warmest for average lowest temperature at 0 C, 1st is 2007 at 3.1 C (out of 14), MO average is 2 C, our average is 0.9 C.
  • 9th warmest on average at 2 C, 1st is 2004 at 5.5 C (out of 14), MO average is 4 C, our average is 2.8 C

Met Office average taken from Bingley station.

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