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  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 68m ASL
  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 68m ASL
Posted (edited)

Weather Stats from Eastfield, Scarborough for February 2015.




Mean temp                                       4.1C   (Average  4.1C)  (0.0C)


Mean Maximum temp                         6.8C   (Average 6.4C)  (+0.4C)


Mean Minimum temp                         1.4C    (Average 1.5C)  (-0.1C)


High temp                                        11.1C on 18th


Low temp                                        -2.1C on 6th


Air frosts                                          6





Total Rainfall –                                29.4mm.  (Average 46.2mm)   (-16.8mm)


Days of rain                                    >0.2mm = 14

                                                     >2.0mm = 5

                                                     >20.0mm = 0


Total wet days                               19.


Days with snow falling                     4


Days with snow laying                     0


Wind / Pressure



High wind gust                               46mph (22nd)


Average wind speed                        10mph


Dominant direction                          SW



Highest pressure                            1039.08hpa  (8th)


Lowest pressure                             978.79hpa    (23rd)

Edited by PMPhotography
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  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
Posted (edited)

Cantley February weather and winter 2014-2015


February was very dry and just below average temperature wise.

Mean= 5.0 (5.5)

Avge Min=1.9 (2.5) lowest daytime=3.6 on 2nd, lowest overnight=-3.1 on 6th

Avge Max=8.0 (8.4) highest daytime=12.1 on 18th and highest overnight=8.2 on 26th


Rainfall was 13.2mm with the wettest day 19th with 4.4mm, the 10 year average is 37.8mm; there were 10 days with 0.2mm or more and 4 with 1.0mm or more.


It snowed on 2 days with no snow lying at 0900

There were 6  air frosts (eight) and 12 (13) ground frosts


Winter 2014-2015

The mean was 4.3 with 22 air frosts and 40 ground frosts. 8 days with snow falling and 12 with it lying at 9am.

The Manchester index showed 59.2 which ranks this winter as 6th in 18 winters.

Edited by johnholmes
  • Location: Dorset
  • Weather Preferences: warehamwx.co.uk
  • Location: Dorset

A few stats for my location..

10 frost days.

1 snow day (February 3rd)


Minimum temp stats:


Low: -2.8°C  (February 2nd)

High: 7.6°C

Avg: 1.4°C


Maximum temp stats:


Low: 2.9°C

High: 13.7°C (February 25th)

Avg: 8.3°C


My February average came in at 4.9°C which is 0.1°C below my average.




Rain: 85mm (Average: 69mm)


12 rain days and 1 day of snow melt (February 3rd / 2.6mm)


Wettest day: 17.8mm (February 22nd)



  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania
  • Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Posted (edited)



February - Hobart, Tasmania

Summer ends warmer and drier than average, after a wet December and January with close to average temperatures. Overall, the mean temperature for summer was +0.3C warmer than the 1981-2010 period but this still made it the coolest season since 2010-11. Most individual stations in Tasmania and across Australia have recorded successive months and seasons of high temperature anomalies for about three years now, and this is reflected in the statewide and national temperature averages.


Average maximum: 22.5 ( +0.4 )

Average minimum:  13.4 ( +0.8 )

Rainfall:  22mm ( average 40mm )

Rain days ( +1mm ):  6/from 11


A typical late summer pattern of weak fronts crossing Tasmania or clipping the south coast at 2-4 day intervals, bringing just a shower or two or simply a dry and cooler wind change. Intervals of warming. Near the half way mark the weather tended humid at times, and a trough of low pressure extending south from the continent saw a day of light rain ( 11mm ) - the wettest day of the month. This was a notable period of warm and muggy nights. A fairly lame thundery breakdown on the 23rd, then cool to mild and mainly dry for the rest of the month with a cool southerly wind at first, tending westerly, with weak frontal features bringing just the briefest of showers.


Extremes in daily temperature for February ( Records since 1882 ):

Highest maximum:  34.7...22nd ( Record 40.1 in 1899 )

Lowest maximum:  15.1...1st ( Record 9.6 in 1964 )


Highest minimum:  21.4...23rd ( Record 24.7 in 1912 )

Lowest minimum:  7.0...5th ( Record 3.4 in 1980 )

Edited by Styx
  • Location: Reading
  • Location: Reading
Posted (edited)

My statistics for central Reading in February 2015:

Average maximum: 7.4
Average minimum: 1.9
Average for month: 4.6

Highest maximum: 11.3 (February 25)
Lowest maximum: 2.8 (2)
Highest minimum: 7.3 (26)
Lowest minimum: -2.8 (2)

Air frosts: 6

Rainfall and sunshine: no local data available, generally believed to be near average rainfall with somewhat above average sunshine.
Days with snow falling: 3
Days with snow lying: 1

A month with a typical winter mix, with temperatures overall slightly below average. In general the first half of the month was settled and rather cold, and the second half more westerly and unsettled with near average temperatures. 1.5cm of lying snow on the morning of the 2nd was the only lying snow recorded this winter; this melted by lunchtime.

Edited by Stargazer
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

February 2015 Statistics & Summary

February 2015 was a month which start exceptionally dry, albeit rather cold with some frosty nights and cold days at the start of the month. As the month wore on, daytime temperature recovered, whilst night minimas remained fairly low, but generally frost free. After around mid-month, the rainfall totals increased too. The month was slightly below average compared to the local average, but not by much. The lack of double figure minimas is quite notable this year 

Below are the statistics for my weather station during the month of February

Mean Maximum: 7.5C
Mean Minimum: 2.1C
Overall Mean: 4.8C

Monthly Rainfall total: 32.3mm
Rainfall days: 11 days
Max rainfall in one day: 6.9mm (21st February)
Total Snowfall: 0cm
Snowfall Days (Snow falling): 0 days
Max snowfall in one day: 0cm

Highest daily maximum temperature: 12.3C (18th February)
Lowest daily maximum temperature: 3.9C (2nd February)
Highest daily minimum temperature: 5.7C (25th February)
Lowest daily minimum temperature: -1.4C (3rd February)

Days with Ground Frost: 16
Days with Air Frost: 4
Days of falling Snow: 0
Days of lying Snow: 0
Thunder days: 0

Temperature frequency breakdown

Maximum temperature:
0.0C to 4.9C: 2 days
5.0C to 9.9C: 21 days
10.0C to 14.9C: 5 days

Minimum temperature:
-5.0C to -0.1C: 4 days
0.0C to 4.9C: 22 days
5.0C to 9.9C: 2 days

Compared to the Colwyn Bay average (81-10 average = 5.55C), my average comes in at -0.7 below the Colwyn Bay average, making it a slightly below average month

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