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Well I thought that I would start this off for two reasons. The first is so that I can try and remember what I have done and when, and the second is so that any of you nice people out there can give me some advice if you see me obviously going wrong.

So what am I doing? I have taken on an allotment over at the local patch near to where I live. It is an old patch that wasn't worked at all last year other than by the weeds. They seem to be very happy there!

I have cleared the whole patch once by digging and crawling round on my hands knees pulling up the roots and then rotovated the whole patch twice. This left it nice and clear and fairly weed free. I then left it for a few weeks over the coldest weather. Then a few work commitments and a holiday came along which also meant no time to visit. I did manage to plant the spuds out and put some onion sets in which seem to be doing absolutely nothing so far!

I went back this weekend to find the whole plot completely covered in weeds again! So, I spent a few hours Hoeing and raking and finally got rid of most of the weeds. Hopefully I wil be able to keep on top of it now.

I have various plants that I have grown from seed in the conservatory at home ( Cabbage, Cauliflower, Sweetcorn, Tomato, Butternut squash and Onions) and I am just waiting for them to grow on a bit before I put them into the plot. I am also hoping to get out and sow seeds directly into the ground this weekend. The weather looks like it should be OK and the soil should have warmed up enough by now I think.

As a glutton for punishment, I have also built a covered bed in the garden, that I am hoping to grow some salad veg ( Lettuce, Spiring onions, Radish) in. I filled this in with plenty of compost and I hope this should have dried out enough this weekend to start putting some seeds in. Hopefully then I will be able to feed the local slug population all through the summer!!!

Well I think that's enough for now, don't want you nodding off at your computers! any comments suggestions please let me know.


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