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AWT'S Spring Forecast 2013

A Winter's Tale


[b]MARCH[/b]...overall quite close to average, with a settled start, followed by transient and quite changeable weather with temperatures overall at around average. Temperatures 0.5C below to 0.5C above average. CET 7.0C. Rainfall 70% in south and east and 85-90% in north and west. Possibly some wintry interludes during the middle third of the month, much of the wintry precipitation confinded to higher ground in Scotland. Sunshine 0-5% above average.

[b]APRIL[/b]...overall close to average, but a month of contrasts with some cold outbreaks at times and some warmer spells developing (especially during the second half of the month). Most of the times, quite normal showery April weather with less frontal activity and some settled spells. Temperatures 0.25 below to 0.5 above average. CET 8.6C. Rainfall 60% in south east and 75-85% in north west. Some wintry showers on high ground in north west at times aswell as some hail and thunder. Sunshine 5-10% above average.

[b]MAY[/b]...overall warmer than average with some pleasant, settled and warm periods, combined with shorter spells of more unsettled, showery and cool spells with occasional frontal activity and with a threat of thundery outbreaks. CET 12.5C. Rainfall 60% in south east (some thundery downpours) and 75% in north west. Temperatures 0 to 1.0C above average. Sunshine 5-15% above average.


First week: Quite chilly and settled to begin with and some cloudy periods for some. Turning slightly milder later with some rain, especially in western areas.
Second week: Staying changeable with fluctuating spells of high pressure influencing from the south and low pressure to the north. Mostly mild, chilly on some clear nights.
Third week: A mostly unsettled period with temperatures closer to average or quite chilly. Some showery spells, changeable conditions but quite bright at times
Final week: Turning more settled, possibly cool and cloudy to begin with before becoming brighter later, some frost at night.


First week: Dry, settled and cold - especially in the north. Frosty nights, quite sunny, chilly wind in south and east England.
Second week: Quite chilly to begin with, turning more milder, some rainfall for northern and western areas, more settled for southern and eastern areas.
Third week: Settled for southern and eastern areas, perhaps quite cloudy with some rain at times in the west - quite mild. Becoming more unsettled later.
Final week: Quite changeable with fronts coming off the atlantic at times but also some brighter and showery interludes - possibly wintry on the higher ground at times.


First week: Some fine, dry weather with occasional rain in the south/east of England, feeling warm. Some frontal rainfall at times for northern/western areas, cold in the north with some snow on the hills, even to lower levels in the highlands at times.
Second week: There maybe some dry and warm weather during the start of the period, especially in the south east, but always a risk of being cooler and some rain in the north and west. Possibly becoming more settled and fairly warm and dry.
Third week: Possibly turning more unsettled with some showers, always drier and warmer in the south east and it could be quite cool in northern and eastern parts.
Fourth week: Becoming more settled and increasingly warmer, even hot. Largely dry and sunny but possibly some thunderstorms and the risk of frontal rainfall in NW.


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