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Everything posted by Andrew_WsM

  1. Some very interesting looking skies here, out the back there is a faint rainbow, very dark thundery sky, lightning, then out the front the sun has poked out and the sky is a yellow-ish shade. Torrential rain just passed and now it's quite steady with occasional thunder and lightning.
  2. Several wintry flurries here on the hill today (another just as i type), went out for a walk at lunchtime and yikes that wind is bitter, massive shock to the system after last weeks weather
  3. Getting rather wild again out there now, thankfully the Christmas decorations are standing up to force of the wind and rain.
  4. Scared the cat and myself for that matter! Conservatory windows rattled, was a bit freaked out until I saw another flash of lightning and realised what it was.
  5. Yes, tiny tiny flakes here as well. Thick ice on all the bird baths this morning, didn't feel as cold as yesterday morning as the wind wasn't as strong.
  6. Such a shame it's not settling, getting on for 2 hrs now of snow.
  7. It's more like wet snow/rain here now. Nice to see snow falling for the second time this month
  8. Big flakes here, not settling sadly. Just been sorting out the bird feeders and it's soaking wet everywhere.
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