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Posts posted by nickl

  1. Sounds to me like your looking for more of a data logger with an internet capability, and I'm sure those I've seen are are way more more than the money you are suggesting to spend.

    I cant for the life of me remember where I saw something along the lines of what you describe. Time to hit the internet and see if I can locate it again.

    Hmmm, well, as I see it a computer is really a fancy datalogger. All it would need to do was ftp up it's readings every 5 minutes or so. The built in datalogger on most stations (~1000 points) would be be plenty adequate for outages.

    I've spent a while looking and I'm beginning to think such a thing doesn't exist. For all their fanciness I'm not even sure the Davis ones do it and for a similar price I could build a shed in the garden and put a computer in it.

    In a different plan of attack, I could get one of these: http://www.newit.co....uruPlug-Server. But I'd need a USB dongle that was linux compatible and that seems as nearly as unlikely as finding one that does it direct...

  2. Hi there,

    Does anyone know of a reasonably priced (<£300) wifi/IP based weather station? Preferably one that doesn't require proprietary software in order to read the data.

    I'd like the data available immediately on the internet but I don't really want to leave a server running just for this, particularly when I have (like many people) a wireless router in my house that never turns off. Perhaps it's just me but it seems blindingly obvious to make the station connect directly to that for upload instead of via computer (and it seems silly in this day and age to rely on serial/USB links to PCs). I can deal with having a base station that connects to the router (even via LAN), though that seems a bit redundant.

    I've seen the Vantage range and the look heinously expensive for what they are and paying an extra £300 for the IP module and £200 for the software makes it something I definitely won't be doing.

    The Lacrosse WS2800 looked promising but it seems to have a proprietary wifi usb connector that needs a pc... :winky:

    Anyone come across anything like this? It doesn't seem that demanding a requirement, but maybe I'm ahead of the curve for once :)

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